Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
i used to point and laugh at the dc hardcore stans for insinuating that the critic community was in disney's pocket but judging from the response to TLJ i would suggest it's entirely possible.

there is just no way a movie this poorly made could score above 90 without some kind of fishy bullshyt going on. either that or these fanboys just can't put their love of star wars aside and critique the movie objectively.

The Bookie

I live by two words: Fcuk you, pay me
Aug 7, 2012
It was almost as if it they did it specifically for Tariq. I mean these motherfukkers did that shyt right out the gate. I almost facepalm'd.

He was aggressive with it, too. Like a caged beast.:picard: Finn basically growled "REY!!!".

Big Dick

All Star
May 21, 2012
I feel like they purposely changed the story because of all the fans theory

Snoke NOT being plagues is such a let down. And the rey/palpatine thing seemed like a lock but im not as mad at that.. all jedi in the series were basically conplete suprises and came from nowhere

But i will NOT forgive disney for making snoke some random baddie. I thibk he was meant to be plagues but the fan presictions made them change it..

fukkin star wars stans

Yeah I was a big fan if the Snoke=Plageus theory. It just reeks of arrogance to me. These dudes wanna leave their own mark on the biggest franchise of all time and that's fine, I didn't want another beat for beat rehash of an older film like JJ did but having characters tie into the earlier films and lore only strengthens the continuity of the series and also rewards fans who pay close attention. What's wrong with that?

I saw in an interview one if the cast members was like "I find it funny that we work so hard on these new characters and fans still think it's connected to an old one, no." And then I knew Reys parents and the snoke theories were out the window, and sadly I was right on both counts.

That said, I feel like *SPOILER STOP NOW IF YOU DIDNT SEE IT* I feel like the audience scores would be a lot higher if Luke didn't die. People were clapping and shyt in my theater on Thursday night, aka all starcwars nerds, after Luke beasted and played out Kylo and I was generally fukking with the movie and then when Luke died it was like all the enthusiasm was sucked out of the room. I still don't know how I feel, need to see it again.

As for Finn, I know you guys are pissed but like I said if Chris Pratt was playing that role you wouldn't be questioning any of what went down. Finn is still the best of the new characters imo and by far the most charismatic.

Alpha Male

Spare me your daps
Feb 2, 2014
As for Finn, I know you guys are pissed but like I said if Chris Pratt was playing that role you wouldn't be questioning any of what went down. Finn is still the best of the new characters imo and by far the most charismatic.

Describe his character without using the word 'brave'.


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
I think one thing we can agree on is that this movie will be getting a hella technical award nominations. Off the top I think they'll get one of Original Score, Visual Effects, Sound Editing.
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Jun 26, 2012
I love Star Wars but this shyt was hard to watch brehs :mjcry:

I'll start with the positive.
-I loved how realistic the rebels escaping the first order seemed. Between Poe scrambling for answers and rebels getting killed left and right was dope.
-Fight scene with Snoke's guards and Kylo Ren and Rey was tight.
- The way the force is explained and used to connect Rey and Kylo was interesting.

The bad
-Luke being a bytch for the entire first part of the movie. shyt was so boring and painful to watch. They show this dude fishing, drinking Cambodian breast milk, and doing everything but teaching Rey meanwhile the rebels are being shot down like scrubs.
- Rey still has not trained enough to be as powerful as she is.
- I thought the whole point of finding Skywalker was to kill the last of the jedi? But Luke doesnt want anything to do with the force period so the first movie seems like a huge ass waste of time.
- Lack of explanations on anything hinted im the first movie. (Finn force sensitivity, Snoke history, knights of Ren, Rey's history or vision)
- There is no consistency with the force. Rey makes a pile of boulders fly like bubbles, Leia floats effortlessly through space after being blown up
- Luke's death while badass seems pointless and not well planned out.
- Captain Phasma useless again.
- Rey going straight to Kylo Ren and Snoke with no training and Snoke's death :mjlol:

Im just going to stop there but I can go on for paragraphs. This is the first Star Wars movie where I was literally bored and wanted the shyt to end. Everyone had the :hhh: when the credits came on. I wish I had more hands so I can give this movie 4 thumbs down.


I guess you thrown spoilers out the window... but I presume everybody done seen it by now.

I have to disagree with some of the bad.

- Luke is ALWAYS A bytch. He was a bytch in the OG trilogy. People seem to forget that. What I liked about this is that Rian used Luke's bytch-made mentality of "fukk all of it" once he learned he couldn't train Kylo Ren and learning the truth about the Jedi Council. I LOVED that Rian told the truth about the Jedi Council as hypocrites and were the real ones responsible as to why Anakin became Vader and helped Palpatine to become Emporer. That was my issue the whole time with the prequels. Plus, you know that Luke's bytch-mentality is passed on to Kylo Ren to the point that Kylo Ren was echoing what Luke originally thought which was fukk all it.

- I like Rey not being trained by anyone but herself and trying to figure it out on her own, because Luke was too much a bytch. It was one of the things that contrasted from Empire Strikes Back where Yoda was training Luke and Luke (still being a bytch) keep fighting how he should be trained. Rey is completely opposite where she was going to train no matter what. This was why she stole the books before Luke (well, Yoda) destroyed the temple.

- Also, the notion that because Luke didn't want anything to do with the Force makes The Force Awakens obsolete, I disagree. I think it strengthens it. The title alone suggests that during a long period of time, there was nothing light side related of the force. Only the Dark. This is because of Luke distancing himself completely to even shutting himself from the Force itself which makes him impossible to find. This absence made Luke turn into a legend, so much that Snoke himself was obsessed to finding Luke because by killing Luke would kill all HOPE of the Resistance. Luke in this film, talks about he or the Jedi aren't what the legend claimed they are. But because the legends LIVES there's hope for those who are oppressed by the Empire. This also why the FINAL SCENE of The Last Jedi was importance, not just for the little kid, but how the other kids were talking about the legend of Luke Skywalker suggesting he is still the inspiration.

- Even though more character background needed to be developed in general. They did off-hand explained why Finn COULD BE force sensitive, because technically ALL PEOPLE ARE. The way Luke explained what the force really is, which is pure energy, anyone can have access to it if they learn how to hone onto it. Some people can, and others cannot. What Rian Johnson done was reinforced what the ORIGINAL trilogy said what the force was and tossed that bullshyt prequel shyt of it being some kind of special bloodline. In fact, Luke initially believed it was in the bloodline as to how people have access to the force, yet realized anyone can have access to it. Now how it can be USED based upon your own personality and character traits is something different. You see, Luke initially feared Rey because he sensed the SAME RAW POWER that Kylo Ren possessed. Rey's history WAS explained, she is a nobody. She thought, because she is very force sensitive that she must of came from some royal Jedi heritage, but because this film is reinforcing the original trilogy that the force is pure energy and that anyone can possess it, the truth is that she is someone that was born with of that raw power. Similar to how Anakin was BORN a nobody and how that kid at the end was born as a nobody yet is very force sensitive. I do agree that they should of have a background of the Knights of Ren even though it is strongly implied in my eyes that Rey and Kylo Ren killed them after Kylo Ren killed Snoke (they were the supreme knights that were protecting Snoke). I could careless about Snoke's background because it served ZERO PURPOSE for the movie or story at all. I mean it's simply the case of history repeats itself. Luke closed himself off from the force, there was an imbalance, and Snoke arose from it. There's nothing more for me to know.

- The force being pure energy I can get SOME of it, although, it made it feel like the Force a more powerful than imagined in the past. In the past, Luke and Vader could communicate telepathically from one ship to another, NOW you have Rey and Ren communicating and seeing themselves from galaxies apart. That's a bit ridiculous. But the shyt with LEIA..... that shyt is UNFORGIVABLE. It would of made a bit more sense that before the blast she FORCE SHIELDED herself from the blast and was pushed back into the ship unconscious...than blown into space and surviving. That's plain DUMB. :mjlol:

- Luke didn't "die".... he became one with the FORCE. How is that pointless? He used everything he humanly could and it took a toll. His chapter is over. :yeshrug:


Jun 26, 2012
Anyway I enjoyed the movie. The acting was top notch by and large, and I really enjoyed the performances of Hamill, Gleeson, Driver and Serkis in particular. There were a couple of awful scenes, it could have been edited more liberally but by and large the vast majority of the movie worked imo. It was more memorable than TFA (which I've entirely forgotten) and was more consistent than Rogue One (which was entertaining, but kind of a mess).

However I think they fukked up by
killing off Snoke, as I think the trilogy will be a little less interesting without him. Instead of killing him they could have just had Kylo and Rey join together, which would have been a much bigger WTF moment than what actually happened.

Also I was surprised by how little hand to hand combat there is. What little we had was dope, but its bizarre that there hasn't been more.

I don't get the nothing about little hand to hand combat when it has more than all the OTHER films. A NEW HOPE just had a pathetic, lethargic fight between Obi Wan and Vader. I mean, the best is still from Revenge of the Sith, but lets not assume that ANY OF THESE Star Wars films had a lot of hand to hand action scenes, especially if we're speaking of the OG trilogy.


All Star
May 17, 2013
The Rey parentage thing was handled terribly.

I'm okay with her parents being nobodies but how Rian executed it was just bad.

