Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
Another reason why this franchise relaunch is stoopid as fukk is. they never tell us how the first order arose again at all from the empire.
Nor do they tell us if the fukk'n storm troopers are an assort men of clones or slaves that have been mindwiped nor the process.
Of which the whole last movie and the franchise is rooted in the mystery of the new storm trooper. To the point, they never explain why Finn has conflict with phasma at all. To the point why would a female commander of phasma's level even be worried about a guy who they said was an actual custodial engineer before they gave him a blaster. When easily the easiest re-write they could have for finn's origin is make him the ambassador of cloud city's la do calrissian's son. Which by just connection could have easily made Finn force sensitive.
Plus, given him an apprentice Jedi role alongside rey with Luke's tutelage. Which makes for a more compelling and story and showcases this diversity they say they are going. Yet are not and this is a feminist vehicle when it does not have to be. As all female star wars characters were given intelligent plausible weight and adequate attention. Plus went against the norm to have the damsel in distress and change the dynamic completely from the norm of helpless. To an assurred royal commander and leader. Plus that gets wrapped into the mythical family name of the series main character and content as well.

Again this newly launched franchise is a fukk'n betrayal.

Art Barr

Everything you mentioned is in the new canon books, which I know doesn't help people who are just trying to watch the flicks. The war didn't end after the Death Star II blew up but lasted for another year. After losing the war, a remnant of the Empire retreated into the "Unknown Regions" of the galaxy where they rebuilt their forces. Over the next 30, they accumulated enough wealth and firepower to create Starkiller Base.

Also while this was going on, The New Republic had their hands tied becaise they signed a peace treaty with the Empire after the war. Leia started the Resistance because she saw that the First Order was coming but no one in the New Republic thought they were threats. Hence them being shocked when the First Order blew their main planets up.
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I think it's a conscious effort to only focus on humans in the Star Wars movies. The books, comics and video games were always the only places where they fleshed out alien characters.

How and Yoda was fleshed out in the prequels and integral to the growth of the main characters in the original and prequels.
Like I said, they neutered any and everything in star wars that was not a white women. Everything got feminazi scrubbed. To the point in the first movie Finn is the love interest clearly. A black guy,...yet in the feminazi scrubbed movie Finn is made to look like a lazy black deserter with no cognitive register whatsoever. Who can not even complete a mission without said white woman around. While just like we have seen play out in the trump female supporters. They ignore any and everything to go the way of the white man in power and also neuter rey as a character. To showcase a white woman's feminist agenda.
to still just solely be with the evil white guy in power. Regardless if said white guy is clearly against their agenda and publically as negatively vile and crass as can be as well against their agenda as well. So not only is this a betrayal. It betrayal even the actual tranquility of what so called feminist say they want. When they really showcase trying to take, by any means erroneously.
while being with the actual oppressor romantically.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Everything you mentioned are in the new canon books, which I know doesn't help people who are just trying to watch the flicks. The war didn't end after the Death Star II blew up but lasted for another year. After losing the war, a remnant of the Empire retreated into the "Unknown Regions" of the galaxy where they rebuilt their forces. Over the next 30, they accumulated enough wealth and firepower to create Starkiller Base.

Also while this was going on, The New Republic had their hands tied becaise they signed a peace treaty with the Empire after the war. Leia started the Resistance because she saw that the First Order was coming but no one in the New Republic thought they were threats. Hence them being shocked when the First Order blew their main planets up.

Why would I read the books of this series and they said my previous readings from 1984 till they acquired this franchise did not matter.

So how are you citing the books.
when they even took away the power of the books as source material for more than a quarter century plus of literary source material.

Not to mention, it is obvious they do not respect their brand of source material because it is not even included visually in the content of close to six plus hours of screen time already in four years or so.

Art Barr

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016

I think it's just as exciting the way they're doing it. I'm much more interested in where this is going now BECAUSE Johnson burned down the course Abrams had charted. It felt shocking because people had spent 2 years imagining and fantasizing about the questions in TFAW, but NOT knowing what's coming is much more interesting to me.

But I'm not someone with any deep connection to the original trilogy, or the series as a whole.
None of RJs "exciting" changes did anything for the story on a fundamental level. Nothing changed in any meaningful way. Rey and Kylo still gonna fight. Poe and Finn gonna do resistance side quest things.

That's one of my biggest issues with the movie. Story telling wise we didn't go ANYWHERE. Luke and snoke are dead but that was gonna occur at some point. So the movie spent a hour shytting on Luke and 10 minutes building snoke for a cheap pay off.

We are character arc wise in the exact same position we were in at the beginning of Act 3 of TFA. Rey is a nascent Jedi in opposition to Kylo. Finn manned up and is fighting the first order.

The only new shyt was forceskype. But Kylo is such a shytty villian that I dont give a fukk whether he finds redemption or gets killed.

RJ could've took this shyt anywhere. Yet he decided to steal ESB and ROTJ scenes switch the reveals and pretend like he did something new. FOH


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
Why would I read the books of this series and they said my previous readings from 1984 till they acquired this franchise did not matter.

