Example: At any given moment throught the originals, Han Solo could walk into a room full of storm troopers, pull out the blaster pistol, take out mad heads and keep it moving. This is par for the course for him. No one else in the film could do shyt like this, along with his many other talents like finessing ppl, flying, improvising etc.. These are some of the things that made him special.
its been 2 films and Finn NEVER had a single moment like this. In TLJ when they go to space Dubai to find the Codebreaker they could have EASILY plugged in a scene where they get detected, sorrounded by casino security. Finn pulls out his space Tonfa and brings the pain to like 5-7 guards before reinforcements come and start firing. He then could grab the Codebreaker on some "youre coming with us", daring escape, hijacked vehicle, chase scene, crash etc. Instead his ass gets arrested thrown in jail immediately, Benicio Del Toro breaks them out, the asian broad frees the animals from the zoo and our fearless hero is riding bytch on a furry horse screaming with a look of confusion on his face once again. Yeah, hes a real one of a kind
And MISS ME with the Phasma shyt. He was a split second from getting his top pushed back before BB-8 hijacked the AT-AT and fxcked shyt up. He snook her on some peek-a-boo shyt, lets not pretend he overwhelmed her with some superior rare skills. He took her out like any plucky comic relief character would have. This is the dude who got his ass beaten by a low ranking stormtrooper with a stun Baton in the last flick, DESPITE having a lightsaber.
honestly breh, i dont even know why i'm arguing with you. Youre fresh off of watching a movie that got high critic ratings. A movie that you WANTED to like as we all did. You're not thinking clearly. I used to think just like you right after TFA. Then time went by and a realized wow... Finn is 100% replacable. Every other main protagonist in this movie has a unique skill except him. THey REFUSE to give him talent or potential. Its just a waste of a likeable intriguing, charasmatic character who they could have done so much with. He could have BEEN the Solo of the new generation...That is what is particularly frustrating. Ive had this discussion brought up by non-black Star Wars fans who have said the same exact thing so iunno why you think i have some agenda. im just being real.