Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Because I disagree with his logic and reasoning. Again for you all who agree with that cool it’s important. I’m saying for me it isn’t. So either we’re going to continue the round robin or just let it go cause I can’t and won’t keep repeating myself :russ: he made the same point that’s been made. I get it. I disagree with it. And there’s only but so many ways and configurations I can say it breh

You and him and others think it’s imporrant for the larger scheme of things and since it’s not a self contained story it should fill out the universe. Okay. I think it’s not important at all because it doesn’t serve the main purpose of Rey, Kylo, or Luke. If Kylo needs to ascend to power then I don’t need backstory on the guy he took out to get there. He seduced him to the dark side and saw in him the potential to be the next Vader. And it backfired on him. I’m good at that point
Yeah which is what I'm into. I don't go into this stuff for answers to questions. I want the movie to answer the questions for me. I don't theorize, I don't watch youtube vids about Rey's parents or Snoke's lineage. I don't care. And like any filmmaker, Rian or anyone else is entitled to decide what they want to put in their movie and what they think is important. For his story and overall, I don't see anything about Snoke important outside of what I already know. There's always room for more stuff if you want that but I didn't need it. So like I said earlier and will continue saying: There's nothing you or anyone else can say to get me to decide "yup it is important" because even in the force awakens, there was never a promise of getting more info on Snoke. There was never anything anyone said that ensured there would be more answers about him. Now if it was promised in force awakens or set up and then completely discarded here, I'd be on your side. But its not bad storytelling. It's just storytelling that didn't do what you wanted it to but that doesn't make something bad. That's like saying because the dark knight didn't explore Joker's origin or give a definite answer about it, it's bad storytelling. No, it's not.

I'm not mad at you or anyone else who wanted that breh. I'm saying for me, it's moot, and for the story on screen through two movies now, it's also moot.

in regards to star wars,..
the emperor got an entire three movie trilogy to explain his ascent to power.
yet you are telling us. Star wars is not supposed to be critique by their own direction in never explaining snoak. Which is offkey and shows a disconnect in your part to star wars and its actual content a direction. As star wars have been about explaining the full origin of the villain. especially when the totality of the films all together have been weighed to recognize this subplot.

art barr

John Hull

You can’t see me!
Jun 6, 2012
Studio gangstas
Rey is such a boring cipher of a character. Then the filmmakers went ahead and wrote her vacuousness into the script. It's like they listened to all the negative criticisms of this actress and said YEP :troll:

How is that compelling tho? Why not give Boyega who is obviously the superior actor more skills and more to do? :sas1:

nikka nerds got some soul searching to do, so far Lucasfilm been pretty consistent with the :mjpls:

Well at least you got Mace Windu :mjpls:

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013


and that shyt is why rey is the way she is :skip:

This shyt was a eh and will not be looked back on fondly.

Finn.. REY! :damn:

Completely pointless character him and rose.

Rose's sister was better looking then her.

Leia flying back into the ship :gucci:

So Rey is a mary sue nobody whose parents are no one. :francis:

The movie just shyts all over what tfa's did, making that a completely pointless movie.

Figured the mouse was gonna run this shyt into the ground.. but god damn.


May 7, 2012
Breh the franchise is about answering questions that CHARACTERS have. If no character in your movie wants to know something then there's no point in answering it because its not organic. So if Rey wanted to know what or who Snoke was, then you answer it but she doesn't care. Clearly Kylo already knows so he's good. If the resistance wanted to know, then you answer it, but none of them even mentioned dude. Every question, every big question, that's ever been answered in a Star Wars movie has come from the characters in the movie and is something THEY deeply want to know. It hasn't been fan service and providing answers for the sake of providing answers. There's a difference between you wanting to know something and Luke wanting to know something. And there's a good chance if Luke doesn't want to know the answer to a question, you as an audience member won't find out.
I get what your saying breh but that's not what Star Wars has been . His story doesn't fit the world and universe of the saga . Your point goes counter to the fact that we got rouge one and solo and possibly obi wan movies coming to plug in backstory and shyt , it's why they doing all this expanded universe stuff . Its pick a path either these things matter or they don't and if they don't matter then at least tell the story in a SATISFACTORY manner to the people who care

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012

How would you guys have written this trilogy. like a quick draft

Episode 7: First Order is more of a terrorist, militant organization similar to ISIS. But their main purpose is to distract the New Republic from the Empire which has secretly been rebuilding since Return of the Jedi

Luke has trained a new generation of Jedi

Rey is Luke's daughter. Back story is she was training to become a Jedi when her older brother Ben Skywalker and her mother mysteriously became ill. She wanted Luke to get them proper medical attention, Luke believed he could heal them through the Force but failed to do so. She becomes disillusioned by the Force and leaves the Jedi order. When the film starts she's on Jakkou providing medical aid to the sick and she wants nothing to do with the Jedi. Her arc in the movie would be forgiving Luke and returning to the Jedi order to complete her training.

Poe is Han and Leia's son, not Force sensitive but a hot shot pilot

Kylo Ren is Luke's son. His back story is he was on the brink of death but was brought back to life by a mysterious force, which we later learn is Darth Plageius. Strikes a deal with Plageius, train in the dark side, follow his orders and help him restore his power and Plageius will use his power to resurrect his mother. He becomes the mastermind behind the First Order and the Empire's plot to return

Finn: Back story is he was captured by Kylo Ren who killed his parents. Kylo saw potential in Finn and trained him in the dark side. Finn's motivation is to become powerful enough to kill Kylo and take his revenge but he ends up turning and helping the Republic. His arc in the film would be his constant struggle between the light and the dark side.

