shyt looked Dark as F*ck. IN BASE GOD RIAN I TRUST. I can already see the tone change form JJ instantly. JJ tried to basically be a young Lucas/Spielberg. Don't get me wrong, it worked for "Awakens" because they were playing it safe but creatively not much new was brought to the table. But the point JJ was doing as to bridge the old and new generations and he succeed for that but Rian has a completely different style. Guys they aren't going to show much because this is the Cliffhanger chapter of the story. As an OG Star Wars fan everyone knows my stance that Disney should of kept Lucas's original outlines. Everyone said I didn't know what I was talking about until they saw "Awakens" and JJ litterally copied George's story beats and I predicted that would most likely come to past. "Rouge One" was good but technically that was an Original trilogy film as well just with unknown characters plus they used Vader anyway even if it was limited role and a CGI Leia.
Disney is clearly appealing to us OG fans all the way through. They claim this is about "The New Generation" but that's only in characters. Everything I'm seeing is all old school Lucas. But storytelling wise Rian is closer to a young Lucas than JJ was to me. JJ has done nothing but Blockbuster films and sequels where as Rian has done small independent films like Lucas did before "Star Wars". "Looper" was the closest mainstream film he's made but that was because Bruce Willis was in it. Luke is basically Yoda and Rey is most likely is daughter. That poster with Luke, Rey and Kylo gives it away that this is the Skywalker family.
Will we get another "I am your father"? That would be a little too on the nose but after "Awakens" it's clear Disney does not want to let the fan service go. Guys this was a "TEASER" trailer, they aren't suppose to tell the whole damn movie. Some of you are so use to trailers telling everything that when you get a trailer that doesn't it's "Boring". Nope, this trailer is about to be dissected for months. This is the last Star Wars film that connects to my era with Carrie Fisher dying. "Awakens" was paint by the numbers, it was basically a soft reboot of "Hope". I think Rian is going to take more risk with the story. Based on the Teaser this is definitely the "Empire or Sith" chapter as in "The Dark" chapter. This trailer everything looked hopeless just like in "Empire Strikes Back". So I think there will be shades of "Empire" but not a straight copy of it. Now again Rian is not a "Blockbuster" Director like JJ is so expect this film to be more cerebral and have more acting than just all the action and lightsabers. I don't know if that will translate but I'm glad they chose him because he really is a very good storyteller. Call me Bias but naturally I'm going to love a Luke-Centric film. Also the poster brought me back to my childhood but it's also biting "A New Hope." but I'm sure that was done purposely as 2017 is the 40th Anniversary of the Franchise.