Art Barr
Leia, Ahsoka, Mon Mothma, Ventress, Mother Talzin etc. all shyt over the forced feminism stuff the new movies are pushing. Even the main bish from Rogue One was decent as there was no cucking of men in that.
Sad thing is that I don't see anyway it can be redeemed without a reboot as the 3rd movie can't save a train wreck.
Maybe luke wakes up and it was some dream caused by palpatine/plageus coming backOr ezra comes back with god tier darkside force abilities learnt in the abyss with a million space whale goons on deck
All.i know I am done with star wars with Disney.
After player one and avengers I believe I am done ever paying for movies ever again after the last Jedi.
Black panther II and i am ultimately done.
Can't keep giving them money just because to let them revenue grab and run off to the bank while giving us crap.
Art Barr
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