Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS

be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014
I can't believe people are hating on Finn and saying they would have preferred that he was white and tha da da... I thought he was a great character and the most relatable. And he had the most personality and motivation for his actions, and had the most fleshed backstory of the characters.

Also don't get how you're gonna call him cowardly when he's the one that decided to go save Rey and he also literally went head to head against a Sith and held his own.


Jul 6, 2014
From another site

"So I just downloaded the Force Awakens audiobook novelization. And it describes the scene when Maz gives him the lightsaber and says "to everyones surprise gives the lightsaber not to Han or Chewie, but to Finn" and when Finn holds it "it feels comfortable in his hand" and after the lightsaber battle with the storm trooper a scene that wasn't in the movie between MAz and Finn happens. She says to him that she sees the eyes of a warrior now instead of one who wants to run."


All Star
May 9, 2012
South East Houston





Kylo took that blaster shot and just flew to a knee. You see the way the stromtroopers flew back after getting blasted.


Jul 6, 2014
Kylo took that blaster shot and just flew to a knee. You see the way the stromtroopers flew back after getting blasted.
Exactly. So no not only have not seen what Kylo will be capable of after his development, but we don't even know how he would have been at his current stage in TFA without an injury


Nov 18, 2013
went to see this tonight... solid movie

But what the fukk is finn there for??? Rae played the han and luke roles,
i wanted a breh to be force sensitive :upsetfavre:

Final scene was terrible imo, and whats the backstory on the huge sith nikka???

Also how does luke lose to one rouge jedi?... Felt like that wasn't explained in enough detail... Him being the son of han was a nice plot point tho


All Star
Aug 5, 2015
nikka I was in a MP unit and when they deployed, all the support MOS's went outside the wire for combat and patrol mission, so yes the cooks had CAB's as well as the pencil pushers.

Is this something you personally saw or someone else? Either way, this isn't the standard and its not normal. We got flak just for trying to pull people for guard duty so we could have smaller shifts:pachaha:
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All Star
May 17, 2013
To the people that can't wrap their mind around Kylo losing the fight; There was more to this fight than just powerlevels. That fight was just as much Kylo vs Kylo as it was Kylo vs Rey & Finn. Kylo is stubborn, arrogant, and delusional. He was so caught up in denying the fact that Rey was actually strong in the force he let his anger blind his judgement.

Basically the fact that Kylo was instructed not to kill her and Rey's ability to use the force is what kept her alive.

But Kylo's anger and stubbornness is what lost him the fight.
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Apr 20, 2015
Movie gives me mixed emotions about it. It is at the end of the day a springboard movie to set up 8 and I guess 9 but so was A New Hope technically but it didn't feel like it. Episode 4 felt like a good stand alone movie where yo understood at the end the war wasn't over and their was more work to do and you couldn't wait for it to come.The Finn bait and switch was Grade A garbage. And don't give me that well no one said he was a jedi so that's your fault b.s. you nikkas been spewing. We've been through a multiple star wars based movies and shows and never seen anything like this. Dude was in every advertisement wielding that lightsaber while the chick was using guns and the stick. We never see non force users with lightsabers. I don't get the concealing of which one was the jedi through the movie, they already had my money and establishing a jedi earlier would've helped the story

I'm gonna keep it real. Finn was the C-3PO of this movie.Practically useless at some parts,bumbling idiot at some parts,cowardly most of the movie. Look at his interactions with the soccer ball droid. I was waiting for him to bust out a "oh dear" when they got into trouble. Han Solo wanted no parts of the empire in episode 4 but he never came off as a coward like Finn. He came off cynical but never cowardly.Han Solo was a smuggler but he was never scared to fight if they had to. Just like in the prequels with anakin, Finns turning on the FO makes sense and doesn't make sense at the same time. Why is a janitor on a search and destroy mission in the first place? First Order had no shortage of higher capable goons. That could've been explained way better somehow. His character development leaves way too much open which doesn't help us understand him. He admits that he doesn't know anything about himself but he knows to tell lies and be afraid of everything. Dude was a trained storm trooper but failed at everything he did and had to get bailed out by some white girl who dug who played in junkyards for a living. Homie had no real skills or qualities. Any heroic thing he did was short lived. Its the Vegata and Sawyer from Lost scenario where all their heroic actions fall short or they make a blunder as to not take away or overshadow who the writers want the hero to be; Rey. I will say this, the ship hasn't fully sailed on his character yet but it left the port very bad and is anchored in dead water now with him being in a coma. Everyone else is up and running and getting stronger he's taking a nap. The next movie is where we find out whether or not he's a good character. At this point we can only hope that he grows into being a courageous, stand up guy and grows out of the intergalactic Kevin Hart routine. I hope he wakes up focused cause he could easily be the best new character and i'm still not 100% sure that he doesn't have force powers.

Rey is a terrible lead character. She had the personality of a potato and was not interesting at all. She had no set backs,adversity, or obstacles in her way that made you want to root for her to overcome them and be successful like how you wanted Finn to overcome his cowardice and boss up. What made Luke work is that he wanted to do and be something bigger but his "parents" and the world wasn't letting it happen.He had questions that no one would give him answers for so when the R2D2 to Kenobi came into the picture he was ready for it. This chick was a orphan salvaging junk for 3 pieces of Heisenberg meth a day and as soon as she got the opportunity to be something bigger she complained about wanting to go home then ran away. 5 minutes later she's using the jedi mind trick that she didn't even know existed. She went from point A to point M. At this rate the next movie is going to start with her on the deathstar in all black cocky like Luke in Return of the Jedi. Han Solo was supposed to be her Obi-wan Kenobi but exactly what vital info did he give her when he was alive or mentoring to give the feeling that luke had when he watched Vader kill Obi-wan? That whole thing was forced an kind of cheesy. Luke went into the Empire Strikes Back fight with Vader knowing that he killed Obi-wan and his dad. This chick is gonna run up on Ren upset cause he killed a smuggler she knew for ten minutes who offered her a job that she turned down? He's like the father you never had because you know how to fly his ship? Okay. Even at the end of the movie she looked like she didn't realize that she now apart of something bigger. Luke came off like a kid who ran off to fight WW2, Rey comes off like a kid who got drafted to go to vietnam but didn't know how to get to canada.

Kylo-Ren started out awesome but got real shakey. I don't care what you say,A dude stopping blaster shots in mid air in the beginning of the movie shouldn't be having and losing close battles with a shook one and and a girl who has never swung a lightsaber before. Him taking off the mask and killing Han Solo seem like they would have been better happening in episode 8 and could've gave dude some kind of mystery to him in this one. Where does he go from here development wise?

Overall this whole movie gave me deja vu. Almost every scene in this movie is a rip and remix of another scene from a previous star wars. From Finn in the Millennium Falcon gunner seat extra excited for hitting something to a lightsaber fight in the middle of a forest. I think we've gotten to a point in the star wars franchise where they're just going to play it safe and not try to innovate anything. All of the cool looking designs and tech was background objects. They could've introduced a bunch of new things and ships but they brought back the millennium falcon and TIE Fighters. The Millennium Falcon was a piece of junk on it's last legs in the original trilogy how is it still going 30-40 years later? We didn't need THE millennium falcon, we needed a ship like the millennium falcon, strong but unreliable at time. And that's one of the downfalls of this movie, they try to hard to please everybody.
Finn was C 3po.. You have got to be fukking kidding me:francis: