Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
You do realize ,with the exception of of Finn giving a fukk about rose sister, Finn did all these same things in last movie. He literally did the same shyt except it was more important and compelling then. The character didn't grow and that's a problem for me.

But if you liked it more power to you.

He damn near gave the same "I have to run get far away from here" speech as the first film, too. I thought that issue was resolved in the last film.


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
I really don't care what happens in the next movie. Kylo isn't an powerful and dangerous foe, Rey has already given him that work twice. Snoke who brought intrigue and mystery is dead. Luke is dead. I don't care about the resistance.

Thats where they really fukked up because after the movie who really cares? The resistance should be finished and the galaxy is back under a dictatorship like before so the OT is basically cheapened. They wanted the movie to be so different to the point that it doesnt make sense.

The youtubers cant even make theory videos of what happens next with this shyt. Kylo is the leader unchallenged so why would he train to get any stronger if he already tossing hux around? He wanna chase rey around for the 3rd fade? Watch rey become a goddess after studying them damn books now


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012

Considering all the problems Kennedy has had with writers/directors, I wonder how she's going to react to this for ep.9. Specially considering the only person she's had no issues with is Rian Johnson.

Last Jedi gonna do a fukk ton of money regardless but by being so divisive there's ground to cover to re gain all the pissed off fans. JJ and the other dude writing IX gonna see their script analyzed and changed like a motherfukker, and who knows about reshoots :lolbron: :lolbron:

RJ on the other hand has complete freedom to create a new trilogy/story that wont have to answer to fans expectations and attachements to iconic characters. Breh probably like :ahh: right now

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
Stop making dumb assumptions of what I want.

if my statement of what ppl wanted didn't apply to you then my bad. i read a lot of comments about that throughout the thread so it seems like the narrative from fans.
That's cool.
but rey joining forces with kylo would go against everything she stands for because kylo wanted to kill the resistance and she's been fighting for them and their beliefs. her turning her back on them so fast would be a bigger plot hole imo.
That's another one of my problems with this movie. Sure we developed Kylo but Rey is still more of idea than a character at this point. Why does she care about the resistance? She met them for like 2 minutes at the end of last film. It's a really weird motivation. Her consistent motivation is her parents but that doesn't translate well to macro motivations in the plot. It's seems like she's just good cause reasons.
i agree with you the battle between rey and kylo in TFA made kylo look weak and was a bad setup for future movies. to make it worse was that kylo was more competent vs snoke's royal guards. kylo took on 3 at a time yet rey was struggling with one. maybe kylo grew stronger with the force after killing snoke but that shift in power suddenly was weird. kylo looked really dope in that battle too.
How was he more competent when Rey still needed to save him and he lost his lightsaber? She also woke up before him. She could have killed this man on 3 separate occasions now. That's not a setup you want for your big bad going into episode 9.

wait, what? i don't remember anakin failing and being left vulnerable just waiting to die. anakin was just power hungry and wanted to save padme, even by using the dark force. i think their story arc from start to finish and their motives are completely different.
Different strokes. I view Anakins failure to save padme and destruction of of the order similarly to Luke failure with Kylo. I don't think Vader worked for the emperor out of enjoyment all those years. I think the man just had nothing else to live for and was scared of death. But that's all subjective.

luke always played the underdog and hero. this time it seems like there was order and he dropped the ball maintaining it.

i like and care about kylo's role because he's breaking the status quo by destroying the first order and wanting to get rid of the jedi history, empire's history and start anew. he idolized vader and the dark side but seems to be finding himself now and his place in the force/galaxy. there's been a lot of growth in his character.
And that's cool but nobody else in the cast grew as people or it felt unearned.
as for why he's evil? i don't think it was fully explained but it seems like his parents not being in his life played a role. i remember in TFA kylo told rey she saw han as the father she never had but she would only be disappointed or something like that. plus kylo told han that his son is gone and that he was weak like his father. plus luke trying to kill him just reaffirmed that he couldn't trust the ppl closest to him. another guess is that kylo wanted more power since he idolized vader and snoke probably felt it and promised to teach him. And that's cool. Some of us just find the character to be too flawed.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
comments like this is what i don't get. you're not curious to see where kylo goes from here? what happens to the small resistance? the ghost of luke and relationship he will have with kylo? plus rey's future and those jedi books

