Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Not a single fukking person has told me what's different and new about this movie?

Differences and innovations:

- Only movie that doesn't have a true lightsaber duel :scust:
- One tie fighter can fukk up an entire frigate/One x-wing can fukk up an entire dreadnaught :heh:
- When the force awakes you it also gives you elite fighting skills, fukk training :krs:
- A grown up Luke is more intolerant and unforgiving than a teenage Anakin :mjlol:
- A force user can create force-skype between two people while having no idea where one of them is :yeshrug:
- AT-AT's have a built in empathy system which means that if they see one person saving another person's life, they will allow them to slowly walk away and not blast the shyt out of them :skip:
- The force bubble protects you from the vacuum of space and extreme temperatures and schrapnel :gladbron:
-Green titty milk :ooh:

Subversion and innovation y'all :banderas:

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014


Jul 7, 2012
I wasn't as disappointed as some of you guys. Really, I saw the movie and thought it's a good precursor. You can tell the movie was created with a trilogy in mind and that's off-putting yes, but overall I thought it did a good job.

With that being said my biggest gripe is how small it felt in terms of story scope. I usually feel a larger story arc in the movies but this time it really felt small. I'd say it's the worst movie for Star Wars, but I still enjoyed it on its own.

Exactly what i said,its an ok stand alone movie but it seems out of place amongst the overrall trilogy just like TFA did...mostly cuz there were so many unecessary scenes.

So many little things that defied previous Star Wars logic,the last 2 movies feel like a disney-star wars trilogy outside of the original...
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Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
I've had this debate before and can't none of y'all explain WHY she's ugly.
I ain't heard what makes her "bae" either. But for me, she a run of the mil average looking white chick with a big ass forehead. I would drunk fukk her maybe but she has no sex appeal. Kind of weird looking too. Just ain't my type at all.

Big Dick

All Star
May 21, 2012


One of the posts in here really hit home with me and low key pissed me off, JJ really did set up this movie to be so fukking piff. He gave Rian Johnson the middle film of the trilogy with LukeSkywalker back in the cut and Snoke as potentially anyone and a cool mystery about Rey's lineage and what does this motherfukker Rian Johnson do? Makes both Rey and Snoke complete randoms without adding to either of their respective backstorys, kills Snoke, makes Luke a salty old man without explaining how the most optimistic dude in the whole fukking saga became so disillusioned that he was like :hubie:To the force and everyone he ever cared about. With almost zero explanation. Word? The guy who thought Vader was redeemable after years of killing and living that darkside lifestyle with no shame gave up on his nephew and himself just because he sensed some darkness in kylo?? Then luke finally gets one bad ass scene and just as were enjoying that Rian Johnson kills him off.

Like bro, all you had to do was have Luke REALLY train Rey, choose any one of the half dozen theories about Rey and Snoke and reveal them and any half way decent fashion, and then let Luke go HAM with the force and a lightsaber and call it a day. This is a Star Wars movie dude don't try to reinvent the wheel. I know JJ got killed for playing it too safe but IMO Rian could've hit those expected plot beats and still have taken risks. For instance having Rey go darkside and Luke being forced to get Kylo back on his team to have any chance at beating Snoke. Id be more excited for An episode 9 of Luke vs Rey/Kylo/Snoke then...then...what is the selling point of episode 9 even supposed to be. Because the resistance vs a Kylo/Hux led first order does nothing for me.

Yeah Rian Johnson fukked up, JJ called a play that left him wide open at the rim but instead of dunking the alleyoop he caught the pass, landed, and ran to the three point line and shot an uncontested fadeaway while yelling KOBE and air balled that shyt.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014

One of the posts in here really hit home with me and low key pissed me off, JJ really did set up this movie to be so fukking piff. He gave Rian Johnson the middle film of the trilogy with LukeSkywalker back in the cut and Snoke as potentially anyone and a cool mystery about Rey's lineage and what does this motherfukker Rian Johnson do? Makes both Rey and Snoke complete randoms without adding to either of their respective backstorys, kills Snoke, makes Luke a salty old man without explaining how the most optimistic dude in the whole fukking saga became so disillusioned that he was like :hubie:To the force and everyone he ever cared about. With almost zero explanation. Word? The guy who thought Vader was redeemable after years of killing and living that darkside lifestyle with no shame gave up on his nephew and himself just because he sensed some darkness in kylo?? Then luke finally gets one bad ass scene and just as were enjoying that Rian Johnson kills him off.

Like bro, all you had to do was have Luke REALLY train Rey, choose any one of the half dozen theories about Rey and Snoke and reveal them and any half way decent fashion, and then let Luke go HAM with the force and a lightsaber and call it a day. This is a Star Wars movie dude don't try to reinvent the wheel. I know JJ got killed for playing it too safe but IMO Rian could've hit those expected plot beats and still have taken risks. For instance having Rey go darkside and Luke being forced to get Kylo back on his team to have any chance at beating Snoke. Id be more excited for An episode 9 of Luke vs Rey/Kylo/Snoke then...then...what is the selling point of episode 9 even supposed to be. Because the resistance vs a Kylo/Hux led first order does nothing for me.

Yeah Rian Johnson fukked up, JJ called a play that left him wide open at the rim but instead of dunking the alleyoop he caught the pass, landed, and ran to the three point line and shot an uncontested fadeaway while yelling KOBE and air balled that shyt.
@Malta I know you have that gif of Brandon Jennings in Detroit getting under the basket with nobody else in the paint and instead of laying it up he dribbles out to take a contested fadeaway :lolbron: