I love when the movies go against expectations, it's why I love most of the prequels.
I agree with brehs saying that a lot of this movie's flaws stem from JJ's non creative weak ass set up in TFA. It's obvious Rian wasn't interested in just repeating what George/Kershner/Marquand had done cinematically/thematically but JJ kind of forced his hand. Perhaps that's why Disney offered him movies outside of the Saga.
So fine with the different approach, I just think a lot of the story choices didn't work. An 18 hour chase even though we saw 3 Ties totally fukk that shyt up, Holdo not telling Poe her plans for no reason, that casino diversion, no detais on Snoke and bringing Phasma and Maz back (assuming this was some JJ bullshyt) and Leia was useless/ridiculous.
I don't care if Rey's parentage is what Kylo says it is. I think her arc with Kylo/Luke works and saves the movie. Her parents being nobodies works. I also don't care if the Skywalker line ends in failure with Kylo. Anakin took out the Emperor, Luke and Leia the Empire - Kylo's fukk up cannot undo that no matter how hard JJ tried resetting the universe.
Rian is true to Lucas in trying new things and taking chances, I hate Canto Bight but I loved the kids and the end of the movie. Hope JJ has some balls and redeems himself for TFA.
I'm just sitting back and
at people who have been bashing the prequels getting upset at the negative reaction this movie is getting. The IGN's and also some of y'all niccaz.