Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Official Thread)


Jun 26, 2012
Perhaps, but I think Kylo Ren was lying in that scene, saying what he thought would most likely sway Rey to his side.

I don’t think her being a Skywalker via Leia has been ruled out.

Kylo Ren was telling the truth, because like he said... she already known all along, but was in denial about it. And the final scene points to any random "nobody" can be force sensitive. The point is to say the whole force is on some DNA type shyt is bullshyt.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
OK this movie is good (enough) and definitely entertaining. However, it dropped the ball in being a part of the Star Wars saga.

The Star Wars Saga is the Skywalker tale, this trilogy should follow suit. These new characters are "eh" at best. All of the talk about Finn, but what about Poe? He's trash, exposition only. BB-8 was given more shine. This movie was Rey & Laura Dern?

It doesn't belong in the Episodes, and it isn't really a sequel to TFA. It follows practically none of the groundwork laid. They should've followed the blueprint. Hell, Rey could've easily been Jaina (Ren as Jacen) which would've explained way more than they did. She better turn out to be Luke's secret child. IX has to do so much to save this franchise.

Also, R2, Chewie, Admiral Akbar all cameos...3PO slightly more.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
:scust:Just got home. i'm just glad it's over

Star Wars is dead and gone brehs. If you're an OG rider, do yourself a favor and save your money. It's now OFFICIALLY just a Disney movie that is borrowing Star Wars characters.

Oh, and to the people in here who have been temporarily tricked into thinking you actually liked this film due to the 1-2 cool scenes near the end... just wait. Let this whole movie marinate and sink in for a week or two. When your opening night excitement dies down you will realize how much of an atrocity this was. Listen to me now, believe me later on:francis:
For Star wars fans it usually takes a year. Since Phantom menace onward.


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
I surely believe so because if Snoke hired his most elite to protect him. Then it had to be the Knights of Ren. 2nd, the whole reason why Kylo Ren killed Snoke so it would be in order to do away with the whole Sith vs Jedi, Empire vs Rebel, and it just him and Rey together running shyt THEMSELVES....

Well at least a skywalker is running shyt even tho he is emo as hell. Maybe he go in snokes holocrons and learn some force lightning. I thought we wouldve got a vader dream or something since he said called out to him before

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Perhaps, but I think Kylo Ren was lying in that scene, saying what he thought would most likely sway Rey to his side.

I don’t think her being a Skywalker via Leia has been ruled out.

it was stoopid to not have the reveal in this movie.
as that reveal inspires the heroine to kick the villain's ass even more.
while holding onto some moral ground to talk said villain down leading to what should be a time to have a moment that moves past luke i am your father combined with and surpassing any and every villain darkest emo moment soliloquay told in the calm of the night to the hero before their last cowardly act leads to death anyway moment.
as a matter of fact, it makes it so luke has to live to explain this child's mother.
or just say leia sent her second daughter off in the wild.
or, rey was lost along with the falcon so many many moons ago, luke.

to have luke say the whole destruction of the jedi sanctuary and him going into being a bytch.
was he could not pull the trigger and destroy the dark sides greatest weapon, blah blah blah.
when we are in a day and time.
when luke was old enough to make that the moment.
when luke was misunderstood and went rogue.
to re-write the story of luke being the villain, that mirrors and is like.
or similar to the dark horse comic with the female and male skywalker twins trying to stop luke and sway him back from the dark side when luke becomes the new vader.

they went with this silly he was too powerful bullshyt origin that made not one iota of sense.
much less to the actual mythos of star wars and the star wars mythos and characters.

whomever ran this had no actual register to the pulse of what star wars is.
not to mention, opening up this can of worms and making leia into this supered all powerful force bene gesseret sorceress as well.

which was not explained at all, and now for over two movies.
we had no mention of leia, ever wielding force powers in the actual fukk'n movies.
now, she is powerful enough to live in the dead cold of space.
when just this year from this fukk'n bicep-less mouse in guardians of the galaxy two.
we saw yandu die in a matter of fukk'n moments in the dead cold of space.
after being fukk'n mary poppins.

uhm, excuse me,..but aren't these two still under the same umbrella.
that someone had to say, look...
it is a conflict of interest to pull the whole bring leia back from the dead cold of space bullshyt,...but..............BUT,

SINCE this director and script writer DID IT,....

please please explain why mister script writer and director, why and where did leia become a space sorceress and fly like a silver hawk in space, cot damn it.

this shyt off that alone,...
plus the racist shyt to just say finn is just a lowlife deserter.
all for a loins of some white woman was low as fukk.
that this nikka who is a former storm trooper.
still is not trained to man up and at least defend himself from ben and hunk, from robotech and voltron both merged and had a resulting sex change.
like yo, wars director, you have never explained why this dude is the lone black guy in this day and time.
plus, you need to explain why he is important and the process behind how he was just with the fukk'n empire.
which you could tie into how he felt drawn to rey.
simply because they previously knew each other and how, they came to know of one another.
instead...we get this series displaced on another distant world like some dumb retard kid.
who pulled the arms and telescoping light saber off of a vintage vader action figure.

