Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012
I hate to get dragged into discussion about this mediocre movie but you all know there's a difference. A New Hope came with a fully established universe with an evil empire already in place, one that the audience at the time could even assume existed long before its current rulers (the Emperor and Vader) came into play.

So it makes sense that we don't know where they came from, just as the fact we don't need to know where Hans Gruber came from in Die Hard to make him the man he is.

TFA and this however are direct follow-ups to the OG trilogy so to have an all-powerful character present without explaining how he rose to power following the events of RotJ just feels off. I mean, they could've given him as much as a single line about how he had to crawl out of the ashes of the emperor's failure to explain that this guy at least existed during the OG trilogy's events.

In the last trilogy. That’s the argument we keep having. In the first trilogy, we got info on anakin as was needed and that was that. We knew next to nothing about the emperor except he was evil and wanted to takeover. So I cry foul on anyone saying how this bucks Star Wars tradition.


@TheGodling drop a great reason why it's so important which you seemly ignored


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County

@TheGodling drop a great reason why it's so important which you seemly ignored

Because I disagree with his logic and reasoning. Again for you all who agree with that cool it’s important. I’m saying for me it isn’t. So either we’re going to continue the round robin or just let it go cause I can’t and won’t keep repeating myself :russ: he made the same point that’s been made. I get it. I disagree with it. And there’s only but so many ways and configurations I can say it breh

You and him and others think it’s imporrant for the larger scheme of things and since it’s not a self contained story it should fill out the universe. Okay. I think it’s not important at all because it doesn’t serve the main purpose of Rey, Kylo, or Luke. If Kylo needs to ascend to power then I don’t need backstory on the guy he took out to get there. He seduced him to the dark side and saw in him the potential to be the next Vader. And it backfired on him. I’m good at that point


SOHH Vet since 2002
May 2, 2013
SMH :snoop: again.

Like I said b4 leave the Skywalker bloodline and company out of it and make a brand new story and characters etc.

The Force Awakens was just A New Hope re-did with an invincible white girl and a Black dude simpin ova her and being the punchline of every joke.

Oh and one of my biggest problems with Force Awakens and Last Jedi is how everybody is automatically crazy nice with the light saber!! :mindblown:
You have to be Force sensitive AND trained in light saber combat !!! (well except for Grievious in Revenge of the Sith cuz he crawled up walls and sh!t mad fast and was trained in saber combat by Dooku and had four sabers till Kenobi sonned him).

Last Jedi felt like a combination of all the previous movies re-made... BADLY.

I only consider Episode 1-6 as official STAR Wars movies. They can keep the rest of that bullsh!t.

And don't even get me started in Last Jedi on that freezing ass planet with the 1st Order Walkers, felt like a bootleg version of Empire


May 7, 2012
Breh......they literally explained all that shyt in TFA and TLJ..

You nikkas are legit fukking retarded and don't pay attention. Boo fukking hoo they didn't literally spell it out for you slow remedial ass idiots. Go read a fukking book breh. You're not mentally inclined yet for movies
So your saying reading is for stupid people ?!!! Never heard that before :mjlol: So I know your dumb .
Not to get all Star Wars but him being offensive is all about a certain POV. That shyt don’t offend me and I love Star Wars. Don’t kowtow to me plus I agree with him so yeah

And no how Snoke seduced him is irrelevant. He’s seduced already. Now what happens as a result? That does nothing for kylos story or luke or Rey. That doesn’t serve either one of them. Much like doing an info dump on the emperor wouldn’t have served anyone 30 years ago.
your saying that like I'm asking for a info dump . If Kylo was corrupted by snoke before he was even born to me that is important and is a part of Kylos story or rather possible future you have kylo saying yes he's a monster and Rey saying Kylo failed Luke but it's possible everyone failed him if snoke had a big part in his corruption . Also I just watched RJ movie tell me how some force feats are too strenuous and they csn kill someone but apparently snoke seems to have unlimited power and faces no consequences . JJ can fix it next movie but I'm not gonna sit here and act like his plot doesn't have a bunch of holes and illogical behavior and out and put stupidity .

Ex: Rey and Kylo story seems to be happening real time as the whole resistance on the run storyline . Everyone is able to go fly to other places (canto bight , ach-to to the supremacy ) but the first order the biggest most powerful force can't contact a ship in another location to cut off the resistances ships?
Why does Luke not tell leia his plan ? Poor plotting to give the viewer a suprise but unnecessary to the other characters
Why not have haldo tell the plan , to teach Poe a lesson about patience ? Stupid
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