We were led to believe Rey didn't know who her parents were as if we were going to find out with her, so the reveal that not only are her parents nobodies but even REY knew it all along means this whole plot was totally at the expense of the audience.

The reveal wasn't even a reveal for the character. She fukking knew.

So the question is why? Why drag the audience through a plot line that was never meant to pane out from the very beginning?

I'm less annoyed that her parents are nobodies and more annoyed at the fact that she knew this all along.

Her and Han had such good chemistry in TFA he even invites her to be apart of his crew and she declines because she wants to go back to Jakku in case her parents come back. Her whole goal wasn't to join the resistance or defeat the first order. She just wanted to sit in Jakku and wait for her parents that she knew weren't coming back.



Jun 26, 2012
Isn't that a Jedi trait. Doesn't the dark side promote attachments, emotions, etc.

I thought it was the way of the Jedi to cut all ties to the past and live a life of solitude.

Kylo basically kills his family because Snoke told him to. But then he ultimately kills snoke so what was the point.

I thought Snoke wanted Luke dead because he saw Luke as a real threat but looking at it now the FO were free to do whatever they wanted because Luke was ready to die alone on that island even before rey showed up. He didn't want anything to do with anyone.

But then I guess Kylo just wants to kill Luke because he has a personal vendetta against him because at that point Snoke is already dead so his agenda is irrelevant.

We were made to believe that Kylo was a puppet in the first movie but actually he shares the same ideals as Snoke which makes the character very 1 dimensional.

Snoke was obsessed with the LEGEND OF LUKE SKYWALKER as with everyone was. Because the legend itself provides hope to those who are oppressed. Snoke pretty much stated this to Rey. He believed that by killing off the living legend, it would kill all hope of the Resistance to which was nearly decimated. Legend of Luke Skywalker is that HE WAS THE ONE that brought A NEW HOPE, he was the one that DESTROYED the ORIGINAL DEATH STAR, he was the one that killed the EMPIRE. And this been the driving force of the the Resistance. Snoke didn't even care about Rey's potential outside of being intrigued because the main focus is finding Luke, because he is a legend that the Empire feared. He did not know that Luke could not careless, because all he knew is that the Resistance is going all out to find him because he was that ignition of hope as legend had it.

Now the debate over who's REALLY responsible behind Ben Solo turning into Kylo Ren is a matter of perspective. You can say that Snoke did have influence in providing Kylo Ren doubt, but Luke INDEED tried to kill Kylo Ren in his sleep. That wasn't Snoke's doing. Luke was caught red-handed and imagine how Kylo Ren felt that his own UNCLE tried to murder him. That's what pretty much pushed him over to the dark side. That's why he divorced himself from his family. That's why he embraced Anakin because that was the ONLY PERSON that he could relate to. Granted, Luke hesitated and changed his mind, but it was too late at that point. So, yea... Kylo Ren does have a personal vendetta towrds Luke, to which Luke knew and used that to his advantage to help what was left of the Resistance to escape.


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Yeah I was a big fan if the Snoke=Plageus theory. It just reeks of arrogance to me. These dudes wanna leave their own mark on the biggest franchise of all time and that's fine, I didn't want another beat for beat rehash of an older film like JJ did but having characters tie into the earlier films and lore only strengthens the continuity of the series and also rewards fans who pay close attention. What's wrong with that?

I saw in an interview one if the cast members was like "I find it funny that we work so hard on these new characters and fans still think it's connected to an old one, no." And then I knew Reys parents and the snoke theories were out the window, and sadly I was right on both counts.

That said, I feel like *SPOILER STOP NOW IF YOU DIDNT SEE IT* I feel like the audience scores would be a lot higher if Luke didn't die. People were clapping and shyt in my theater on Thursday night, aka all starcwars nerds, after Luke beasted and played out Kylo and I was generally fukking with the movie and then when Luke died it was like all the enthusiasm was sucked out of the room. I still don't know how I feel, need to see it again.

As for Finn, I know you guys are pissed but like I said if Chris Pratt was playing that role you wouldn't be questioning any of what went down. Finn is still the best of the new characters imo and by far the most charismatic.
i enjoy all the characters which is the sad part

but at this point, the way they have gone out of their way to distance themselves from the original is leaning way over to the "arrogance" as you put it. how do you brig back the original crew and dont even give them real scenes together. unless ****SPOILER DONT READ**** luke is back as a force ghost to set shyt straight, this will be a complete misuse and total fukk up. i think they may be setting something like that up but idk..this coulda went so many ways to make this story seem like a real epic and they are from what im seeing, fukking it up royally. snoke being plagues woulda brought a complete arc for the story. it makes the prequel movies even more important. and then they just off him like a nobody? horrible..

idk brehs