Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Aug 3, 2015
You watched a different movie. You went in there with your insecurities on max, ready to find things to criticize.

The Asian broad was smarter than him yet when they were talking about trackers they were saying the same thing at the same time and arrived at the same conclusion showing they BOTH knew what they were talking about :gucci:

Finn didn’t discuss strategy? So the whole let’s break into the First Order’s ship scene didn’t happen? The whole we need to go get the Codebreaker scene didn’t happen? Was this dude not on the front line throughout the movie or in your weirdo mind was he in the movie cowering for the whole 3 hours. Phasma was ready to kill him? He held his own against her in combat. He fell. He came back up without her knowing and landed a blow. We’ve seen this sorta scene 1,000 times in film where the character falls to his death than comes back up and wins but it’s racism when the black kid does it :gucci:

He didn’t know anything about the First Order yet he knew exactly where the tracking device was on the ship :gucci: He knew that they changed passwords every hour without fail :gucci: And he knew that it was only one ship doing the tracking. But he didn’t know anything or provide any useful detail. And he has no skill with weapons despite fighting Phasma for a good 3 minutes. What movie are you watching :gucci:

:mindblown:What? did you even read my post?

If anything you are proving my point. I said Finn DOES know stuff about the First Order. Thats literally ALL he brings to the table. Having info about your previous employer is not a TALENT.:heh: Dude has been a member of the First Order his whole life... yet this Rose broad who has barely ever been aboard an imperial craft her whole life knows just as much about them as he does.

I never said Finn hadn't accomplished anything. I said he hasn't accomplished anything that ANY OTHER member of the Rebellion couldn't do themselves. You plug ANY member of the rebel squad in Finn's spot, give them a mission briefing, you would get the same result. Compare him to the other main protagonists of the film. What stands out about him? They all have a rare, coveted skill. Where is his?:jbhmm: He can't do anything by himself.
Example: At any given moment throught the originals, Han Solo could walk into a room full of storm troopers, pull out the blaster pistol, take out mad heads and keep it moving. This is par for the course for him. No one else in the film could do shyt like this, along with his many other talents like finessing ppl, flying, improvising etc.. These are some of the things that made him special.

its been 2 films and Finn NEVER had a single moment like this. In TLJ when they go to space Dubai to find the Codebreaker they could have EASILY plugged in a scene where they get detected, sorrounded by casino security. Finn pulls out his space Tonfa and brings the pain to like 5-7 guards before reinforcements come and start firing. He then could grab the Codebreaker on some "youre coming with us", daring escape, hijacked vehicle, chase scene, crash etc. Instead his ass gets arrested thrown in jail immediately, Benicio Del Toro breaks them out, the asian broad frees the animals from the zoo and our fearless hero is riding bytch on a furry horse screaming with a look of confusion on his face once again. Yeah, hes a real one of a kind:comeon:

And MISS ME with the Phasma shyt. He was a split second from getting his top pushed back before BB-8 hijacked the AT-AT and fxcked shyt up. He snook her on some peek-a-boo shyt, lets not pretend he overwhelmed her with some superior rare skills. He took her out like any plucky comic relief character would have. This is the dude who got his ass beaten by a low ranking stormtrooper with a stun Baton in the last flick, DESPITE having a lightsaber.

:hubie:honestly breh, i dont even know why i'm arguing with you. Youre fresh off of watching a movie that got high critic ratings. A movie that you WANTED to like as we all did. You're not thinking clearly. I used to think just like you right after TFA. Then time went by and a realized wow... Finn is 100% replacable. Every other main protagonist in this movie has a unique skill except him. THey REFUSE to give him talent or potential. Its just a waste of a likeable intriguing, charasmatic character who they could have done so much with. He could have BEEN the Solo of the new generation...That is what is particularly frustrating. Ive had this discussion brought up by non-black Star Wars fans who have said the same exact thing so iunno why you think i have some agenda. im just being real.
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Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
This movie was feminist propaganda. Every male black or white was subordinate to a ho in this flicc.

Pure trash. The moment Rey slapped Luke I knew this franchise had jumped the shark. RIP

"Everyone I'd like you to meet our new commander...


.... and our new first officer

... and our new fighter pilot



Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Btw, when are we going to talk about them killing off Admiral Ackbar just so they could bring in that crappy one-note feminist wet dream Holdo? They could've added some real gravitas and intrigue to that subplot by having Poe face off against an actually liked fan favorite in Ackbar instead of the whole thing being a cheap woman-empowering ploy.

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
You plug ANY member of the rebel squad in Finn's spot, give them a mission briefing, you would get the same result.

Pretty much.

The movie treats him as a central character but there's no justification for it. He's just a regular guy who's brave and accompanies people on missions. He does not possess any of the traits you would expect from a main character.

There's really no reason we need to keep following him around other than the fact that he's a leftover from the last movie.


All Star
Oct 27, 2014
the luke and leia meet up did catch me in the feels.

however 7-9 are supposed to be the conclusion of the story but so far have been pointless money grabs.

that's why I liked rogue one much better than awakens and last jedi. it concludes the ark of the rebels series perfectly. whereas the two main films just don't do any service to lucas's saga.

I get the feel that instead of 7-9 being the conclusion of the series, disney are planning to stretch out the movies to make as much money as possible.


Jul 16, 2013
Not true at all. Finn initially was going back to find Rey, but by the end was on the verge of sacrificing himself to save the Resistance.

you know you just said what i said right?....the very thing you're saying i'm wrong about is exactly what i said lol....which shows that the person i quoted was incorrect about finn's motivations in the movie....thanks for proving my point....

John Hull

You can’t see me!
Jun 6, 2012
Studio gangstas
Leaving aside the propaganda angle for a sec... the logic is all screwy. If Hoddo was gonna space jump into the destroyer anyway why did she allow so many of her people to die first?

If Rey is (now) the most powerful Jedi in the universe and her whole mission was to find Luke why she ain't go down there and get busy with Kylo at the end? Did she know he was just a projection the whole time?

How would she know that and Kylo who is a more experienced Force user not be able to detect it?

Princess Leia survived floating deep space with the Force, why she ain't try to help at the end?

shyt was all over the place.