Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
You just stated every single thing you need to know. He started the first order and he seduced Kylo Ren. The same shyt you knew about the emperor until 99. He started the empire and seduced anakin.
I hate to get dragged into discussion about this mediocre movie but you all know there's a difference. A New Hope came with a fully established universe with an evil empire already in place, one that the audience at the time could even assume existed long before its current rulers (the Emperor and Vader) came into play.

So it makes sense that we don't know where they came from, just as the fact we don't need to know where Hans Gruber came from in Die Hard to make him the man he is.

TFA and this however are direct follow-ups to the OG trilogy so to have an all-powerful character present without explaining how he rose to power following the events of RotJ just feels off. I mean, they could've given him as much as a single line about how he had to crawl out of the ashes of the emperor's failure to explain that this guy at least existed during the OG trilogy's events.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I hate to get dragged into discussion about this mediocre movie but you all know there's a difference. A New Hope came with a fully established universe with an evil empire already in place, one that the audience at the time could even assume existed long before its current rulers (the Emperor and Vader) came into play.

So it makes sense that we don't know where they came from, just as the fact we don't need to know where Hans Gruber came from in Die Hard to make him the man he is.

TFA and this however are direct follow-ups to the OG trilogy so to have an all-powerful character present without explaining how he rose to power following the events of RotJ just feels off. I mean, they could've given him as much as a single line about how he had to crawl out of the ashes of the emperor's failure to explain that this guy at least existed during the OG trilogy's events.

By all means please don’t be dragged into it :obama:


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012
When they laid out the storyline for this new triology did they have a beginning and end?

The randomness from 7 to 8 makes no sense

Does Disney just give the directors total control and autonomy with each movie? TFA had deep flaws but to ignore damn near every storyline from it make no sense at all

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Did I really just watch
Luke drink from the tit of a monster

@Bryan Danielson, you bytch ass motherfukker


So just because I dont hate the movie like some of the people in here I'm all that?

Like I didnt overrate it, I didnt say it was the greatest movie of all time or the best movie of the year.

I said the movie was decent..... but somehow my lack of hate for it drives you to the point of going out of your way to mention me?



Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012

I almost hate to defend this movie, but the lack of technological advancement seems to be normal for the Star Wars universe. The Old Republic was at least 4000 years old, but technology barely moved forward at all in all that time. Its an ultra-traditional society based on ancient rituals. E.g. Obi Wan thought a lightsaber was "an elegant weapon from a more civilized time", when using the same technology it should be possible to create far deadlier ranged weapons.

In fact, the only "scientists" I can think of in the movies were they guys working on the Death Star in Rogue One. And they were all murdered. The "good guys" don't believe in advancing technology, and the "Dark Side" only believes in separately siloed secret military scientists working on superweapons.

This is all bullshyt as learned from the movie the rich guys in the casino are the one that don't like to upgrade technology and keep selling the same thing over and over again



Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
This is literally why 90% of nikkas on here are bytching and complaining. They're all just mad cause their theories or what they wanted to happen didn't. Get the fukk over it

I think that's only a small maybe 20%. The rest are bothered because this movie wastes a spot. It's a separate movie with characters that someone is forced to use. It is supposed to be part of an arc. Whatever direction this movie would have taken, fans would've been satisfied had they seemed like they wanted to continue a story. Either this movie is great, an excellent setup, in which case VII becomes a complete waste, or VII is the setup and VIII throws everything out of the window to start anew.

AND these new characters aren't that interesting. Rey is good, but I don't think they're no longer gonna pursue anything about her. Kylo is wasted. Hux is trash, Poe & Finn go n dummy missions. Most of their lines can be given to others, and it's the same movie. The biggest problem is that they don't interact with each other. They're supposed to be the next Luke, Han & Leia but we don't even know if they have chemistry with each other as a trio.

Yeah I’m just not in agreement on this one. I don’t think it was needed at all for reasons I’ve stated. Also again it was never promised that would happen. You wanted it cool. It didn’t happen. You assumed this guy was important. You assumed his story was worth telling. You assumed he warranted story when it was clear he was a conduit for Kylo Ren and his ascension. Just like Palpatine

And I think that's just the difference in how the fans feel. Even you would have to admit that if you look at this movie in the entirety of the story, it disappoints. However, as a stand-alone film, it is great. I do agree with you saying that they didn't promise us anything with regards to Snoke. However, we were promised for over 30+ years that Episodes 1-3 & 7-9 is one long story that tells the Skywalker saga. Even as other characters are introduced, it still tells the Skywalker saga. This film doesn't have to, because at the end of the day, they will do what they want, BUT it should. Either Kylo Ren should have been the main pro-/antagonist which would've been an excellent take on the usual good guy tropes, or they have to tie this together. This movie can exist perfectly outside of the Skywalker saga. I do think that the fact they Rian Johnson went so out of the way to erase all things JJ, is a slap in the face. This was really not tied to VII, and now IX has to take another direction. Overall, these 2 films have been bad storytelling. They've treated this ish like the X-Men movies.

I think what they did here would be the equivalent of the Narnia series, if you stop after the "War", then skip Caspian, and go directly into Dawn Treader...or Silver Chair. Better yet, if The Outsiders ends with the fight between Greasers & Socs, and the very next chapter is That Was Then, This is Now. At that point there has been too much invested to not know how everyone got to where they are, are even to where we can see that's why they are there.

But hey, I like it. I'll just skip it in the Star Wars narrative. Star Wars for me will be I-VI, and Rogue One.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Yeah I’m just not in agreement on this one. I don’t think it was needed at all for reasons I’ve stated. Also again it was never promised that would happen. You wanted it cool. It didn’t happen. You assumed this guy was important. You assumed his story was worth telling. You assumed he warranted story when it was clear he was a conduit for Kylo Ren and his ascension. Just like Palpatine

It’s not needed, but in a movie franchise that had so much history and callbacks, it would have been appreciated.

It would have made for a more compelling story and better movie too. :sas2: