Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
It's pretty clear that the universe would be a better place if the whole skywalkers family didn't exist. They are an evil scourge on the universe. A plague created by Darth Plaguies that will always create an imbalance in the universe

On the surface yes it would seem the Skywalker family is cursed. But when you breakdown the story, The Jedi Failed Anakin and Luke Failed Ben. So the Jedi Order has to take responsibility for Anakin turning dark and eventually his grandson turning dark. Had Mace Windu allowed Anakin to fight with him they both world of beat the Emperor. If Luke didn't fail Ben, who knows how strong the Jedi Order would be now. Qui Gon death affected the whole thing cause Anakin needed a father figure not a brother like Obi treated him.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
I loved the fight. We saw Jedi/Sith in their primes - and then Jedi/Sith as Larry Holmes and rookies.

Now we get the middle - Kylo would've destroyed Finn but he was trying to emasculate him, once Finn gets his shot in Kylo pretty much owns him.

With Rey he's not focused on killing her, he wants to corrupt her and he pays the price when she catches him off guard. Luke also got a shot in against Vader, and Obi-Wan caught Maul by surprise.


Jun 1, 2012
That was suppose to be a major moment and didn't resonate like it should have.

The fight afterwards was a mix of :ehh: and :ld:

Because it was so forced

Like I said earlier the Finn/Ren battle had momentum in the audience then took a sharp decline when the shyt abruptly ended the way it did

When Rey snatches the saber out of the snow nobody was really moved the way you were "supposed" to be

Audience was like:ld:

Then when she beat the shyt out of Ren :childplease:

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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
In Ren's story arc,with an event as large as him killing his father, there should have been more time dedicated to making us care more for why he chose to do that.
Some more backstory, some more 1 on 1 time with Snoke, something.......

they could have made us sympathize with the character, or at best, make us the viewers, also be torn on what decision he should make (light or dark)

They successfully did this with the anakin to vader plotline, but they dropped the ball here.

I just didn't care or understand why the dark side won out in his internal struggle
This was my only reaction to Ren throughout the movie:


I felt the same way that he was Terri cloth but I got the struggle. He WANTED to go to the darkside. He didn't want any light in him. Normally we see the journey from the other side where someone is trying to be a Jedi and fighting this internal struggle to not be pulled to the darkside and normally they give in because of emotions left unchecked. This cat tho wanted to be evil. He wanted to be the new Vader more than anything. I think there was enough bread crumbs to get a good enough picture of who he was and who he is: he trained with his uncle and was seduced by Smoke and wanted to live up to his grandfather rather than be like his mom or his dad. And he even said Han wasn't the greatest dad and from what we know of Han it wouldn't surprise me that he wouldn't be.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
There were plenty of screen wipes, they just transitioned much faster than they did in the OT.

I disagree there, unless the only chemistry you recognize is overt romance. You could tell that Rey damn near considered Finn her best friend for most of the movie and Finn was for sure crushing on her. She was just about crying when she found out it was his idea to come try and save her. Finn held his own for a while against Kylo while Rey was knocked out (he even got a few hits in) so i dont see how you could think he did nothing. There has to be something to the fact that he was the first Trooper to resist their brainwashing and break out of TFO. He was easily the best actor in the movie and his comedy was not forced c00nery, it flowed well within the movie. I think some people are still just mad that they fell for the red herring that he was the main jedi.
Lol he was basically friendzoned after the movie. I bet Poe has a better chance of being the love interest then Finn even if they had no interaction and thats the point. There were no redeeming qualities about Boyega's character at all. He was cowardly and got his ass kicked throughout the movie I mean just look at the actor himself. Hes not overtly handsome for a male lead like the Capt Kirt/Spock actor, Thor actor, or all thoze pretty white male characters before him. They delibretly chose a actor with overtly samboish features to further prove their point. And to make him a cowardly eunich gave such relief to the racist fans and bloggers to calm their fears of a black man saving humanity.
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Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
:what: Fin's character isn't some pseudo racial mockery. He's a Stormtrooper born and bred for murder. There's no way this early on he is realizing that he could be a Jedi. Nothing has happened to lead that on besides the use of the lightsaber. Rey at least had the saber scene and her resistance to Ren (alongside reading his mind) to pave the way.

I said it before Fin fits at new Solo CURRENTLY but there's no other Jedi capable character to fill in the secondary role unless a new person is introduced in 8.
Of course they toned down the racist charaterization becauze the audience would be too aware, in general, to realize he would be a bastarization of a strong black male. His character's c00ning was subtle. From begining to end. From being renamed from his slave name (F-143whatever) to his new name. Not knowing anything while being raised in the First Order while Rey knew EVERYTHING even schooling Solo on his own ship though she was just a primitive scavenger, and I was like get real :upsetfavre:

Bottomine, Abrams couldve made him redeem himself in the final fight, even coming back from unconsious to deliver the final blow to Kylo...but he just made him stay unconsious to let Ren save the day. No white character wouldve been so emasculated like Finn was.
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Manuel Hot Pepper Lopez

cac this, cac that, c00n this c00n that
Oct 5, 2012
I loved the fight. We saw Jedi/Sith in their primes - and then Jedi/Sith as Larry Holmes and rookies.

