Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
Because I disagree with his logic and reasoning. Again for you all who agree with that cool it’s important. I’m saying for me it isn’t. So either we’re going to continue the round robin or just let it go cause I can’t and won’t keep repeating myself :russ: he made the same point that’s been made. I get it. I disagree with it. And there’s only but so many ways and configurations I can say it breh

You and him and others think it’s imporrant for the larger scheme of things and since it’s not a self contained story it should fill out the universe. Okay. I think it’s not important at all because it doesn’t serve the main purpose of Rey, Kylo, or Luke. If Kylo needs to ascend to power then I don’t need backstory on the guy he took out to get there. He seduced him to the dark side and saw in him the potential to be the next Vader. And it backfired on him. I’m good at that point

I actually wish these movies were more self contained than they are. In a perfect world you would be able to watch any movie in any franchise without having to see the previous ones. Even in a serialized story like Star Wars I think it can be done. All you would need to do is re-establish the basic story beats and character traits at the start of each film, even if it's just a line of dialogue.

So I commend you for being able to view TLJ through this lens, because as a standalone movie you would be right. As a Star Wars movie though it makes absolutely no sense.


Jun 4, 2012
My nephew cried at the end and that elevated this movie even more for me. That's the kind of power these movies had on me as a kid. Star Wars is truly back brehs.

Breh Obama

First Breh President. Coli Prophet.
Jul 5, 2012
Leader of the righteous Brehs!
So your saying reading is for stupid people ?!!! Never heard that before :mjlol: So I know your dumb .

your saying that like I'm asking for a info dump . If Kylo was corrupted by snoke before he was even born to me that is important and is a part of Kylos story or rather possible future you have kylo saying yes he's a monster and Rey saying Kylo failed Luke but it's possible everyone failed him if snoke had a big part in his corruption . Also I just watched RJ movie tell me how some force feats are too strenuous and they csn kill someone but apparently snoke seems to have unlimited power and faces no consequences . JJ can fix it next movie but I'm not gonna sit here and act like his plot doesn't have a bunch of holes and illogical behavior and out and put stupidity .

Ex: Rey and Kylo story seems to be happening real time as the whole resistance on the run storyline . Everyone is able to go fly to other places (canto bight , ach-to to the supremacy ) but the first order the biggest most powerful force can't contact a ship in another location to cut off the resistances ships?
Why does Luke not tell leia his plan ? Poor plotting to give the viewer a suprise but unnecessary to the other characters
Why not have haldo tell the plan , to teach Poe a lesson about patience ? Stupid
You dumbass I'm saying to go read a book because you're stupid and reading will make you smarter. This proves you're a fukking idiot


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
While the movie was good. I mean it was a great flick full of nonstop moments. I cant accept the total disregard of canon. This movie is half “establishing a new story”/“half ending the old one”. So many inconsistancies in the story, so much they could have done. With the exception of snoke period i think theyve done ok but how theu didnt bring everything together and tried to take it in total new directions is wack to me.

A. The storY has always been about the skywalkers balancing the force. Theyve disregarded vaders part in that by making another random force god just pop up and continue with first order. It was supposed to balance the force.

B. They were heading towards some type of balancing of the force in the last movie, exposing that truly the jedi were wrong. You cant have one without the other. Here they have yoda “burning books” that ray already took? What was the point?they played with it a little here but snoke didnt seem to care. Now he just wan to kill rey after finding out where luke is. Why even kill look? You are winning?

C. Again. No connection to ththe previous movies. Im glad they ditched snoke if he was nobody. Shoulda been plagues, shoulda went for it and concluded that story.

D. Luke better be back as a force ghost doing some crazy shyt or haunting kylo. If he just dissapeara from here fukk disney

E. Where are the other force ghosts? They just come back for celebrations? Why aint luke building with his father?

F. Mark hammil is so right they did luke so wrong. Luke killing beninstead of finding snoke? Yea that makes sense. I loved the end scene for him but wish he continued on.

Jedi were wrong. Thats the story they shouod run with cuz is blaring. Only reason vader turned is cause jedi arent allowed to have families. No emotions period. Thats always been the flaw with their teachings. With luke gone idk how we even get into that. These characters wouodnt even know the history to learn these lessons.

Idk i have a lotta complaihts cuz it disregards the whole saga to set new pieces in motion. Its a fundamentally good movie. Its just a bad star wars movie.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
So your saying reading is for stupid people ?!!! Never heard that before :mjlol: So I know your dumb .

your saying that like I'm asking for a info dump . If Kylo was corrupted by snoke before he was even born to me that is important and is a part of Kylos story or rather possible future you have kylo saying yes he's a monster and Rey saying Kylo failed Luke but it's possible everyone failed him if snoke had a big part in his corruption . Also I just watched RJ movie tell me how some force feats are too strenuous and they csn kill someone but apparently snoke seems to have unlimited power and faces no consequences . JJ can fix it next movie but I'm not gonna sit here and act like his plot doesn't have a bunch of holes and illogical behavior and out and put stupidity .

Ex: Rey and Kylo story seems to be happening real time as the whole resistance on the run storyline . Everyone is able to go fly to other places (canto bight , ach-to to the supremacy ) but the first order the biggest most powerful force can't contact a ship in another location to cut off the resistances ships?
Why does Luke not tell leia his plan ? Poor plotting to give the viewer a suprise but unnecessary to the other characters
Why not have haldo tell the plan , to teach Poe a lesson about patience ? Stupid

First off...who even hinted at Snoke corrupting Kylo before he was born tho? Luke said Snoke already got to him and that's when he was young.

This isn't to say some of the stuff you pointed out isn't valid. Luke not coming to help his sister is wack to me. But Luke communicating to his sister what his plan was is possible. Did he or didn't he? Doesn't really matter because the arc was for Poe to realize "hm, maybe I shouldn't be a hot head right now and look at tactics" Haldo not telling Poe his plan is also wack and yes done for the sake of screenwriting and the sake of the movie while ignoring internal logic. Now does Poe need to learn patience? Yes but there could've been a way to do that without having characters make stupid choices for the sake of it.

I'm with you on some of that but for that Snoke stuff, nah can't get with it.


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
JJ already said that they make everything up as they go for SW. Each director makes up the next story :dead:
They should be burned at the stake then

So many of yall was suckin this rian i call him ree an cuz he makes bytch ass star wars movies with old bytches wit bad hair running rebellions. Idk what this dude was doin

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
In the last trilogy. That’s the argument we keep having. In the first trilogy, we got info on anakin as was needed and that was that. We knew next to nothing about the emperor except he was evil and wanted to takeover. So I cry foul on anyone saying how this bucks Star Wars tradition.

that was adequate forty years ago, when again...
movies were made and you literally never saw them again, unless they were king kong, bruce lee, or james bond in general.
past that, you were not ever seeing movies ever again at the movie theatre on a normal routine basis if it was old unless it was those films.
or a movie where it was some epic like casablanca, to godfather, etc.
for the general random person.
as satellite existed as did cable but in cities like chicago they did not and were not prevalent at all till like spectrum and on tv.
until star wars came around you really were not watching a movie and its sequel be consistently in a boxoffice and it was old like that.
where there were whole theatres based around just showing star wars over and over again.

times were different.

in this time and as a star wars fan in general from that era to now.
i and we as in the star wars general fan did want an explanation after forty one years of our lives being centralized around the only time america demonstrated a real global moral fiber and that was from star wars in the post assassination eras of mlk, evans, jfk.
in which america took a dark morbid turn and star wars was the only actual beacon of a moral flip in the right direction from that time.
hence why it is called a new hope and why it swept our galaxy so to speak.

i guess since people, may not be old enough but the actual moral fiber that people are telling them to grasp onto was held aloft from star wars.
past that, is the dark remnants of a time that we see the world wants to return to and systematically it has and will continue down this dark wack days ahead.
that a small hopeful property like star wars enlightened a generation to be about.

for this not to be done exactly right and uphold what it turn around in america is truly all of us in a dark day.

after this, there is no real way to trust anyone ever.
plus, know that in this andryogynous time, you might as well realize we have moved as close to paganism in a capitalistic world as reality can create in a dark time.
that now, really has no light at the end of the tunnell.

it is like we are all in slavery and headed to the dark unknown of a gas chamber now.

so, don't be surprised to see this world we are in under the rule of applied knowledge get even worse.
as real talk,..we are at world's end.

there is nuffin left to create a sound moral mind. those gateways don't exist and trying to get children to create a better place was lost from all of this not being handled right.

like i am just glad my kid, is old enough to head to high school and i can re-inforce the lesson from star wars into other things.
yet, i fear for any parent trying to raise their child to have hope.
simply cause the only hopeful gateway property for children, is in dire jeopardy of not having any effect.
which is a bad thing, because then there is no gateway weapon against fascism for young children.
specifically male young children,....
as star wars is an anti-fascism gateway marketing device.
that should always have the highest quality treatment of any film in american history, actually.

art barr


Jul 16, 2013
This scene in my opinion means this: The universe is always full of those who are force sensitive. The majority are just never given training to become Jedi or Sith. Or their connection is just not strong enough. Most likely just a nod to the audience saying that although things look bleak, the rebellion and indeed the Jedi will always live on to fight oppression and give hope to the universe. Rey's connection to the force is so strong, in addition to her base combat skills that she looks like a natural. It's a weird direction to take but I dont have a huge issue with it.

i could see that, but that's the thing about it i dont like: the force should be kept as a mystic thing that people acknowledge, but everyone doesnt have access to....and the ones that do/use it should be extremes of each other, different sides of the same coin, sith or jedi, that way they keep that balance when it comes to the try to make the force an everyone thing, and that the balance will be cause everyone has access to it just seems like bullshyt to me and an easy way out the story....


May 1, 2012
i could see that, but that's the thing about it i dont like: the force should be kept as a mystic thing that people acknowledge, but everyone doesnt have access to....and the ones that do/use it should be extremes of each other, different sides of the same coin, sith or jedi, that way they keep that balance when it comes to the try to make the force an everyone thing, and that the balance will be cause everyone has access to it just seems like bullshyt to me and an easy way out the story....
Everyone doesn’t have the access to the force. A percentage of people are born worth the ability to use the force. An even smaller amount of those people are chosen to be trained in their ability. So a child with the ability to use the force isn’t anything new in Star Wars. It’s important to note as well that you don’t have to be a Jedi or Sith to be a powerful force user. Those classifications are ideologies, and are really just cults when you think about it.

For example, Leia was born force sensitive, but never honed her abilities. Ezra Bridger from Rebels is another example who never received too much formal training. Hope that made sense
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