Bond's gun spoke once....
Yea u right thats what i get for watching it on my phone lolThat was Kylo's helmet
Yea u right thats what i get for watching it on my phone lolThat was Kylo's helmet
yesRogue One had better characters than TFA?
the entire idea behind Kylo was that when you see him in the mask you think he's terrifying but when he takes it off he's just a fukking punk ass kid trying to be tough, we've already seen what he looks like under the mask so it's effects don't work on the audience anymore.Kylo Ren needs to stay in his mask, it makes him more intimidating
sarcastic ass beating robot > cute beeping robotBb8
Poe dameron
Kylo ren
I bet the average person didnt know a single name of a rogue one character other than k2s0 and maybe jyn
Force awakens sucked bruh.Rogue One had better characters than TFA!?
Why y'all posting in a film forum??? That shows me you know NOTHING about films. U probably read one review cuz u were mad at all the love it got so u use that bad review like it was your opinions when it's from another dumb ass going against the grain
Kylo Ren needs to stay in his mask, it makes him more intimidating
That's not your opinion. You waste of a human shell. Somebody else could have used your body, fakkit.Force awakens sucked bruh.