Now we get the middle - Kylo would've destroyed Finn but he was trying to emasculate him, once Finn gets his shot in Kylo pretty much owns him.

With Rey he's not focused on killing her, he wants to corrupt her and he pays the price when she catches him off guard. Luke also got a shot in against Vader, and Obi-Wan caught Maul by surprise.

Yeah but Luke had gotten partial training from Yoda, and Obi was a full fledged Jedi Knight. Kylo gets cut by two people who never picked up a light saber in their lives

And you nikkas with your crying about Finn are beyond ridiculous, good god

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
But YOU have that expectation...the Jedi are not the only heroes in star wars. Han solo is as or MORE respected by fans and by the characters of sw, and thats who Finn is. you have a false expectation that he was a Jedi and whatnot, but that's not who he is. star wars is the story of the Skywalker's...finn is not a Skywalker...its as simple as that.
Perhaps, but that still doesnt give him the excuse to make him so scared and a numbnut throughout the movie. Like drinking where the rhino like alien was drinking from amongst other things.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012

tariq going in. starts at 20.00 mins.

"this dude was a sidekick for everyone in the movie":mjlol:

and he suffers from the same inferiority complex as the rest of the Finn haters.

"Black dude isn't a Jedi so he's a side kick and a waste character."

Mean while the fukking series isn't "Jedi Wars". The Jedi are just a part of a larger whole. Anyone butt hurt about Finn is woefully inept at watching films. He's a duteragonist which is much better than a fukking side kick.

Like I said earlier, if Han did all the shyt that Finn did people would be talking about how much "survival instinct" he has. And how much heart he had cuz he took on a sith in training.

Can't win with you nikkas I swear. :snoop:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Follow the clues brehs.

Poe is the one that had the persona and charisma of a Han early in the movie. Once he's removed...

The real Han shows up.

Poe finally comes back. Han is killed.

We're going to see much more of Poe in the the next movie(s).
Finn is something different and new added to the franchise. Should be handled better by Rian Johnson.
"Should" be :mjpls:

We will see :mjpls: maybe he will be taught the ways of the simp and graduate to simp lord, once he wakes up out the coma that is :mjpls:

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
I thought it was just brehs here who had a problem with Finn. Surprised people on IMDB do :patrice:

Well then again maybe I shouldn't be :skip:

Finn is a Storm Trooper who was basically brainwashed from birth to follow orders without hesitation. Here's the extremely confusing part that I'm sure most, if not all Star Wars fans fail to comprehend. The way Finn was acting towards other people, especially Rey isn't farfetched at all, but in hindsight was supposed to be. If you were brainwashed from birth, wouldn't you have some sort of stigma when it comes to interacting with people? His character seemed to fit right into society and the movie proceeds to showcase him as a normal person with clear morals and values. If Kylo Ren is battling with himself with light and dark, how is Finn so readily able to make decisions without hesitation. He instantly decided he wanted nothing to do with the First Order and to find and rescue Rey; a person he barely knows. He even asked Rey if she has a boyfriend. How would somebody in his situation even be able to ask something like that. If he was trained and brainwashed to kill and follow orders directly without hesitation; how would he even know what a boyfriend is. In my opinion, a person who was brainwashed from birth shouldn't have been able to act the way Finn did. Finn's character should've been disturbed, unstable, conflicted and confused. There was no sign of his past life. He was none of that other than chasing after the p*ssy.

I liked Finn's character and the "idea" of the character, but that character didn't make a lot of sense for the reasons you outlined. He's likeable, well adjusted, good humored, but sort of inept and cowardly (until he tries to save Rey, of course). You'd think a stormtrooper trained since childhood would be exactly the opposite. Maladjusted but useful in a fight.

Two things:

1) Finn and Poe's character should've been combined into one. Finn/Poe should've been a hotshot First Order pilot that defects and joins the resistance - delivering the fatal torpedo blast to the StarKiller base. He should've also faced-off against Phasma at Maz's castle, not some stormtrooper rando.

2) Finn's character did kinda follow the cliche "black guy" character. Brash but inept. Cocky but cowardly. Constantly playing it for laughs but getting his ass whooped. It makes the character less "threatening" to a wider audience.

I'm surprised the social crusaders aren't talking about the fact that Finn is also accused of being a thief and Kylo even slashes his back in the final battle (like a slave getting whipped). I thought for SURE the web would explode with "think-pieces" about Finn as a cliche black character, with racist undertones.