My main issue isn't so much Finn. I never had issues with the character and his character arc matured from the last film. My main issue, however is his subplot adventure as a whole. What the movie is entirely wrong at, I think the longest of the entire franchise and that in part of this completely wasted side story with Finn and the Asian chick seeking for the code-breaker or whoever the fukk Benicio Del Toro's wack ass character is. Nothing worked. It's overt liberal message kept on banging on its head and took away completely from the rest of the film. And the look, especially the whole Casino thing looked NOTHING LIKE STAR WARS but instead people in a costumed themed party featuring people in Star Wars masks at the Casino. The whole side plot is basically a Macguffin, because we are forced to invest in this only for it to become completely insignificant. They could of wiped that plot completely and the film still would of been exactly as is. The only reason, I feel, Rian Johnson had this sub-plot is to have Finn with something to do, and maybe end up being a bit heroic to which he does on several occasions.
As for the rest of the movie. I did have some nitpicks about those puppeted/CGI creatures that were obvious toy grabs and felt a bit too "Return of the Jedi-ish". Other than that, I felt the movie was dope to me. I loved the relationships and character growth between Rey, Ren and Luke. I love the fact that Luke after all these years is still a bit self-doubting and he still needs Yoda for wisdom. I liked the fact that it didn't go the cliché route and have Luke train Rey, rather he attempted to but got shook when he discovered her power and she ended up training herself. People maybe pissed by this, but I LOVE how quick they killed Snoke, because I never felt he was a good character to begin with and I couldn't careless for his background. I was rather surprised that Leia lives in this and wonder how they'll conclude her story in the next episode. Poe's bring groomed to become the leader he was destined to be, which is why it was necessary for his arrogance to be put in check. Heroics means shyt if it costs more lives than you attempted to stop. In fact, it was due to his arrogance was why the Resistance was damn near decimated. I enjoyed the little twist assuming it would do this and they flip it on you and I love the fact that there so much tension and danger you never know HOW it would end..... unlike many other super hero movies, especially the MCU where there's never a true sense of threat or danger.