Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Jul 16, 2013
Going after Kylo and Snoke would not have turned him to the Darkside and the Jedi have never been Pacifist. Luke letting Kylo and Snoke live undermines not only his role as the New Hope but it also undermines Anakins sacrifice and his role as The Chosen one and in bringing balance to the force. The original trilogy came down to a choice that had to be made by Anakin. He had the choice to let Palpatine fry Luke with his force Lightning thus killing his son and the last hope for the future and he had the choice to throw the Emperors old evil ass down the deathstar vent thus killing his master and allowing the New Hope to bring peace to the galaxy. He chose his son and for Luke to let some bratty Darth Vader wannabe do what he did is just out of Character for him.

just no, you're incorrect...but at this point, i dont know if you're just bullshytting or not, so i'm stop now....


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
One good thing about this movie is that it has been able to separate the superficial fans of Star Wars from the die hard and official fans of Star Wars. I am going to start with the positive so people won't think I am hating or nitpicking.First Mr. Boyega and Miss Ridley where great as Finn and Rey; They made a good team had great chemistry as a leading man(not a sidekick) and a leading lady should. Second JJ Abrams was successful in delivering the nostalgia and incorporating little shout outs to the original trilogy......but you can tell he only has a basic and superficial level of knowledge when it comes to the Star Wars mythos and the plot of this movie and the motives and abilities of the primary characters were so vague and inconsistent that I was like :dahell: for half the movie.

1.) Why would LUKE SKYWALKER hide from anybody?!!! this is the same dude who went to Cloud City to save his crew even though he knew he was no match for Vader. This is the same dude who not only confronted Vader in Return of the Jedi but also Emperor Palpatine; and even though Palpatine kicked his ass he was able to sway his Dad( The Chosen One) back to the good side. He would not be hiding from some punk ass Kylo Ren aka "Darth Bratus". The movie goes as far to imply that Kylo defeated Luke in combat and sent him into hiding.
2.) How is Rey able to all of a sudden be able to use Jedi Mindtricks, Force Pulls, Fly the Millennium Falcon better the Han Solo and fight like a master Light saber duelist in the span of a couple of days? She had no Obi wan like Luke and she is not the Prophesied Chosen One like Anakin. she was a cool character in the beginning but she became a Mary Sue in the end. she should not have been able to defeat the guy who defeated Luke and made him a recluse.
3.) Why kill HAN SOLO!!! when he died he took the nostalgia with him. It didn't even feel like star wars after that. The nostalgia helped me overlook the plot holes, mistakes and inconsistencies but when they killed Han Solo the films flaws were magnified...................I hope episode VIII is better.

I dont think he was hiding...didn't Han Solo say something about him meditating at the heart of a temple or something Like that? He probably was like after training my nephew and he turned and did this to me what is the point of all of this? So he went on a journey to discover the truth.....He must feel partly to blame in all of this.

And didnt Yoda go into exile??? Yes the Jedi are powerful but they can take L's, He probably cant bring himself to kill his nephew fam...

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
just no, you're incorrect...but at this point, i dont know if you're just bullshytting or not, so i'm stop now....
You keep saying i'm incorrect but you have made no corrections. because there is nothing to correct. So yeah at this point please stop. Like Obiwan told Anakin don't do it because I have the highground.


Jul 16, 2013
I dont think hes 30...i legit think they're twins. And either he ravaged the school as a youngling (:scust: @ that word) and she was too young to remember, or luke blocked that out of her mind after they seperated the two. I imagine its the latter.

Of course at this point we're making this shyt up

i've thought about them being twins, but i dont think they'd follow the originals that think they are related some how and kylo knows it...the way he reacted when his first learned of rey having the driod made it seem like he knew her or at least knew of her.....


Jul 6, 2014
Yeah, I was thinking that BB-8 showed his portion of the map first, and R2 awoke to show the other part of the map next. I was corrected by @Negrodamus of the order, so now I agree that it was Rey.

So how long ago did Ben Solo destroy the Jedi school? If we believe that Rey was once a student and she was very young when her parents left, Ben was still an adult when doing it. So let's say he's 30ish, 10 years ago? But if Rey is 20ish, wouldn't she have memories of her training? So maybe she had no training, but was still stashed away for the future.
I'd say Ben 27, Rey 20 (maybe 28/21). Academy massacre occurs when Ben is around 15-17. Why does he need to be an adult?


