Luke being in the movie was underwhelming. What did he actually do? Didn’t confront Kylo or train Rey. Didn’t even come to his sisters rescue really. Lame Af.
I fukk with Finn. He’s a hero. I don’t know why people think he’s a c00n. He came up with the plan AGAIN to stop the Empire but got swindled. He also bodied a major character in Phasma. He was also about to go on a suicide mission to destroy the cannnon. Them pairing him up with that annoying Asian was failure on the writers part.
PC culture. Too many women and children in the damn movie. We GET IT! Diversity yeah!!!
Maz Kanata. Why is she even in the movies? Seriously? To sell a toy?
The bomber scene. You mean to tell me they have worse tech now than in the 1st Star Wars? Why are they using slow ass bombers that you have to press a remote to release bombs.
Leia how was she able to survive space? Did Ren send her back to the ship? I saw him shoot the TI fighter that sent off the shot on the sly.
Ren, he could be a bad ass but they are focused to much on him being Emo. Where are the Knights of Ren? They should have had him go completely dark and kill his mom at the end. No reason for her to survive.
Snoke. Really? Really!!! What a huge letdown! Even the fight after his death was lame. 2 force sensitive people fighting back to back should have been pushing and throwing those guards. Those guards were all women I’m pretty certain.
BB-8 is overpowered. He took out 5 guards by himself. Wtf???!!