Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Jul 14, 2015
Rogue 1 was better. I could care less about the theories, ep 8 just threw all the backstory/myth is out the window like none of it even mattered.

Snoke has emperor lightning powers and is super strong with the force only to get double crossed and killed without finding out a single fukking thing about his motivation, where he came from, who trained him, & why he was the leader of the current empire.

There were a few too many ham fisted jokes for a Star Wars movie for me.

Not a single light saber battle

Where the fk are the Knights of REN that we’re teased in the ep 7 flashback?

Maz was supposed to explain where Luke’s saber was recovered and how

Rey’s parents are still a mystery imo (Kylo lied)

Benicio didn’t redeem himself and felt like a cheap Macguffin when they could’ve given a very accomplished star a much more significant role

So the first order is just going to make all the old weapons bigger? (Dreadnaught, gorilla ATATs etc).

They could’ve skipped the planet Monaco storyline :-/

Rey goes to the dark side for answers but then comes out unphased? The fk?


Little-Known Lurker
May 1, 2012


He doesn't have to be the second coming of Mace Windu. Or be force sensitive. All the fxck that we ask is that they give him SOME special noteworthy ability or atleast a precursor to something like it. He is brave.... and he knows some First Order intel (since he kinda used to work for them)... THAT'S IT. Its been two movies and he has accomplished virtually nothing that any other Rebel couldn't do themselves

Han Solo was an Ace pilot, master gunfighter, fearless gambit, engineer, shrewd con man, and seasoned smuggler who has fended off deadly bounty hunters his damn self with his unique skills. This was established off the rip BEFORE he even met Luke.. Long before having Leia's heart or being down for the cause.

Finn cannot properly fly an aircraft. He cannot communicate with aliens. He cannot communicate with robots. Is not tech savvy. Has no elite proficiency with weapons. He literally cannot run 50 metres without having someone come and rescue him. And Phasma was about to smoke his azz if BB-8 hadnt come through and wrecked shyt first. He simply finished her off.

:heh:Discuss strategy? Lead? The stubby asian bytch is smarter than him and knows just as much about the First Order as he does. Even though he's the one who literally spent his life working for them.

This isnt militant shyt. You realize there is an entire population of star wars fans who share the same sentiment with how he is criminally underused as a character to this series? Look I dont wanna kill your vibe. So like I said in my earlier post.. let the media/critic hype die down, let the excitement fade. Give it some time. When you are done digesting you will realize that these writers really aint shyt for a number of reasons.

That comment about him having no proficiency with weapons is not true, and I'm pissed off that Disney has audiences thinking that. In the book Before the Awakening, which gives some backstory of Rey, Finn, and Poe, it says about Finn:
"He was, as far as the training cadre and his peers were concerned, one of the best stormtroopers anyone had ever seen...Whatever the test, whatever the evaluation, FN-2187 consistently scored in the top 1 percent. So he was FN-2187, well on his way to becoming tlhe ideal First Order stormtrooper." From Captain Phasma evaluation after a training simulation:" fired you weapon only thirty-six times, scoring kills with thirty-five of those. You deployed one explosive, which resulted in the achieving of the objective and another six enemies killed"

Finn is great/gifted warrior, and TLJ showed NONE of that. At least in TFA they had him doing a little something, which was something to build on (I heard he actually did a lot more, but they cut it out from the movie)


Feb 8, 2015


He doesn't have to be the second coming of Mace Windu. Or be force sensitive. All the fxck that we ask is that they give him SOME special noteworthy ability or atleast a precursor to something like it. He is brave.... and he knows some First Order intel (since he kinda used to work for them)... THAT'S IT. Its been two movies and he has accomplished virtually nothing that any other Rebel couldn't do themselves

Han Solo was an Ace pilot, master gunfighter, fearless gambit, engineer, shrewd con man, and seasoned smuggler who has fended off deadly bounty hunters his damn self with his unique skills. This was established off the rip BEFORE he even met Luke.. Long before having Leia's heart or being down for the cause.

Finn cannot properly fly an aircraft. He cannot communicate with aliens. He cannot communicate with robots. Is not tech savvy. Has no elite proficiency with weapons. He literally cannot run 50 metres without having someone come and rescue him. And Phasma was about to smoke his azz if BB-8 hadnt come through and wrecked shyt first. He simply finished her off.

:heh:Discuss strategy? Lead? The stubby asian bytch is smarter than him and knows just as much about the First Order as he does. Even though he's the one who literally spent his life working for them.

This isnt militant shyt. You realize there is an entire population of star wars fans who share the same sentiment with how he is criminally underused as a character to this series? Look I dont wanna kill your vibe. So like I said in my earlier post.. let the media/critic hype die down, let the excitement fade. Give it some time. When you are done digesting you will realize that these writers really aint shyt for a number of reasons.

You watched a different movie. You went in there with your insecurities on max, ready to find things to criticize.

The Asian broad was smarter than him yet when they were talking about trackers they were saying the same thing at the same time and arrived at the same conclusion showing they BOTH knew what they were talking about :gucci:

Finn didn’t discuss strategy? So the whole let’s break into the First Order’s ship scene didn’t happen? The whole we need to go get the Codebreaker scene didn’t happen? Was this dude not on the front line throughout the movie or in your weirdo mind was he in the movie cowering for the whole 3 hours. Phasma was ready to kill him? He held his own against her in combat. He fell. He came back up without her knowing and landed a blow. We’ve seen this sorta scene 1,000 times in film where the character falls to his death than comes back up and wins but it’s racism when the black kid does it :gucci:

He didn’t know anything about the First Order yet he knew exactly where the tracking device was on the ship :gucci: He knew that they changed passwords every hour without fail :gucci: And he knew that it was only one ship doing the tracking. But he didn’t know anything or provide any useful detail. And he has no skill with weapons despite fighting Phasma for a good 3 minutes. What movie are you watching :gucci:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi


He doesn't have to be the second coming of Mace Windu. Or be force sensitive. All the fxck that we ask is that they give him SOME special noteworthy ability or atleast a precursor to something like it. He is brave.... and he knows some First Order intel (since he kinda used to work for them)... THAT'S IT. Its been two movies and he has accomplished virtually nothing that any other Rebel couldn't do themselves

Han Solo was an Ace pilot, master gunfighter, fearless gambit, engineer, shrewd con man, and seasoned smuggler who has fended off deadly bounty hunters his damn self with his unique skills. This was established off the rip BEFORE he even met Luke.. Long before having Leia's heart or being down for the cause.

Finn cannot properly fly an aircraft. He cannot communicate with aliens. He cannot communicate with robots. Is not tech savvy. Has no elite proficiency with weapons. He literally cannot run 50 metres without having someone come and rescue him. And Phasma was about to smoke his azz if BB-8 hadnt come through and wrecked shyt first. He simply finished her off.

:heh:Discuss strategy? Lead? The stubby asian bytch is smarter than him and knows just as much about the First Order as he does. Even though he's the one who literally spent his life working for them.

This isnt militant shyt. You realize there is an entire population of star wars fans who share the same sentiment with how he is criminally underused as a character to this series? Look I dont wanna kill your vibe. So like I said in my earlier post.. let the media/critic hype die down, let the excitement fade. Give it some time. When you are done digesting you will realize that these writers really aint shyt for a number of reasons.
shytted on him :wow:


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
The film was definitely trying to be subliminally political. What with All the women characters, the anti-animal cruelty message shoehorned in the COMPLETELY useless Finn arc and the racial and fat diversity.

I'm just pointing it out. The movie valued being PC more than being good. You saying "I swear some people here want all-white male everything." is just strawmaning.

It was obvious to anyone paying attention, but unfortunately there are people who will criticize you just for pointing it out.

Some people are sensitive/defensive and would rather their agendas not even be discussed or debated. Similar to how the far right doesn't want their beliefs debated or even mentioned because it might stop it. Crazy how the Horseshoe theory works.:yeshrug:

You guys are conflating an effort to be diverse and get away from all white males with poor movie making. The reason this movie sucked has nothing to do with the amount of women, fat people, or animals. It's just a bad movie. When movies with white males are done poorly no one ever brings up race or gender. Talk about an agenda, that's classic brainwashing. They got you viewing white males as normal and everything else is wrong and a part of some agenda. fukking matrix up in here.

No. You go find me mentioning any complaints about anything female related in Rogue One. Don't come at me specifically then point at shyt everyone else says.

Don't pretend like I have some weird axe to grind. Like I said, they made the men fukking buffoons for no reason. Rogue One shows they can have strong characters on either side of the gender line, but diminishing all of the guys as fodder is just bad writing and it made the movie terrible. I would say the same fukking thing if roles were reversed.

Poe didn't take down the star ship. It was done by the girl who all of a sudden had force control and hit the bomb button. He got demoted for it. He then attempted a mutiny and got shot by Leia for it when it was an ultimately useless plan because Leia had a secret plan the entire time and had Holdo not share it for LITERALLY NO REASON. He was only useful in taking out those gunships in the beginning and that's it. Compare that to the force awakens where he had the forethought to stash BB8 with plans, be able to escape with Finn, and took down the planet destroyer.

