Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Olu Dara

May 8, 2012


2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Mar 8, 2015
seems like non of the actors fukk with rian or the movie

John Boyega is fukking Daisy Ridley. It’s so obvious it’s painful.

Every interview ever they sit right next to each other, sometimes too close for comfort, and she stares at him intently whenever he speaks. They had another interview where it was just them 2 and she spends the WHOLE THING giving John the “fukk me” eyes. And you watch her face go from happy to pissed when he jokes that he found a new love in Rose. :mjlol:

Salute the Naija boy. :salute:

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
I saw this opening weekend but haven’t had a chance to post a take in here yet, but I’ve got time today so :manny: I’m gonna spoiler my thoughts below since it ended up being longer than expected and I’m not sure anyone will read it, but I wanted to get my ideas out so

I’ve always enjoyed the Star Wars universe, while not really growing up a Star Wars fan. I didn’t grow up on the OG trilogy and while the prequels came out during my adolescence, I was never drawn to them. So this new trilogy, for all intents and purposes, is my first time experiencing Star Wars films in theaters. I saw TFA X-Mas day two years ago, and now TLJ. If there’s I guess any positive thing I can say about this is that it’s more memorable for me than TFA was, for better or worse. TFA felt a lot like a retread, whereas this one did feel like it wanted to standout, but therein lies the issue. As a stand-alone, unconnected Star Wars film with no plot ties to any of the lore of previous films, this movie could maybe stand on its own two legs as a bold, daring new chapter in the universe. As a sequel though, I do think it deserves the scorn it’s gotten. This movie both took risks while also spinning its wheels and not moving much forward while ALSO throwing a lot of what was on the table off to the side. I’m not gonna get much into the plot holes or my agreement/disagreement with how the OG characters depictions differed from their prior characterizations, I wanna get more into how I feel the new characters were mishandled and where they should be going in IX.

Snoke, the guy who was being positioned as the big bad and who, from my memories of TFA, gave me Thanos like vibes in terms of a villainous threat, was killed off rather unceremoniously and out of nowhere, a decision I thought was ballsy yet also ill advised. This positions Kylo Ren as the new big bad, yet feels unearned. Despite killing Han and leading the first Order to terrorize the galaxy, Ren doesn’t feel worthy of top heel status and this movie didn’t really elevate him to that. If anything he came across as still being conflicted over his role within the First Order and the actions he’s taken. Which would maybe work if he was still reporting to Snoke, but the decision to kill off Snoke and promote Ren should’ve hardened him and cemented him as worthy of his status, yet in this movie he did nothing to earn that. He thought he killed Leia yet she survived the attack, (in a real bug out :mjlol: sequence which I found ridiculous) Hux was really more responsible for killing off most of the Rebellion’s ships, Holdo sacrificed herself, as did Luke in a different way. So Ren has only caught two major bodies two films in with Snoke and Han yet he’s now the top heel. This movie needed something to galvanize him yet it never came.

Had I wrote it? He would’ve seemingly double crossed the First Order like they made it seem, joined the Rebellion just to infiltrate it, killed Leia FOR REAL this time, and prepare to finish off the Rebellion before Rey/Finn/Poe bailed them out. This would’ve made him responsible for both his parents deaths, been a double gut punch (Kylo’s not only still evil but ALSO killed his own mother) and would’ve served to cement his position, as after killing Leia he would’ve shown zero hesitation and now full allegiance to the First Order. This would’ve been enough to bring Luke out of exile for a war with Ren/The First Order in Episode IX, and would’ve been a singular moment that would’ve lit a fire under the remnants of the Rebellion as well as any one out there to join the cause and fight.

Snoke felt like a waste after his status in the last movie, plus the two year wait to see what he’d be like in this. If it substantially elevated Ren I could’ve seen the decision as more logical but like I said, it felt wasted.