this last movie has to be the best fukk'n movie ever,...i mean ever to save it.
when, realistically all you had to do was,...
continue telling the momental story of luke, leia, han and chewie...
plus what threatened their very future.
nobody gives one iota of a fukk about anybody in the universe of star wars past that.
the only way to give any new character any value is, is to give them a relation to luke, han, leia or the next human lando.
whomever lost sight of that in the release, script, story board, filming, editing, etc.
really had no prescient idea about how important star wars is.
plus, the fact that executive fukk up of a decision.
could damage a potential two million box office film.
when, if you tell the continued story of leia, luke, han and chewie.
with a nod to the small supporting cast of chewie, lando, r2, and 3pO.
you were money.
instead,..all we got was some executive ass in a suit.
who read the cover of possibly one of the now non-cannon star wars novels or comics.
then, over thought from the perspective of the noob fan to revenue grab.
while also not realizing and being prescient to have the wherewithal.
any errors, and disney just really potentially lost a two billion just at box office payday.
including a gateway preschool to adult demographic property draw in a down swinging trend as well.

literally i have not talked about how they totally emasculated and neutered luke skywalker past the point of no return as well.

like they literally bih'd made out luke on a level even yoda lol at the dude.

man,...this movie better be better than the bullshyt save that was the mediocre matrix three to save it.

art barr
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Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
On second watch, I rank this slightly below Clones.

The Obi/Jango/Tyranus/Clone Army storyline is way more interesting, coherent, relevant to a bigger picture and satisfying than the
18 hour chase of a ship and diversion to the casino planet. That chase makes 0 sense since we see that Kylo with only two Tie Fighters can fukk that ship way up. And the star destroyers were loaded with Ties.

They could've easily taken them out. Plus why didn't the first order call for back up or jump to lightspeed, one destroyer would be enough, and surround them. Shyt was just dumb.

I could get that Hux was too overconfident or even sadistic to drag it out, it just isn't very exciting for a SW film. And Holdo not telling anyone her plan, or if she did it not leaking to POE somehow also didn't work.

The Kylo/Rey/Luke parts put this above TPM though, which forgot to use Darth Maul effectively. And way better than TFA, which was as Luke calls it in this movie "a cheap move".
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Little-Known Lurker
May 1, 2012
As I said before....
Ren and Rey killed them after Ren killed Snoke. They were Snoke's guards. It was heavily implied considering they were almost as equally as trained as Kylo Ren. Plus, Luke stat Ren taking half of the trainees with him and killed the remainder that didn't want to convert.
I hope you are wrong, because that would be another set of potential great characters they kill off. Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren were #1 on the list of the things that interest me about the new trilogy before and after TFA. The idea of a gang of dark side users fukking shyt up across the galaxy is awesome and different than having just one or two dark side users they have normally shown, especially since it seems that most of them don't even have light sabers. That would've been different and refreshing.

It already sucks they killed off Snoke, because it's implied in the Aftermath book series that he originated from the Unknown Regions that no one knew how to get there safely (other than Thrawn) and was the one calling Emperor Palpatine to come to him. You have to be a badass to summon a powerful villan like Palpatine to come to you
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Kylo Ren was telling the truth, because like he said... she already known all along, but was in denial about it. And the final scene points to any random "nobody" can be force sensitive. The point is to say the whole force is on some DNA type shyt is bullshyt.

having it turn into it being passed totally erodes even the film mythos.
as the film mythos tells why mediclorians were at some obscene level for luke being purposefully created by the jedi.
the film mythos always implied a way to the force by either some connection to someone who knew the force already.
who could make you aware of the force to manipulate the force.
yet, it never showed anyone being capable of manipulating the force as some telepathic mutant.

which leads back to why this trilogy should have explained how and why people who manipulate the force exist.
plus whom or what the sith is and how did they re-emerge to include the origin and arrival to rule of snoak.

this whole second movie should have been about snoak's arrival in power and how he lured the son of han and leia to the dark side and for how long as well.
not to mention, including luke and mara's death to at least show how luke became separated from rey and the actual grief from the force.

we got two stories better suited for a star wars holiday time followup on endor xmas special.
with a bunch of characters that don't even relate to luke skywalker.

when that did not work and hurt the star wars franchise and should be known by the braintrust for a potential two billion dollar box office payday to materialize

they turned off wondah woman and hulk for this insulting bullshyt back then, too.

i don't think those ep's ever aired either.

art barr
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Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
Ima leave this quote right here from the man himself, mark Hammil:

After reading the script for the film, Mark Hamill told director Rian Johnson, "I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you've made for this character [Luke Skywalker]. Now, having said that, I have gotten it off my chest, and my job now is to take what you've created and do my best to realize your vision."

That....... pretty much sums it up for me

Goerge Lucas must be livid