Finn woke up in a suit that was made to look like he was peeing on himself. He was trying to sneak out and got intimidated by a mechanic who's barely done anything in life then immediately beat down by said mechanic. A cat that was previously trained as a storm trooper somehow was taken out by a short crying girl with a stun gun. His choice to sacrifice himself was shut down by the same mechanic because now she "loved" him. It had literally been less than a day according to their timelines about how much fuel was left. The only time he decided to fight back in any way was facilitated by Haldo crashing into the ship. He did nothing on his own at all. Literally zero. Compare that to the force awakens where he escaped with Poe, shot down tie fighters, and FOUGHT HEAD UP WITH KYLO. Are you for real gonna pretend like it's ok for him to fight the main villain straight up in the past movie, but in this one he's taken out by a mechanic? Nah. That's bullshyt.

Kylo only killed his master because of Rey. That's literally the only reason. He was able to kill his own father with no explanation other than his master said he needed to, but somehow turns on him because of a stranger.

Other shyt that was just dumb:
- Holdo not telling anyone about this secret plan until right out of the blue.
- We have literally seen droids in this universe control ships, and BB8 in this movie was hacking tanks, but you want me to believe a star ship needs a person to manually control it? Nah. The director wanted to make her a martyr for hero points.
- Leia's all of a sudden super mastery of the force to the point that she can survive in space and blow doors open.
- The tracking ships in light speed, but they somehow aren't able to track transports.....and how Poe who again is one of the leaders wouldn't be aware of that fact.
- The entire "Hey we're running out of gas!" plotline

I said most of this in my review. We're actually on the same page in regards to the poor plotting and characters. I agree Finn was underused and Poe came off like a dumb hothead. But blaming it on number of women characters is bizarre. It implies that if all the women characters had been men then you would have accepted what happened. It was bad, regardless of the gender of any of the characters.


Jan 20, 2013
Perhaps,but I think it's possible he sticks around as a force ghost. And if there is any way to go out, it's sonning a dude from half way across the Galaxy on some

Top 5 moment in Star Wars history breh. Like when u think about this muthafukker Luke is like u said a galaxy away b. Been unplugged for years then plugs back in on some Neo God Mode shyt and fukks Klyo Rens whole Head Up :wow:. The nuisances and detail of his of his convo with Leia and how much energy it took for that whole sequence comparing it to Kylo and Rey :ohlawd:

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
I like how they showed the force users one-upping each other.

- Snoke creates the bond between Kylo and Rey because he can see into Kylo's mind.
- Kylo uses this and flips it on him, killing Snoke.
- Luke then tricks Kylo from a galaxy away and pulls off the biggest Jedi mind trick yet not just on Kylo, but everyone in that battle.

Yoda pulling a Storm was ill too. Makes you wonder how powerful beings who became one with the force really are.

What hurts this, still, is that Rey still matches Kylo in their faceoff. Y'all said, and Snoke confirmed, it was because of Chewie's blast and killing Han, but why is she his equal now?
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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Muthafukkas shyt on Will Smith for putting Jaden in his movies but nobody bats an eyelash when that little Cac gets into Star Wars...

Only cats here from what I’ve seen. And normally only when blaming jaden for after earth which is completely unfair lol. I ain’t mad at will for doing it. Keep it in the family and let jaden cook.


Feb 8, 2015
Top 5 moment in Star Wars history breh. Like when u think about this muthafukker Luke is like u said a galaxy away b. Been unplugged for years then plugs back in on some Neo God Mode shyt and fukks Klyo Rens whole Head Up :wow:. The nuisances and detail of his of his convo with Leia and how much energy it took for that whole sequence comparing it to Kylo and Rey :ohlawd:

They got me

I was wondering how Luke was dodging everything Kylo threw at him and breh wasn’t even there the WHOLE TIME :wow:


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
Why does there have to be a reason other than it was a bad movie to explain why people do not like this movie? Despite people giving detailed analysis as to why they consider this movie trash I still see silly statements like the above from people that liked the film.

Haven't had time to read the details because I just saw the movie last night. I'll chime in on those discussions later but from the limited amount of discourse ive seen so far it looks like people just wanted more explained that really didn't need explaining. Like almost every one of the complaint threads so far mention not knowing who Snoke is. Knowing who Snoke is, where the lightsaber came from, etc..that shyt is just information the Star Wars junkies clamored for that at the end of the day is irrelevant to the story. Folks upset because it wasnt confirmed that Rey was the secret grandaughter of Obi Wan Kenobi or some other far fetched crap.

