@Ziggiy still don't know what the fight with the Asian guy was about![]()
Oh about that.
It wasn't a "fight" though I could tell he REALLY wanted to debate me all night but I wasn't trying to give him the time of the day.
So he heard me tell me my girlfriend that I didn't appreciate the black character being the weak coward. During the "Finn's Confession" scene I said "it's 2015 and we're STILL cowards

When the movie was over he turned around asked which one of us "made the 2015" comment. He was a shorter Asian guy with glasses and a Darth Vadar t-shirt on, an obvious fanboy. I told him it was me. He asked me what I meant by that and I said the character was emasculated and I didn't enjoy watching the black character be the FIRST character in cinematic universe to use a lightsaber and not be force sensitive, also I didn't enjoy that he was comic relief and that he lost all fights.
His come back was pretty much what everyone else had been saying. He first used the "Han used a lightsaber in Empire". I countered with "Not in combat", the. He went into the "wait until episode 8, he couldn't be a badass right at the beginning" and I countered with the "Luke wasn't a "bad ass" at the beginning but he STILL destroyed the Death Star, he wasn't emasculated throughout the movie"
He THEN went into the highlight of his argument, the ONE thing I KNEW he really wanted to say.
Asian Guy: I like watching people of color be more like Finn instead of the angry black man stereotype that Samuel L Jackson has been playing his whole career.
Me: oh so your saying they the only way for a black male to be strong is to be angry

Asian Guy: well....


Then we said good night and I walked away.
Like I said it wasn't a "fight". It wasn't even a disrespectful conversation, but I already KNOW that these fanboys are going down with the ship when it comes to Star Wars. Plus again, these non-blacks are going to naturally want to trade one end of the spectrum for the other, of COURSE he wouldn't want to see "Angry Samuel Jackson" because in a majority of SLJ's he, by nature of his persona, isn't emasculated. Even in his "supporting" roles he still commands respect. Can you imagine what this guy was thinking when he saw Black Nick Fury barking orders to Blue-Eyed All American Steve Rogers? Or initially rejecting the "Genius" Tony Stark from the Avengers initiative? Dude probably cheered when he thought Sam died in Winter Soldier...