In the movie, people who are secretly working for the Empire have infiltrated the Republic. They lead the New Republic fleet into a trap, telling them it's the secret base for the First Order when really it's an abandoned planet rigged with explosives. The explosives take out the entire New Republic fleet except Han and Poe who travel to a planet filled with old members of the Rebellion, similar to the Army Reserve. They convince them to help fight the newly reformed Empire

After the New Republic fleet is taken out, the newly formed Empire invade the unprotected home planet of the Republic, could be Coruscant or a new planet. Second half of the movie would deal with Luke's young Jedi fighting off the invasion and the old Rebels banding together to save the day. During the battle, Han and Chewie take out an imperial blockade ship by sacrificing themselves and doing a suicide light speed jump, similar to what we see in the Last Jedi.

During the invasion, Kylo fights Finn. Finn starts using the dark side but stops as Kylo urges him to embrace it. Tries to embrace the light but isn't as powerful. Kylo ends up injuring him but doesn't kill him.

Kylo confronts Luke, reveals himself to be Luke's son. They duel until Luke tries to sacrifice himself similar to what Obi Wan did in a New Hope. But Kylo can't bring himself to kill his own father and retreats.

Movie ends with the Empire retreating after failing to invade but the New Republic is in shambles and their vastly outnumbered. Rey returns to the Jedi Order and Finn agrees to train more with Luke.

Episode 8: Conflict between Finn and Rey. Finn wants to kill Kylo, Rey wants to save him. The main plot of the film would be Kylo's search for an ancient Sith artifact that would restore Darth Plageuis to power. Kylo finds it and Darth Plageuis returns. Rey is captured by Kylo who tries to convince her that embracing the dark side and following Plageuis would be the only way for them to bring their mother back to life. But Rey still resists. Then Finn, who is trying to rescue Rey, becomes manipulated by Plageuis who feeds into his desire for revenge. Finn and Kylo duel again, Finn embraces the dark side and kills Kylo in front of Rey which drives Rey to the dark side. Meanwhile Plageuis uses his power to resurrect an ancient Sith Army who destroy the New Republic forces at the end of the film. Movie ends with Finn returning to Luke to seek redemption. Plageius training Rey in the dark side and Luke deciding that his Jedi pupils must join the fight to combat the new Sith Army

Episode 9: All about Plageius and his Sith Army vs Luke and his Jedi Army. Also Finn's quest to turn Rey back to the light. Plageuis ends up using his power and the Sith artifact to build a new super weapon for the Empire. Rey discovers that it was Plageuis who brought the sickness upon her mother and brother all along. Also learns that he's technically her great grandfather because he created Anakin through the Force. Finn and Luke manage to turn Rey back to the light. Climax of the movie is a massive battle between the Sith and Jedi armies as well as the Empire and the Republic. Finn, Rey and Luke finally manage to kill Plageuius. Luke uses the Sith artifact to destroy the Imperial base but it drains him and he dies at the end.

That's all I got lol


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I get what your saying breh but that's not what Star Wars has been . His story doesn't fit the world and universe of the saga . Your point goes counter to the fact that we got rouge one and solo and possibly obi wan movies coming to plug in backstory and shyt , it's why they doing all this expanded universe stuff . Its pick a path either these things matter or they don't and if they don't matter then at least tell the story in a SATISFACTORY manner to the people who care

Nah nah nah let me clarify: I'm not saying they're not going to do something like an Obi wan story that I'm not asking for or you may not be asking for. I'm saying this: in your story, whatever that story is whether its on paper or on screen, the only questions that will be answered or at least addressed, will be the questions your characters ask. If they don't ask, it won't get brought up. Like in Ghostbusters, Ray and Egon don't ask many questions because they've got the answers. So Vankmen asks the questions because he clearly doesn't know and wants to know. But if he's not in that movie and its just Egon and Ray, there's a good chance a lot of those questions don't get asked and don't get answered as a result. Or like my batman example of the dark knight and the joker. Batman doesn't give a shyt about where joker came from or how he came to be. He just wants him put in jail. The minute you start just writing exposition for the sake of exposition, then you're a bad writer.

Now like I said earlier, the question should be why doesn't anyone on screen within that universe want answers to the questions you do and other fans do? Why to them is the shyt inconsequential or just irrelevant?

Good Guy Guevara

All Star
May 5, 2012
Just saw the movie. This trilogy has no direction and their just doing whatever with it. The unnecessary forced comedy, emasculation of a black character, over the top feminism, no backstory on key characters, obvious marketing for toys etc....

Hated TFA because it was nothing but a bland reboot and this movie continues to do a disservice to the franchise.


Apr 20, 2015
Based on what Snoke was saying it seems like Rey is part of the Force "balancing itself." So with Kylo being so powerful in the dark side the Force randomly selected Rey to be his equal in power on the light side in order to bring balance. It's a quick line and the movie should've placed more attention and emphasis on the concept but it's there and at least gives a partial explanation to why she's so powerful seemingly out of nowhere.
So they couldn’t have made her Sidius’s granddaughter or something :francis:


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
Man, I actually like the movie but the Leia scene really might overtake "I don't like sand" and "Noooooo" as the WOAT scene in the Star Wars franchise. Like, wtf were they thinking with this lol
And honestly not to sound like an a$$hole..but after her death gave them the perfect out for her character