I'm excited for the next trilogy where Rian doesn't have to find purpose for characters he clearly wants nothing to do with.
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Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Like almost every one of the complaint threads so far mention not knowing who Snoke is.

I feel that this is a genuine complaint though. The saga has clearly set up a precedent of master/teachers. The prequels established that the Sith had been reduced to two only, and Revenge of the Sith confirmed this to be Plaguies to Palpatine to Maul/Tyranus/Vader.

The OG's establish that Palpatine does not tolerate other force users, especially if they pose a threat. He even wants Luke to kill Vader for him.

Snoke not only having existed but somehow taking over the Empire after Palpatine dies then has the right to be questioned. Especially looking at the extent of his powers.

You can't blame people for finding it weird/insulting not to explain this. He's not a random bounty hunter or force user, he leads the Empire and found a way to turn Luke's nephew against him right under his nose.

It took Palpatine 13 years to turn Anakin, and Anakin had no family around at all plus had Palpatine physically around him all the time. Palpatine also spent most of his life as a politician and manoeuvred himself into the Emperor role over the course of a lifetime. We don't even know how or when Snoke showed up.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I feel that this is a genuine complaint though. The saga has clearly set up a precedent of master/teachers. The prequels established that the Sith had been reduced to two only, and Revenge of the Sith confirmed this to be Plaguies to Palpatine to Maul/Tyranus/Vader.

The OG's establish that Palpatine does not tolerate other force users, especially if they pose a threat. He even wants Luke to kill Vader for him.

Snoke not only having existed but somehow taking over the Empire after Palpatine dies then has the right to be questioned. Especially looking at the extent of his powers.

You can't blame people for finding it weird/insulting not to explain this. He's not a random bounty hunter or force user, he leads the Empire and found a way to turn Luke's nephew against him right under his nose.

It took Palpatine 13 years to turn Anakin, and Anakin had no family around at all plus had Palpatine physically around him all the time. Palpatine also spent most of his life as a politician and manoeuvred himself into the Emperor role over the course of a lifetime. We don't even know how or when Snoke showed up.

I don’t think it’s a fair criticism because the movie never promised you that would happen. As a viewer you expected it because of tradition but traditions are often broken. I’m not saying I don’t see how someone would want more exploration of him but I don’t see that as a detriment of the movie that it didn’t do what it never said it would do


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
I feel that this is a genuine complaint though. The saga has clearly set up a precedent of master/teachers. The prequels established that the Sith had been reduced to two only, and Revenge of the Sith confirmed this to be Plaguies to Palpatine to Maul/Tyranus/Vader.

The OG's establish that Palpatine does not tolerate other force users, especially if they pose a threat. He even wants Luke to kill Vader for him.

Snoke not only having existed but somehow taking over the Empire after Palpatine dies then has the right to be questioned. Especially looking at the extent of his powers.

You can't blame people for finding it weird/insulting not to explain this. He's not a random bounty hunter or force user, he leads the Empire and found a way to turn Luke's nephew against him right under his nose.

It took Palpatine 13 years to turn Anakin, and Anakin had no family around at all plus had Palpatine physically around him all the time. Palpatine also spent most of his life as a politician and manoeuvred himself into the Emperor role over the course of a lifetime. We don't even know how or when Snoke showed up.

And none of that was explained in the OG trilogy, yet people had no problem with it. All you knew is that the Emperor was some old guy in charge, end of story.

Who Snoke is is irrelevant to this portion of the story just as who the Emperor really was, is irrelevant to the OG trilogy. Snoke backstory is something that can be explained in another story that takes place between 6 and 7 if deemed necessary. His backstory is a story in the overall mythos of Star Wars, it has little bearing on this exact moment in time.

If anything whats missing is the what happened to the other students that left with Kylo. That portion is relevant.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
I don’t think it’s a fair criticism because the movie never promised you that would happen. As a viewer you expected it because of tradition but traditions are often broken. I’m not saying I don’t see how someone would want more exploration of him but I don’t see that as a detriment of the movie that it didn’t do what it never said it would do

It does when you consider it's Episode 8 in a saga, not a stand alone movie. It becomes a detriment to the established lore. You can break tradition without disregarding the mythos.

I'm not saying it effects the quality of this as a movie, but it effects the quality of it fitting into the whole saga. The movie works without it, but it becomes more difficult when you try to relate it to the other Episodes.