The funny thing about 9 is JJ trying to fix everything Johnson did
That choreography though
The funny thing about 9 is JJ trying to fix everything Johnson did
How can this happen .... EASY .... the entire Jedi Council slept with the Emperor and didn't know it until he revealed himself to Anakin... As palpatine said .. "your arrogance blinds you"
The funny thing about 9 is JJ trying to fix everything Johnson did
How? Because they fail to realize Palpatine is Sidious until it's too late?The Jedi council look like idiots in the prequels
The Jedi council look like idiots in the prequels
8how old is your nephew if i may ask?
The Jedi council look like idiots in the prequels
I don't think Rey taking the Jedi texts undermines Yoda's message. You can never have too much knowledge. Luke will be with her also
The funny thing about 9 is JJ trying to fix everything Johnson did
Also! I laugh at Luke's reaction every timeI took it that Yoda actually realized she took the books anyway, that's why he was so at Luke rushing into the tree. was up wit thechewie/luke reunion.
basically treated chewie like a nobody in this film he dont do shyt. he comes in sees luke, luke realizes hans gone, they have a talk we dont see and then chewie spends the rest of the time chillin in the falcom by himself.
they dont even get together to have a talk about han.. theres so many problems in this movie.. it totally neglects everything before it to be its own story. fukk this rian guy
lolNo love for R2-D2 either besides a single scene while BB-8 is taking out multiple guards by himself and piloting AT-STs.