Kathleen Kennedy is now the most powerful Gatekeeper to Star Wars lore and continuity since GL sold Star Wars to Disney. She is president of Lucasfilms, she RUNS the shots.
Kathleen Kennedy is a white woman, if you think that it's a coincidence that Rey is an all powerful Force User who can kick ass and take names merely hours after even learning she has the force, while the Black Male is made a bumbling, cowardly, failure, well then there's never EVER been any evidence of racism in Hollywwod
Like I said, the movie went out of its WAY. To b*stardize and ignore the standard rules of the Hero's Journey, a standard that's been played out across SIX PREVIOUS films in order to emasculate and minimize Finn's character.
The most insulting part about it is that's it's completely unnecessary. TFA would've made a billion dollars if they cast a wombat as the lead, pulling a bait and switch with the white woman actually made ZERO sense considering Hunger Games, Divergent, and Twilight are franchises headlined by white women that are massively successful.
They should've done one of three things
1). Kept both lead characters white. Nobody would've batted an eyleash. It would've been par for the course, I've already written that it's known and BEEN known that Star Wars is a white franchise for white people. Rey still could've been heroic and if they wanted to have her paired next to a loser to make her look cooler and more capable they could've cast Jesse Eisenberg, Dave Franco, Ava Butterfield, or whatever up and coming white actor of their choosing. However I GURANTEE that had Finn been cast as white he wouldn't have ended up such a pathetic and emasculated character, there is ZERO chance that a White male "Hero" is wielding a lightsaber in a Star Wars movie and not only ending up Forceless, but winless and unconscious as well.
2). Take Finn out of the movie entirely, many of you are basing Finn's entire importance on saving Poe in the beginning (which is ironically, his best showing in the entire movie and the only sequence in 2 1/2 hours where he shows any type of promise, even if it is for selfish reasons) but Poe was originally written to die at the beginning of the movie. Without that ONE sequence you literally don't need Finn in any part of the movie, he is "integral" to absolutely nothing. Rey could have piloted the falcon and escaped Jakku on her own with BB8, srill showing how smart and "resourceful" she is. Han could have guided her to Maz. Finn isn't needed in any part of Maz's planet as he is a failure at fighting and failed at saving Rey anyway. Rey saved HERSELF from Star Killer base, so Finn's failure there was unnecessary as well. The climatic battle, Finn isn't needed at all as he FAILS to defeat Kylo and Rey had incredible dues ex machina force powers by that point. The entire movie could've been shot without Finn and Rey still would've been an awesome white woman protagonist.
3). The most radical idea of all....Actually make Finn a HERO. All of these "character development" "let's wait until episode 8" are all nonesense and I've already disproven how faulty they are. Finn doesn't even HAVE to be Force Sensitive to have a true moment of heroism and a W to his name. Give him a scene of true courage and payoff, Rey can be saved at least ONCE during that film without undoing her heroic independence, especially if she's going to be the one to defeat Kylo at the end. The best opportunity for this would've been actually allowing Finn to rescue Rey at Star Killer base, throw out all the corny jokes and jaw jacking at Phasm, kill the sanitation worker bullshyt, this would've been Finn's and EVERY OTHER MALE HERO IN A SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE'S characters moment to prove their worth. Which MAIN character in a science fiction movie accomplished absolutely NOTHING heroic by the end of that film at ended up in a coma?
ANH Luke? No
ESB Luke? No
ROTJ Luke? No
Matrix Neo? No (in reloaded he's in a coma AFTER displaying a new and heroic ability to control and defeat the machines in the REAL world. The machines didn't kick his ass and relegate him unconscious while Trinity saves the day)
Lord Of The Rings Aragon? No
Phantom Menace Anakin? No
Attack Of The Clones Anakin? No
Revenge Of The Sith Obi-Wan? No. Hell Anakin is the VILLIAN of that film, a traitor and child-killer, gets burned to a CRISP and doesn't get relegated to a coma
Bu...bu...BUT we all of a sudden have a supposed black lead and these established rules don't apply. Now it's "let's have the black character running scared, lying, and getting his ass beat in EVERY SINGLE PHYSICAL CONFRONTATION for 2 1/2 hours and call it character development brehs"
Call him "The Heart Of The Film" brehs
fukk outta here