I'm disappointed they tricked my ass in regards to Finn.
They obviously marketed him with the lightsaber so that we would go into the theater expecting to see the first Disney movie with a black hero.
Instead, we get the first Star Wars movie with a white female hero, the 1,000,000,000th Disney movie with a white female hero.
I'm hurt. They could have at least given him something, like Han in the OT.
Han had the Millenium Falcon, he had Chewie, he had Leia's love, and he had swagger. He was a deuteragonist in the OT, but Luke didn't overshadow him at every turn.
With the ST on the other hand, Rey is a genius-level mechanic, a better pilot than Han on her first try, a stronger jedi than Luke on her first try, and is a better fighter than Finn armed with nothing more than a stick.
Finn, on the other hand, is a character whose strongest impression on the audience is that he makes them laugh. Not exactly a pioneering role for a black character. In the end, he is left with nothing to do but lapse into a coma. At least Han saved Luke's life in the OT, first when they were destroying the Death Star in ANH, then on Hoth in ESB. Finn's failed attempts to save Rey are actually played as a running joke in TFA. Like 'ha, ha, joke's on you, Rey is too awesome to need saving by the likes of you'. That shyt is so annoying, and does nothing to endear me to her character.
At this point, I don't even want to reward Disney's deceptive marketing by paying to see the next movie. And I feel like it's going to be even worse than this one for Finn, a Peeta/Katniss situation where he pines hopelessly after the jedi girl while she treats him like a beloved pet.
I'm a woman btw so don't accuse me of being sexist for not liking Mary Sues.