So how are you citing the books.
when they even took away the power of the books as source material for more than a quarter century plus of literary source material.

Not to mention, it is obvious they do not respect their brand of source material because it is not even included visually in the content of close to six plus hours of screen time already in four years or so.

Art Barr

I'm citing from the new books. It's on the Star Wars wiki page.

First Order

Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
I'm watching Force Awakens on Netflixwith my little sister.

She knows nothing about Star Wars.

She has been going in on Finn. Calling him all sorts of useless, bumbling idiot, etc:dead:

And she hates, HATES, HATES Rey.
Rey fixes the ship "Mhmm of course"
ad infinitum.

"She can't be this perfect"

"Why is she so perfect? Maybe if I had no friends, no parents I'd be perfect too."

"She got no light" in reaction to Maz scene

"Is she gonna find peace in the forest?"

"Making herself the victim. Again."

Comedy fukking gold:heh:

She doesn't fukk with this stuff at all and saw RIGHT THROUGH the bullshyt.

But people still want to deny they fukked Finn in this film and Rey is a Mary Sue :heh:
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I'm citing from the new books. It's on the Star Wars wiki page.

First Order

When they said all the old literature is not cannon. They said basically if it ain't in the movie it ain't real.
So I won't be reading anymore literature and by their action.
they are saying the lit was a waste for a quarter century to do so.

Not going.

They already fooled me and I wasted twenty five years reading some shyt that did not pay off and is worthless now. So why would I continue to do what they already said was worthless to do now?

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Finn always will be nothing but a supporting character like Han, it's not like he'll become a Jedi or something. He's there for laughs and giggles and they stuck him with the fat ugly sister

There u go

Dawg, fin is no Han solo.
If you remember he can not even pilot a thing. To the point him and poe become aids to one another because he needs poe to fly him out of there.
That this movie is so much bullshyt because they cut out the scene that showed fin could pilot a device. Yet in this movie here he is this astute pilot. That he is willing to come out a coma and now pilot a pod to rey. Plus pilot a speeder with no apparent weapon system to do anything to an at-at.

Plus real talk,....
Them trying to play the reverse of anything just to shyt on star wars is so bad that. The actual speeder craft used on the salt planet are so trash. No kid is gonna see that speeder and be like I want that like Luke's speeder in IV. it sure as hell was some bullshyt that completely missed the mark in comparison to empire and the both snow speeder and at at battles.
That the scene also is a betrayal of what star wars is. As it shows no attention to even marketing the space ships at all.
All through this movie ships are treated as worthless when that is also the main selling point of star wars. This movie fails to market any craft for a child to buy. Which totally defeats what star wars is about as well. Which is why having a movie where all the mech gets destroyed is stoopid. To the point poe dameron has a skull squadron painted x wing and it gets blown up. They get behind the controls of the most rickety speeders that you know is not moving any units. They have old bombers that failed to sell in the return of the jedi and Droid series that failed. Which failed from a lack of innovation, lack of detail and succumbing to mother's and feminist groups meddling. That cut the drawing legs of Jedi off before its intended shelf life as well. As star wars still has yet to adapt with adept knowledge and know how on the level of the property it is. Not to mention, Disney still show they have no idea how to actually sell action figures or dolls outside of the plush range as well. As the star wars line has no draw with children.
As, disney has failed to adapt to the market amalgamating.
or b*stardizing the earlier marketing brain trust practices of the star wars franchise in lower quality.
Disney is showing it has not learned from marvel and acquiring a bridging age property and franchise from their toddler preschool draw as well.
To the point if we go in any store and see a millenium falcon of any kind on the shelf in Xmas season that is a fail. As the falcon created the real Xmas large over priced ticket item sales frenzy.
that would become what black Friday and Xmas season is at its core and inception. It is the item that created the Xmas rush solely as well.

Just Disney not being able to capitalize and make every vehicle in the star wars line a draw is indicative of this disconnect.
Which occurrs because the film is so busy trying to get across this sjw feminazi scrubbed for no reason at all agenda in this property. It has lost sight of how much a juggernaut star wars actually is as a draw wholeheartedly over a number of subgenres as well.

Art Barr
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Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
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52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
No your confused.

Main Character is a point of view. The Protagonist pursues the Story Goal. One represents the Objective Drive (Protagonist) in the story, the other represents the Subjective Drive (Main Character).

The story goal is the concern or goal that affects or involves most of the characters, if not the entire story world. It is also the source of the external conflict.

Finn and Poe are supporting characters.
Main character is another word for protagonist. If you don't believe me Google it.

I've already listed an example of a protagonist that isn't the most important character to the narrative.

Protagonist is a point of view character who the audience follows. It just so happens that usually that character is also the most important character in the narrative but that doesn't have to be true. Usually that character is also a hero but that doesn't have to be true either. Either way The Last Jedi has three protagonists who's view point we follow.