Rey didn’t really seem like she needed Luke’s tutelage here, which kind’ve negated her whole story arc. She also didn’t do much of significance here. She chased Luke most of the movie, killed a few of Snoke’s guards, and bailed everybody out at the end. The brief connection she had with Ren, as well as her flirting with giving into the dark side I thought were some of the most interesting parts of the film, but they ultimately went nowhere which I thought was a waste. I’m not saying it should or shouldn’t have happened, but I thought a double turn between her and Kylo would’ve been cool and unprecedented yet also not a swerve for the sake of it. Ren was portrayed as still able to be flipped imo while Rey was still susceptible to being turned evil. Ultimately that whole plot just ended up being dropped and everything stayed the same. A deeper exploration atleast would’ve been fun. Her whole thing with her parents I didn’t really get and that whole plot line felt odd, although honestly I’m glad she’s not a Skywalker or a Kenobi or something tbh. I always thought it was weird that in this great vast universe, the same powers and stories always revolve around the same group of characters. So having Rey be force sensitive while having no blood ties to any established characters felt fresh.

Finn felt entirely useless and his side plot felt unnecessary. It felt like a filler episode in a Netflix series. I don’t know what I would’ve done with him in this but it also doesn’t seem like they know what to do with him. Which is why I would’ve been able to buy into his Suicide mission, as he was portrayed in such a poor light in the movie that I could’ve bought him getting killed off yet it also would’ve weirdly enough redeemed him. But then they took that from him too so he just felt like a wasted character taking up screen time. Which is a shame because after TFA I felt like he would’ve really been something.

Poe spent most of the movie getting brow beaten and basically emasculated, so he also felt real useless in this outside of the opening scenes (which I also thought were the best scenes in the whole movie).

Holdo felt...out of place. She just, I don’t even know how to describe it...felt like a normal person they threw in here to have a strong human (ie non Jedi) female protagonist I guess? She looked like a sci-fi version of a Sex and the City character. I felt her unnecessary to the story.

Ditto for Rose. Her sister’s sacrifice at the beginning I thought served as a cool way to show what the Rebellion meant to those fighting for it and served to show the stakes in this war. When it was revealed she had a sister I thought that was neat...until they made her a full fledged character. She also just felt like someone they saw in catering and decided to throw in the film.

I enjoyed seeing Benicio Del Toro but he felt like an extended cameo that was also, basically, unneccesary. Also :russ: at whoever described him as Finster in space, as that’s exactly how his character came across.

The comedy in here felt weird and out of place. I won’t lie and act like I didn’t chuckle here and there, but it felt largely jarring too. Especially the green milk scene which was :dame: :dwillhuh::scust:simultaneously.

The furry little creatures seemed like a transparent cash grab for toys.

I’m not gonna get into the deconstruction of the OGs as much since I don’t feel totally confident in my knowledge of them or their arcs to get into it, plus I think others have gone into that in depth well enough. On a similar note, Chewie, R2, and C-3PO felt like fan service cameos who were only there for the hell of it, and Luke not really acknowledging them at all was real weird.

All in all this was an average movie for me. I felt like they should’ve spent more time fleshing out the characters and story arcs they established in TFA, less time with the newer, tacked on characters in this (Holdo/Rose/etc.) and spent more time building towards Episode IX. At 2 1/2 hours this felt bloated. Cut the filler, tighten the script up and flesh everything out and it could’ve been something special.:ehh: As is, I’ll see IX just to see how they move on from this and wrap this up, but I think it’ll be a series of diminishing returns here on out after the backlash from this.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
John Boyega is fukking Daisy Ridley. It’s so obvious it’s painful.

Every interview ever they sit right next to each other, sometimes too close for comfort, and she stares at him intently whenever he speaks. They had another interview where it was just them 2 and she spends the WHOLE THING giving John the “fukk me” eyes. And you watch her face go from happy to pissed when he jokes that he found a new love in Rose. :mjlol:

Salute the Naija boy. :salute:
shyt at 7:15 :russ:


Nikkas snitch on the coli like they name is Kobe
Mar 3, 2017
Kobe snitched on Shaq
John Boyega is fukking Daisy Ridley. It’s so obvious it’s painful.

Every interview ever they sit right next to each other, sometimes too close for comfort, and she stares at him intently whenever he speaks. They had another interview where it was just them 2 and she spends the WHOLE THING giving John the “fukk me” eyes. And you watch her face go from happy to pissed when he jokes that he found a new love in Rose. :mjlol:

Salute the Naija boy. :salute:
I was wondering why she looked thick :shaq: