The mishandling of Luke is far, FAR worse than what the prequel did to Vader. I'm just awestruck
The prequels had almost a blank slate.
Only George knew how Anakin was. A lot of people didn't like it but you can't really argue against it - as it fit with the minor descriptions we got (Owen and Yoda being

at Anakin and Obi being

Luke, Han and Leia had an entire trilogy setting up their arcs and characters.
Disney broke up Han/Leia, turned Han back into a smuggler and Leia into a rebel leader.
Relegated Chewie and the OG Droids to trivial characters.
Turned Ackbar into an afterthought.
And turned Luke into Jake Skywalker, as Mark Hamill put it.
I saw this shyt coming after the TFA travesty, my expectations were so low for TLJ that I'm not as hurt as some people.
They did Han dirty in TFA so why not Luke too. I'm still a bit

at how people let Episode 7 slide.