Luke can not have a relationship with kylo as a dead light force Jedi.
Do you even know wtf you are talembout?
Or are you talembout more rian Johnson hack storytelling like the bullshyt weirdness looper is. To an additional eight hours of movie film time. additionally added onto a movie franchise that already wasted six hours of screen time. That did not effectively explain how a light force dead Jedi could talk to dark force Jedi from the grave through the force. Yet had Leia use the force to live in the cold dark reaches of space. Then superman that ho back into the blown up shrapnel filled hull of a spaceship. Then open an airlock with no depressurrized cabin and everyone live as she falls into their arms. With an airlock open and a busted ship hull and no ship repair function or shielding explanation. to explain how everyone else keeps from dying in that exchange from the reality of space. When just this year we saw in their film house shyt like this explained visually in guardian of the galaxy when a ship hull breaks. We see a shield make its apparent safety shielding. In star wars from the same filmhouse dealing with space. We see the definitive action space franchise not explain this. Plus add another layer to the super powers of the force with no explanation. Which is so preposterous. Including shows no idea how to market or storytell. Let alone understand product marketing placement dynamics. That say if you create something in a film of that magnitude. You have to explain how that occurs. Simply because that is a super power that has to be explained.
As it can be marketed as a component to draw for a profit. Plus, this is a component that has to be monetized because it is another superpower and that creates another license and to sell that license and monetize it fully. It has to be explained. With this series you and Johnson are actually trying to add components to star wars. While not even giving them film screen time service to do so. It is a what if variety meets old school dc superman and batman have new abilities.
Pulled out of a looney tunes pocket utility belt. Whenever the plot has been written into nonsensical territory for those characters. It is the exact reasons why dc movies and dc characters fail and are called phoney. It is because the character are not tied down to any actual psychology. that makes sense to the current existing content in the license.
The problem with this thinking is we know it does not work. To elongate a draw for a license. Of which we have watched dc continue to fail. That now star wars is now occupying the same space. While also being dangerously close to marvel as well. While also inhabiting Disney and their licenses as well. Which is dangerous because if marvel and Disney license start to emulate looney tunes from Warner character based resolution. Well that will pull Disney and marvel into the depths of phoney hell dc and Warner can not escape. thus flirting and putting both Disney and marvel license in the same failed draw arena Warner and dc occupy. That is why star wars Rian Johnson based stories are stoopid as fukk. Not to mention this same looney tunes pocket storyboard dynamic in story telling ruins the draw of Warner bros and dc right now.
Either you don't know this exist as completely stoopid as fukk. Or you think Warner looney tunes pocket solutions in a real world universe is cool for a license based and rooted in real world space dynamic and grounded mysticism will continue to draw. If you think so. Then you would be in ruin because that is why dc has to relaunch all their properties.
every time they ruin their relaunch with this storyboard looney tunes pocket based ideals in storytelling.

Right now, because of looney tune pocket storytelling. Dc is on the third relaunch of batman in less than a decade. With your storytelling ideals. We would have to sit through a new retelling of the star wars universe every year for every one of these yearly movies.

Of which would ruin the franchise and licensing. That we have seen dc and Warner never grasp. Now, Disney and star wars are in danger of destroying their draw. in the same manner as Warner and dc with looney tunes pocket based story telling. That even people who don't know any better and never seen that type of story telling bring on the destruction of a draw to a property.
That is a complete admission of your disconnect. Plus it shows the same disconnect Rian Johnson has and why this movie is rated the same as jon carter. With a payola based critic score that makes no sense. As the critics have resorted to their own looney tunes pocket verse rating system for Disney themselves.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
So it's guaranteed this reboot is only 3 movies?

When you subscribe to dc meets Warner looney toons pocket solution based storytelling. You will always have to reboot the property.
Mother's group ruined the world with their meddling because looney toons pocket story telling was damn near phased out of our generation. Which would have left us with quality licensing of products moving forward. Instead, out of the de-regulation to regulation era of children's television. We were left with the looney toon pocket story telling being still around in its most juvenile forms still again. Looney toon pocket storytelling should have stopped being part of story telling for large licenses back then. Yet the brain trust to eliminate looney toon pocket storytelling was still around because the brain trust for marketing products was connected to this age demographic completely. So, since deregulation to regulation changes meets mother's group era. Was still able to keep b*stardized intelligence insulting looney toon pocket storytelling around. As it phased out all the licenses and properties that defeated that story telling dynamic and exposed it as a draw license defeating medium. Plus the brain trust erroneosly was shut off.
As the content and brain trust of those licenses were held back from mother groups meddling. So in place of sound storytelling that elongated licensing. Mother groups destroyed that and re-ushered in looney tunes pocket storytelling. Which feature poor development to conflict resolution. As looney tune pocket storytelling allows and defeats sound story telling psychology from taking place.

Art Barr
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Jan 29, 2014
As someone else said, I really am uninterested in Supreme Leader Kylo vs Rey for the 3rd damn time ...after Rey punked him 2 times in a fukking row. The hook of the old cast is completely gone and what we were left with in them, Poe or Finn aint enough for me.

Episode IX has the deck stacked against it