Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
Maul shared that saber though I seen so many double sided blades but none like Kylo's.

They all bit his design later because it was so dope. Kylo's is tough but theres only so many ways they can re invent the light saber. Actually whats the tech behind it? Is it an extension of the force or is it just a galactic jamaican lighter?


Jul 6, 2014


Jun 26, 2012
I strongly believe the Prequels aren't canon. Yes, clones were mentioned, but so were the clones wars in A New Hope.

J.J. made a strong implied notion that this is strictly related to JUST the OG trilogy. Even said midichloridians (s/p) doesn't exist. Reinforcing the description of the force as an invisible energy and not inherited DNA.


Jul 6, 2014
I strongly believe the Prequels aren't canon. Yes, clones were mentioned, but so were the clones wars in A New Hope.

J.J. made a strong implied notion that this is strictly related to JUST the OG trilogy. Even said midichloridians (s/p) doesn't exist. Reinforcing the description of the force as an invisible energy and not inherited DNA.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Im embracing our simp lord space garbage man now :yeshrug: they pump faked us with the promotion and his character centering around being Rey's weed/light saber carrier leads to tons of room for growth :troll: once he wakes up out the coma that is :troll:

Maybe if the marketing hadn't CLEARLY been a ridiculous Bait and Switch then people wouldn't have been misled.

Make no mistake, this isn't a case of black people seeing that Boyega had been cast and just hoping he'd be Force Sensitive. It was shyt like THIS

That had people thinking he'd be the main hero and a Jedi. Keep in mind. He's the FIRST human character in the cinematic continuity to wield a Lightsaber in combat and NOT turn out to be Force Sensitive. THATS how far they went to market him as a hero, only to switch it and have the white girl be the hero.

It was pure mis-marketing and it was bullshyt.

People keep saying if "Finn were White you wouldn't have a problem". That's a cop-out, the fact of the matter is he's NOT white, and again, if the marketing of the movie hadn't been built around Finn as an important character with the Force, then you might have an argument. But not only did he turn out to not have the Force, he was a cowardly, bumbling, comedic side kick, with no goal beyond "save Rey", which he didn't accomplish. Every single thing he set out to do in the film he failed at. He failed in fighting the storm trooper (Han saved him) he failed to save Rey (Rey saved herself, within 30 minutes of first using the force) he failed in fighting Kylo Ren and wound up in a coma (Rey kicked Kylo's ass, again within 24 hours of first using the force)

Han was a selfish jerk in ANH? Fantastic, he STILL got his moment of heroism in the film when he came back to help Luke.

Luke was a Whiny farm boy? Great, he STILL destroyed the Death Star.

Leia was a spoiled Brat? Yep, she STILL was the one who ended up saving both Luke and Han on Vadar's stronghold when they were outgunned and overmatched.

The fact of the matter is that Finn is the ONE "main" character out of SIX movies to accomplish absolutely nothing by the climax. If it weren't for Boyega's performance the character literally would've been worthless.

He couldn't pilot
He couldn't fight
He couldn't save the white girl
He got his ass kicked by Rey
He got his ass kicked by Chewie
He got his ass kicked by the random Alien
He got his ass kicked by A Storm Trooper
He got his ass kicked by Kylo Ren

I'm not going to go so far as call brothers "c00ns" on here who fail to see the point, because I know ALOT of brothers who are die hard Star Wars fans, and with anything you are a fan of, you don't necessarily want to see it heavily criticized. But people DEFINITELY have a wool over their eyes if their defending Finn and his emasculated personification.

"bu..bu..BUT... It's a TRILOGY! You have to wait until the end before you judge" nikka please. Did you have to wait until Return Of The King before Aragon did something heroic? Did you have to wait until ROTJ before Luke did something heroic? Did you have to wait until Revolutions before Neo did something heroic? Hell did you have to wait until MIB3 before Jay did something heroic? :stopitslime:

"You want to Finn to be a bad ass bu..bu..BUT it makes him HUMAN to lose at first! It makes him a fully realized character to be afraid and later on he'll find courage!" STFU with that cop-out. First of all, this is FANTASY set in a galaxy where a farm boy whose never seen combat a day in his life previously used the force to destroy a planet destroying weapon. A Galaxy where a fukking 9 year old pilots a space ship and successfully enters a galactic dogfight. And you want to use the bullshyt "realism" excuse when the black character spends the entire movie LOSING. :comeon:

"Bu...bu...BUT Finn needs "proper" character development. You see nobody just wins against the bad guys at first, and you think Han started out as a badass? Or Luke? You just want to rush him into being a hero without developing him". Rey went from Scavenger to Ass-kicking Warrior in ONE film. Han went from selfish vagabond to reliable companion in ONE film. Anakin went from slave to Jedi padawon in ONE film. Finn went from cowardly storm a ONE film. :camby:

Where's the redemption in all of this? Where's the supposed "Destiny" that has been awakened when the final shot of his character he isn't even fukking CONSCIOUS!!?!!

Because if his "destiny" was to carry the lightsaber until the white girl awoke to her destiny then you can miss me with that shyt. Hell they should've went ahead and just cast a white actor and kept it moving


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Maybe if the marketing hadn't CLEARLY been a ridiculous Bait and Switch then people wouldn't have been misled.

Make no mistake, this isn't a case of black people seeing that Boyega had been cast and just hoping he'd be Force Sensitive. It was shyt like THIS

That had people thinking he'd be the main hero and a Jedi. Keep in mind. He's the FIRST human character in the cinematic continuity to wield a Lightsaber in combat and NOT turn out to be Force Sensitive. THATS how far they went to market him as a hero, only to switch it and have the white girl be the hero.

It was pure mis-marketing and it was bullshyt.

People keep saying if "Finn were White you wouldn't have a problem". That's a cop-out, the fact of the matter is he's NOT white, and again, if the marketing of the movie hadn't been built around Finn as an important character with the Force, then you might have an argument. But not only did he turn out to not have the Force, he was a cowardly, bumbling, comedic side kick, with no goal beyond "save Rey", which he didn't accomplish. Every single thing he set out to do in the film he failed at. He failed in fighting the storm trooper (Han saved him) he failed to save Rey (Rey saved herself, within 30 minutes of first using the force) he failed in fighting Kylo Ren and wound up in a coma (Rey kicked Kylo's ass, again within 24 hours of first using the force)

Han was a selfish jerk in ANH? Fantastic, he STILL got his moment of heroism in the film when he came back to help Luke.

Luke was a Whiny farm boy? Great, he STILL destroyed the Death Star.

Leia was a spoiled Brat? Yep, she STILL was the one who ended up saving both Luke and Han on Vadar's stronghold when they were outgunned and overmatched.

The fact of the matter is that Finn is the ONE "main" character out of SIX movies to accomplish absolutely nothing by the climax. If it weren't for Boyega's performance the character literally would've been worthless.

He couldn't pilot
He couldn't fight
He couldn't save the white girl
He got his ass kicked by Rey
He got his ass kicked by Chewie
He got his ass kicked by the random Alien
He got his ass kicked by A Storm Trooper
He got his ass kicked by Kylo Ren

I'm not going to go so far as call brothers "c00ns" on here who fail to see the point, because I know ALOT of brothers who are die hard Star Wars fans, and with anything you are a fan of, you don't necessarily want to see it heavily criticized. But people DEFINITELY have a wool over their eyes if their defending Finn and his emasculated personification.

"bu..bu..BUT... It's a TRILOGY! You have to wait until the end before you judge" nikka please. Did you have to wait until Return Of The King before Aragon did something heroic? Did you have to wait until ROTJ before Luke did something heroic? Did you have to wait until Revolutions before Neo did something heroic? Hell did you have to wait until MIB3 before Jay did something heroic? :stopitslime:

"You want to Finn to be a bad ass bu..bu..BUT it makes him HUMAN to lose at first! It makes him a fully realized character to be afraid and later on he'll find courage!" STFU with that cop-out. First of all, this is FANTASY set in a galaxy where a farm boy whose never seen combat a day in his life previously used the force to destroy a planet destroying weapon. A Galaxy where a fukking 9 year old pilots a space ship and successfully enters a galactic dogfight. And you want to use the bullshyt "realism" excuse when the black character spends the entire movie LOSING. :comeon:

"Bu...bu...BUT Finn needs "proper" character development. You see nobody just wins against the bad guys at first, and you think Han started out as a badass? Or Luke? You just want to rush him into being a hero without developing him". Rey went from Scavenger to Ass-kicking Warrior in ONE film. Han went from selfish vagabond to reliable companion in ONE film. Anakin went from slave to Jedi padawon in ONE film. Finn went from cowardly storm a ONE film. :camby:

Where's the redemption in all of this? Where's the supposed "Destiny" that has been awakened when the final shot of his character he isn't even fukking CONSCIOUS!!?!!

Because if his "destiny" was to carry the lightsaber until the white girl awoke to her destiny then you can miss me with that shyt. Hell they should've went ahead and just cast a white actor and kept it moving
:banderas: my man Z :salute:

@CashmereEsquire we still need your post in here too breh :ufdup: