Just came from my 2nd viewing with my 9 year old son who loved it.
I don't feel like putting stuff in spoiler text so I'll speak very generally and this is more for folks on the fence, not those who are calling it trash. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so here is mine:
There isn't any movie that has so many expectations, and pressure to be all things to all people than this franchise. Fact. That gets in the way when folks see new SW movies because instead of sitting there and actually watching the movie folks are sitting there and literally picking every frame, every shot, every line of dialogue in real time and when that stuff doesn't jibe with what you had in your head about what it SHOULD be, it's instantly trash. If these (new) movies played out the way most of us want them too, it would be super predictable and ultimately not a good product. It's funny because at one point Luke says something to Rey that sort of addresses that when he asks her what she thinks he's gonna do show up with his magical sword and take down the First Order just like that (sorry just had to write that to make a point)
I don't think any SW movie has been PERFECT and that's okay! This isn't a perfect movie, but I don't think where the movie may not be as strong takes away from where the movie is dope.
Yeah this movie is gonna be divisive absolutely and yeah some folks won't be back at all. I do think this will gain a lot more fans than it will lose. They have rewritten, no they've ENHANCED, the rules and are no longer handcuffed by some of the things may not work in 2020 like they did in '77. Nothing wrong with that.
Constantly rehashing old ideas would have ended this franchise shortly. I'm gonna trust this process and see where it leads us