Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012

How would you guys have written this trilogy. like a quick draft

Number one have the villian actually have a semblance of threat. Kylo Ren was and TFA was keying up to be a great movie in my eyes...then he took off his helmet and the shyt went allllll the way left. Hes some uber sith but yet gets styled on by rey repeatedly. no stop that. He would have been so much better if there was a actual reason for him even being sith other than some dumb shyt. And he can't both style on snoke and not be able to fukk with rey, that makes zero sense. He had a lot of potential but sooo wasted.

Make rey be less of a mary sue and a real character. fukk, even jordan had to be in the gym religiously, get cut from a team, lose, etc before he was the goat. She is immediately the most powerful person in this series, and to make it worse dry as hell. but how can you build character when the bytch is already perfect :dahell: scrap this whole character and try again.

Boyega that nikka but why is he in this movie again? Such under utilized talent. its like they made him a plot device and a laughing stock. Its a shame. Even with his bad characterization hes still more tolerable than rey.

I could write a essay on whats wrong with this shyt but the 3 mains all be varying degrees of unlikeable is a start to fixing things. its too late though, they only have a movie left apparently but we know disney gonna milk this shyt.

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
But Rian Johnson, a competent director and writer, really sat down and thought "I'm gonna have Leia survive an explosion, and being stuck in deep space, and then have her float into a ship because umm, the Force, and it'll be an epic, amazing moment that'll blow everyone's minds! :krs:" And the Disney execs really saw that shyt and were like ":ehh: This is definitely gonna work." The only explanation I have for that shyt is a lot of cocaine

I had the opposite reaction to just about every single one of Disney's brilliant ideas. I was Snoop facepalming the entire fukking movie. Not even lying, I legit fukking falcepalmed multiple times. Felt like I was being tortured.:heh:

- Seeing the opening crawl that the First Order was reigning supreme again... rehash of Empire/Rebels :snoop:

- Hux being a fukking cartoon villain :snoop:

- Poe spewing momma jokes :snoop:

- Luke being portrayed as an entirely different character :snoop:

- The milk scene :snoop:
- The movie being totally and utterly clueless as to what the force is and how it works :snoop:

- Chewie eating the baby porg in front of the other porg:snoop:
- Finn not only being treated as a complete afterthought, but taking up valuable screentime in an utterly useless subplot :snoop:

- Admiral Grannypanties :snoop:

- Leia floating around in space like Green Lantern :snoop:

- Snoke's lair lookin like a fukkin hollywood soundstage :snoop:

- Snoke's backstory and motives not being explored whatsoever :snoop:

- That shameless Yoda cameo... no one in my theater even reacted.:snoop:

- The final act being hokey as shyt... matrix dodge like it's 1999 again.:snoop:

- Luke dying out of nowhere:snoop:

- The feeling that Star Wars is truly dead as the credits began to roll :mjcry:


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
Exactly it's a sequel to a movie in a supposedly planned trilogy . I don't want to see all the stuff discarded and reset for no reason .

you know who hinted the snoke influencing ben in the womb stuff ???? fukking Lucas films in the Star Wars aftermath books and other material that are cannon And hinted at the importance of the outer regions and how the emperor felt some dark presence out there and how some remenants of the empire ran out there. This is cannon stuff breh which they are selling and want my money for BUT decide that RJ can ignore or discard cause he didn't think snoke was important to the story and how he wanted to tell it. You can't have it every way . I'm a comic fan I'm aware of elseworld style storylines Star Wars threw away the legends cannon to make their own , fine . But at least honor the shyt ! Laura dern in interviews not knowing basic things about a character she's playing since apparently they don't tell them anything .
I have no issue with changes or the idea that snoke isn't important to the grand scheme of things my issue is the handling and then the ohhhh stop complaining this isn't Wikipedia stuff . I've seen brick and looper ( never saw brother bloom ) and Johnson isn't a question answering type of guy , he's just a storyteller who only seem so to he able to do his own thing

Yea that sucks that it seems u gotta pick up other media to get some idea of whats going on. I checked the wiki of aftermath and i guess those dudes that had the sith artifacts are supposed to be the knights of ren? Hux pops training him and i guess snokes ship is the last super star destroyer they rendezvous with?

I hope they are planning a book about he unknown and what happened there because obviously the movies will only give u bits and pieces.

JJ gonna play it super safe now.the 1st trailer better have muhfukkin force ghost luke. Jedi master rey with apprentice janitor and a bad ass force lightning yellow eyed ren with his knights fukkin shyt up or its a netflix rental


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
The shyt is really boggling my mind. Even with the "sand" and "no" scenes you can understand that maybe it sounded better in Lucas' head when he wrote it down and he just didn't bother to give the actors proper directions when they acted the scenes out.

But Rian Johnson, a competent director and writer, really sat down and thought "I'm gonna have Leia survive an explosion, and being stuck in deep space, and then have her float into a ship because umm, the Force, and it'll be an epic, amazing moment that'll blow everyone's minds! :krs:" And the Disney execs really saw that shyt and were like ":ehh: This is definitely gonna work." The only explanation I have for that shyt is a lot of cocaine



Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Episode 7: First Order is more of a terrorist, militant organization similar to ISIS. But their main purpose is to distract the New Republic from the Empire which has secretly been rebuilding since Return of the Jedi

Luke has trained a new generation of Jedi

Rey is Luke's daughter. Back story is she was training to become a Jedi when her older brother Ben Skywalker and her mother mysteriously became ill. She wanted Luke to get them proper medical attention, Luke believed he could heal them through the Force but failed to do so. She becomes disillusioned by the Force and leaves the Jedi order. When the film starts she's on Jakkou providing medical aid to the sick and she wants nothing to do with the Jedi. Her arc in the movie would be forgiving Luke and returning to the Jedi order to complete her training.