Jun 2, 2012
ok I just got back from the theater and here are my thoughts :

First off the theater was packed and the day started off well because everyone got to to see the trailers for Dawn of Justice, TMNT 2 and Civil War

Lots of people started clapping when the lucasfilm picture showed up and even more people started clapping once the star wars music started. Now on to my thoughts about the movie:

I give it a 8.5 out of 10 what a great movie I wish part 8 was coming out in 2016 I cant wait to see where the story goes. I thought there was great chemistry with the cast and with the pacing of the movie. It wasnt too long or too short it was just right length wise. To those that were upset with Finn role I thought he was great and his actions were realistic based on what he had seen. I did not consider him a coward at all, he knew what the first order was all about and what some of their plans were, of course he wanted to get the hell out of there.

I loved how Han's death was handled and I thought the movie did a great job showing just how much kylo was struggling with and the demons and battles he was facing. I hope that is explored more. I loved BB8 and seeing chewabecca return. I thought Leia got just enough screen time but would have liked to see Poe get a little more. I hope Poe and Finn turn out to have a great relationship which is what I expect. Cleary Kylo is not super far in his training and probably since coming to the First Order has not got much in depth training which goes back to Snoke final words. I think thats why Rey and Finn were able to keep up with him. I hope they keep Kylo around for all 3 movies and I loved the nostalga

My 2 biggest issue with the movie was that they revealed that Kylo was Han and Leia son too quick, I wish they would have kept that a secret until the moment Han yelled out "Ben"!

My second issue was the ending, I figured Luke was not going to get much screen time but I was expecting more than 1 minute and I wish either him or Rey would have said something it was just sorta akward how he was staring at her but I could tell from the look that he has met/seen her before either she is his daughter or she was a student at the academy at one point and she just doesnt remember because she was too young

A smaller issue I had was that that the knights of Ren didnt get any real screen time so im not sure if they will expand on that in further movies


I'm selling these fine leather jackets
Jul 5, 2012
Why don't everybody know and believe in The Force in the movies?
Han Solo was like "wtf is the force" in New Hope. Dude was alive and kicking when the Jedi were going strong and he is smuggler and doesn't know the space police. Same with Finn and Rey. Its only been like 60 years since the Jedi got slaughtered, they protected everything for thousands of years and are somehow a myth already.


Aug 22, 2015
Amazing film. It's hard to say everything I want to but it certainly lived up to the hype:banderas:

I don't really get the dissapointment some of you are expressing about Fin. Dude played a major role in this film and I can't blame him for simping over Rey to be honest, she's so damn beautiful man:noah:

And damn, Kylo Ren,:banderas: I don't even know where to start. The most badass character I've seen in a film since Bane in the last Batman film (before that bullshyt plot-twist at least:scust:)....and his (Kylo) training isn't even complete yet...:dame:

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
I dont think he was hiding...didn't Han Solo say something about him meditating at the heart of a temple or something Like that? He probably was like after training my nephew and he turned and did this to me what is the point of all of this? So he went on a journey to discover the truth.....He must feel partly to blame in all of this.

And didnt Yoda go into exile??? Yes the Jedi are powerful but they can take L's, He probably cant bring himself to kill his nephew fam...
Your post reflects the Vagueness and the weak writing of this movie. We are sitting here coming up with all these assumptions and justifications for how these very established and well known Characters were poorly portrayed.Unlike Obiwan and Yoda Luke does not have an entire empire led by two Powerful Sith Lords on his behind. He has a bratty amateur sithlord of a nephew and a hologram that looks like voldermort against him. Unlike Anakin who was set up and referenced as a fallen hero in a New Hope, by Uncle Owen and Obiwan, Kylo Ren is just set up and referenced as a Bratty, Ungrateful and Wannabe Vader Fanboy. I cant understand his struggle because the writers did not give him one. He is the son of a princess and a famous war hero and the nephew of a the Last Jedi Master. What does he have to be bitter about?!!! Why would Luke feel guilty about Killing Kylo when Kylo didn't feel guilty about killing those innocent Jedi students. It does not add up.


Jun 2, 2012
so why wasnt the knights of ren shown except for those few seconds, and Kylo mask is bad ass and who is snoke and where was he act because he was just a hologram.


Jul 6, 2014
Why don't everybody know and believe in The Force in the movies?
Han Solo was like "wtf is the force" in New Hope. Dude was alive and kicking when the Jedi were going strong and he is smuggler and doesn't know the space police. Same with Finn and Rey. Its only been like 60 years since the Jedi got slaughtered, they protected everything for thousands of years and are somehow a myth already.
The Jedi numbered in the tens of thousands in a Galaxy of quadrillions. And they're prominent role in The Clone Wars to the rest of the Galaxy was not the case for much of their history.