Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Apr 20, 2015
The ROTJ twist of Leia being Luke's sister is equally egregious.

That means Ben thought it was a good idea to hide Leia by giving her over the royal family of Alderaan, ensuring she would be one of the most recognizable faces in the galaxy. Might as well hide her in plain sight.

Vader finds her 5 minutes into the first movie. :deadrose:
Huh? The first movie is like 20 years after. Vader didn’t know leia was his daughter right away

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
Huh? The first movie is like 20 years after. Vader didn’t know leia was his daughter right away

I'm just saying... if your idea is to hide her from Vader and The Emperor... you don't put her in a position where she'll likely run into Vader and The Emperor. You don't giver her to the royal family and make her a famous princess.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
You know, it actually looks like Finn is being used to "even the score" with how women have allegedly been portrayed in comparison to men. The problem is, none of the women in Star Wars have ever been portrayed as inferior to the men as Finn is to any of the characters in the ST. None of them have ever been used as the comic-relief character. It's even worse considering that he's supposedly trained from birth to be competent. Like, I really don't see how people who can see how important it is for women to empowered and competent can't see the same thing for a black character.

White feminism

I'm still waiting on RLM's review. I saw where Fandango screwed up their tickets, so I guess it's going to take a few more days. I'm pretty sure that they're going to hate it though.


In the mean time, I'm always up for them taking the piss out of Collider though. :obama:

:mjlol: the minority part


May 26, 2012
thought the movie was great.

a few things i wasn't feeling...

  • the casino plot line was trash. even though it tied into a crucial point in the larger story, and the ending, it just felt like a waste of time while more important shyt was happening elsewhere. and they made it seem like any elite hacker could do the job at the end, soooo... boyega did his thing with what he was given tho. speaking of boyega...
  • boyega should have died. that moment perfectly capped his story arc, from being the kid who ran from everything to standing up for what he believed was the right thing to do, even at the cost of his own life. and if he does die, and the First Order flies in another ram, then it makes what luke does much more impactful/neccesary. because at that point they know they wouldnt be able to stop the next ram. they just lost most of their fighters trying to stop the last one and only pulled it off because of a suicide run. Luke HAD to come save them. but instead, finn couldn't die because poe's "a-ha! so that what it takes to be a leader" moment needed to be justified. bullshyt.
  • the biggest problem with finn imo is he's been positioned as someone important, but the character isn't really critical and they won't acknowledge it + move on. poe represents the future of the rebellion. rey, the future of the jedi. finn could have been the han/wild card/ride or die support, but that's also poe. finn right now is probably on some admiral ackbar shyt long-term, but he's getting poe/rey screen-time. they have no clue how to use him. so his fit continues to be an awkward one, and how he's used continues to be a big problem with everyone who thought he was being positioned for #BlackExcellence in a Galaxy Far, Far Away...
  • the Luke/Kylo stuff. it makes sense that Luke would be worried. but him contemplating murdering his nephew in his sleep... wow. this is the same guy who wouldn't kill his own father, aka the biggest war criminal in the entire galaxy. i'm not even opposed to his actions. but if they were going to push Luke to this point we needed more of who Kylo was as a person in that moment to understand Luke's fear. fukk the casino. THAT was the storyline we needed 20 more minutes of.
what i liked/loved...
  • Yoda behaving like a senile but brilliant jedi hermit again, instead of a ninja-flipping plot gag who has to say the end of every sentence first, before the beginning.
  • how upfront they were from the beginning of the flick that the past had it's time and place, and it was time for something new. once it became obvious, none of the decisions the director made bothered me. he made his intentions very clear when Luke chucked the light saber that this "wasn't going to end how you think".
  • kylo's infatuation with Vader being fleshed out a bit more. unless i'm mistaken, he used Anakin's light saber to "protect" himself from Luke. his grandfather, whom he was already being steered towards by Snoke, protected him when uncle tried to "murder" him.
  • the humor was unexpected, but really, really good at times. the first time Luke asks Rey to feel the force and wacks her hand was hilarious.
  • also, Luke explaining the force 100% without the use of midichlorians.
  • kylo murdering snoke. may be wrong, but this was kind of teed up the first time he saw Rey. he said he could see her, but not where she was or anything else. only what Snoke could find for him to see. so when he learned Snoke was behind it all, he used the same trick to show Snoke just enough for him to believe kylo was following orders. and Snoke used Kylo's trick from TFA to pull Luke's location out of Rey, so clearly kylo has been trained to use these skills. Kylo's conviction in what he wanted to do is what put Snoke's mind at ease. Snoke just didn't realize where that conviction came from until it was too late.
  • rey's past. fukk it. i LIKE that she's a nobody. for our entire lives we've been shown there's one family (Skywalker) more adept with the force than all others. gods, basically. and they're all fukk-up's. anakin was a mass murder, luke was too emo for the job and ben is like his granddad. maybe the Skywalkers aren't the answer, and maybe this is how we actually get there.
  • the deconstruction of the jedi. let's be real: if you watch everything that came before this, then Luke was right. the Jedi were the most powerful force for good in the entire galaxy, and they fukked it all up time and time and time again. for the order to move forward, the past needed to acknowledged, but not with reverence.

i do understand the backlash. imo, it falls less on the director and more on disney, because if this was the direction they knew they were going from Day 1, then they shouldn't have let Abrams recreate A New Hope and spend so much time reinvesting us in characters who wouldn't make it to the finish line. but i loved the decision to cleanly break from the expected answers and tell a story that felt completely new, from the application of the force to which characters are still standing.

the real crime will be if Abrams counter-programs all the original storylines back into the forefront in the last chapter. this movie gives him an opportunity to do something completely new, even without leia areound. pick up 10 years later and hit the ground running. dont you dare build another starkiller base. let it all go.

also, let's stop pretending all the plot points in the original trilogy made complete sense. from the weird time skip from revenge of the sith to a new hope, to the decision to hide Luke in plain sight and not change his name while changing leai's and hiding her away for real... there's a lot we just accepted about the old movies because they were great movies.
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The Phoenix

All Star
Jun 8, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.


Saw it twice. Liked it even better the second time. I love to see everybody bytching about the movie though. It wouldn't be a SW film otherwise. Dude could have made the perfect 10/10 SW movie and it would have been dudes in here crying like bytches. Mwuhahaha. TLJ was dope. :umad:


All Star
May 17, 2013
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.


Saw it twice. Liked it even better the second time. I love to see everybody bytching about the movie though. It wouldn't be a SW film otherwise. Dude could have made the perfect 10/10 SW movie and it would have been dudes in here crying like bytches. Mwuhahaha. TLJ was dope. :umad:

I think there's some confusion going on with "Enjoying" the movie and it actually being a "Good" Star Wars movie.

This was a Good Movie. I enjoyed it.

It was a terrible addition to the Star Wars Universe.

Take away the Luke ending and this whole movie should have been a volume in the Poe Dameron Comic Book. Episode 8 should have taken place 2 years after 7. 8 starts out with Rey being a badass because she's been training with luke for the past 2 years and then shyt can happen.

The movie taking place right after ep 7 didn't help the story at all which makes me wonder why they did that in the first place. It didn't serve ANY characters story and you could argue that giving the characters time to reflect on what happen in ep 7 would have been much better character development wise.


Jun 10, 2012
Snoke can mentally hook Kylo up to Rey (whom he has never even seen)from across the Galaxy. Dude even knows what they both thinking(Rey wants to redeem him, Kylo being bytchmade). He even sensed the rebels stealth transports getting blown up, when his underlings JUST found out about the rebels stealth downstairs.
But he can't tell Kylo about to stab him.:francis:

I'm guessing he sensed Kylo's killing intent and his arrogance led him to believe it was only towards Rey. I didn't have a problem with that scene:yeshrug:
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Feb 8, 2015
Snoke can mentally hook Kylo up to Rey (whom he has never even seen)from across the Galaxy. Dude even knows what they both thinking(Rey wants to redeem him, Kylo being bytchmade). He even sensed the rebels stealth transports getting blown up, when his underlings JUST found out about the rebels stealth downstairs.
But he can't tell Kylo about to stab him.:francis:

I thought Kylo was standing behind Rey when he stabbed Snoke. So his thoughts and emotions would’ve been hard to differentiate from Rey’s. At least that was my interpretation of it. He would’ve been expecting Rey to have those thoughts and because Kylo was right behind her, she camouflaged his.

Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
No. George wrote the story for all 3 films and had complete charge of it. So it was consistent. In these sequels, each director writes their own script which fukks up the story

its not the different directors that's the problem or even the different writers ... its the process. George had his outline for ALL 3... and he wrote around whatever internal parameters he set for himself storywise..

Rian Johnson said he starting writing before TFA finished filming. he wanted things that JJ didn't wanna do .... they didn't have a 3 film outline in place... they're winging it...

I mean they did a huge recon on everything not film related... and what JJ and Rian or maybe its Kathleen .. but what it is is that people LOVED the EU and the books... and know that Disney erased them all from existence as non canon ... JJ and Rian and JJ again are trying extra hardto be different than the stories people really wanted to see.
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