Poe is Han and Leia's son, not Force sensitive but a hot shot pilot

Kylo Ren is Luke's son. His back story is he was on the brink of death but was brought back to life by a mysterious force, which we later learn is Darth Plageius. Strikes a deal with Plageius, train in the dark side, follow his orders and help him restore his power and Plageius will use his power to resurrect his mother. He becomes the mastermind behind the First Order and the Empire's plot to return

Finn: Back story is he was captured by Kylo Ren who killed his parents. Kylo saw potential in Finn and trained him in the dark side. Finn's motivation is to become powerful enough to kill Kylo and take his revenge but he ends up turning and helping the Republic. His arc in the film would be his constant struggle between the light and the dark side.

In the movie, people who are secretly working for the Empire have infiltrated the Republic. They lead the New Republic fleet into a trap, telling them it's the secret base for the First Order when really it's an abandoned planet rigged with explosives. The explosives take out the entire New Republic fleet except Han and Poe who travel to a planet filled with old members of the Rebellion, similar to the Army Reserve. They convince them to help fight the newly reformed Empire

After the New Republic fleet is taken out, the newly formed Empire invade the unprotected home planet of the Republic, could be Coruscant or a new planet. Second half of the movie would deal with Luke's young Jedi fighting off the invasion and the old Rebels banding together to save the day. During the battle, Han and Chewie take out an imperial blockade ship by sacrificing themselves and doing a suicide light speed jump, similar to what we see in the Last Jedi.

During the invasion, Kylo fights Finn. Finn starts using the dark side but stops as Kylo urges him to embrace it. Tries to embrace the light but isn't as powerful. Kylo ends up injuring him but doesn't kill him.

Kylo confronts Luke, reveals himself to be Luke's son. They duel until Luke tries to sacrifice himself similar to what Obi Wan did in a New Hope. But Kylo can't bring himself to kill his own father and retreats.

Movie ends with the Empire retreating after failing to invade but the New Republic is in shambles and their vastly outnumbered. Rey returns to the Jedi Order and Finn agrees to train more with Luke.

Episode 8: Conflict between Finn and Rey. Finn wants to kill Kylo, Rey wants to save him. The main plot of the film would be Kylo's search for an ancient Sith artifact that would restore Darth Plageuis to power. Kylo finds it and Darth Plageuis returns. Rey is captured by Kylo who tries to convince her that embracing the dark side and following Plageuis would be the only way for them to bring their mother back to life. But Rey still resists. Then Finn, who is trying to rescue Rey, becomes manipulated by Plageuis who feeds into his desire for revenge. Finn and Kylo duel again, Finn embraces the dark side and kills Kylo in front of Rey which drives Rey to the dark side. Meanwhile Plageuis uses his power to resurrect an ancient Sith Army who destroy the New Republic forces at the end of the film. Movie ends with Finn returning to Luke to seek redemption. Plageius training Rey in the dark side and Luke deciding that his Jedi pupils must join the fight to combat the new Sith Army

Episode 9: All about Plageius and his Sith Army vs Luke and his Jedi Army. Also Finn's quest to turn Rey back to the light. Plageuis ends up using his power and the Sith artifact to build a new super weapon for the Empire. Rey discovers that it was Plageuis who brought the sickness upon her mother and brother all along. Also learns that he's technically her great grandfather because he created Anakin through the Force. Finn and Luke manage to turn Rey back to the light. Climax of the movie is a massive battle between the Sith and Jedi armies as well as the Empire and the Republic. Finn, Rey and Luke finally manage to kill Plageuius. Luke uses the Sith artifact to destroy the Imperial base but it drains him and he dies at the end.

That's all I got lol


this is at least a hundred times better than what we got. wtf.

Duke Dixon

Aug 12, 2017
By the way Yoda looked like absolute shyt. That puppet shyt looked god awful.

Thank you. That's the only thing I could think of during that scene.

The worst scene though was when they were intergalacticly skyping with Maz.

The more I think about it, the more disappointed I am about the movie.


All Star
Oct 27, 2014

How would you guys have written this trilogy. like a quick draft

just some rough ideas

episode 7:
-set 10 years after rotj and the republic is stable
-the empire has been a guerrilla organisation all this time.
-attempted kidnapping of skywalker babies.
-the empire remnants get organised and united under thrawn's leadership from the unknown regions. shows some politics between the different warlords.
-thrawn pushes their shyt in as he catches them complacent.

episode 8:
-start of the mass war
-they push thrawn back into the unknown regions and he dies.
-it doesn't have an effect on the empire and they realise clone body palpatine/plageius was the real leader.

episode 9:
-remainder of the war
-battle between godmode luke and clone palpatine/plageius (as they have both got deeper in the force this becomes some next level shyt like force tornadoes, destroying massive ships etc.) where he kills them halfway through but realises they have clone bodies.
-emphasis becomes on someone going on a separate mission finding the different hideouts in sith temples where his clone bodies are kept.

this leaves room where the next series of movies can take place during the time where force awakens is set and the torch is passed to the next generation of skywalkers and they have one of them become dark (linked with the attempted kidnapping).
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Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
"Hope is like the sun, if you only believe in it when you see it you'll never make it through the night..."

^ Might have usurped "I don't like sand" as the single worst piece of Star Wars dialogue.

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
I liked it. :manny:

Seemed more like a setup flick though than anything. And also exposing some, uh, character flaws (force retarded Rey and Kylo) to finalize the ending was at least thoughtful. It has me anticipating the next movie.