Star Wars The Force Awakens [SPOILERS] Thread: SPOILERS


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
My thoughts on Finn are unchanged. He simply isn't given anything worth aspiring to be. None of the major characters in the movie really like him (Except for Rey, who was nice and thirsty). He gets dissed by just about everyone at some point in the movie. The robot, Han, Chewie, Maz. Doesn't have flying skills or FS. Can't speak any of the languages that others speak. Garbage Man. Plenty of room for growth but it's just hard for me to appreciate him. Which kid would want a Finn toy for Christmas?

*girl with rey toy beats up storm troopers*
*boy with poe toy flies around and blow stuff up around house*
*black kid with finn toy delivers "vital plans" to resistance, gets knocked into coma, and goes to play madden.......:mjcry: *


Jul 6, 2014
Napoleon I'm not trying to be rude but I kinda have to be. If you think that this movie is less mature than the previous 3, especially Episode I, then you have cognitive issues.
Wait that fakkit is in this thread?

Hey Taj fukk you and fukk off

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
So what if Finn ain't the fukking Black Panther :dwillhuh: breh was on point in every single scene

if anything, he pops more than any other character in the movie

damn man yal need are being so extra over this :damn: of all the movies :mindblown:

More credit to Boyega than the Finn character itself. He made it better than what it was.

You gotta understand the disappointment in what was expected/hoped for....than the reality.

Although I think as time goes by the hype will die down on this film. (What made the OT so great was how REWATCHABLE it is. Not sure that will be the case for this, but we'll see)

However, there probably will be greater appreciation for Finn as time goes by. Especially if the character continues to grow in the movies to follow.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
More credit to Boyega than the Finn character itself. He made it better than what it was.

You gotta understand the disappointment in what was expected/hoped for....than the reality.

Although I think as time goes by the hype will die down on this film. (What made the OT so great was how REWATCHABLE it is. Not sure that will be the case for this, but we'll see)

However, there probably will be greater appreciation for Finn as time goes by. Especially if the character continues to grow in the movies to follow.
I don't.

At the same time... no other regular joe has ever picked up a lightsaber like that, so there's still a chance that he does down that path later

either way, there's no point in over analyzing a movie that was made for kids and nostalgic flabby and the hypercritical. for all the bases they had to cover, its amazing how good this all turned out.


Apr 20, 2015
My thoughts on Finn are unchanged. He simply isn't given anything worth aspiring to be. None of the major characters in the movie really like him (Except for Rey, who was nice and thirsty). He gets dissed by just about everyone at some point in the movie. The robot, Han, Chewie, Maz. Doesn't have flying skills or FS. Can't speak any of the languages that others speak. Garbage Man. Plenty of room for growth but it's just hard for me to appreciate him. Which kid would want a Finn toy for Christmas?

I'm not particularly excited for the future of the character because he's never taken seriously enough in this one, so basically, we can expect to have to sit through 3 movies of him sad-sacking and getting the occasional lucky win. I feel like his characterization is going to be similar to Pippin from LOTR....I'm not interested. Ending in a coma came off as dumb as I thought it would. They build up this decent little relationship throughout the movie, and right when it starts getting really emotional...they decide to abandon it with a COMA plot-device? Ridiculous, and a little cowardly.

I will say that his character motivations seemed clearer to me than for others. He starts off fleeing, he starts to care for Rey a bit, but not enough to stay with her and the droid. After she's captured by Kylo Ren however, someone who he knows from first hand experience to be extremely dangerous, he has a change of heart and wants to fight for her. It's not the most original of plot-lines, but a guy wanting to save a girl he likes is classic and relatable....:manny:

Here's to T'Challa wiping the taste of Finn outta my mouth. Hell, matter of's to black filmmakers rising to make their own mythologies, so that we don't have to latch onto white/jewish properties that will only serve to let us down.


Having said all that....the movie itself? It's not bad. Not great, but certainly better than all the prequels. I'd put it on par with ROTJ.


ESB >> ANH >> ROTJ = TFA >>>>> AOTC = ROTS >>>>>>> TPM

Although it doesn't belong on the ESB/ANH tier, it's still on the "good half" of the franchise.

Most importantly, it actually *felt* like SW, which is something the prequels weren't able to do.

There was a whimsical/magical appeal to everything, the world was believable, all the puppetry, costumes, actual dirt and grit...really made this world come alive. The way how they all sort of come together through chance/coincidence, and how all of the plot points kind of weave in and out of one another, really hit the mark.

Nevertheless...there were some script issues, JJ clearly needed more time to work out some kinks. That scene when they are in the cargo ship with the gangs was completely unnecessary. The final x-wing battle is an absolute mess, probably the worst in the franchise. You can tell there was a lot cut out of this. Destroying those Republic planets meant nothing, no where near the impact of the Alderan destruction of ANH.

JJ moves too fast as well. There was one particular part that really needed to be driven home but was not : When Rey is struck by the beauty of Maz's planet. She's lived her whole life as a desert scavenger, and when she arrives on this beautiful forest planet..they give her a line...and that's it. Didn't work for me. That's a moment you have to latch onto and make MEAN something.

Finn confessing that he wasn't a Resistance fighter also needed to be more impactful. That needs to be the moment where he spills his guts, and she feels as though his betrayal validates why she doesn't trust anyone makes her want to go back to a life of solitude on Jakku. Instead, it's just :

"Finn : You looked at me all thirsty so I lied, my bad babe.

Rey : :martin:"

The acting performances are fine. I think it goes without saying that it was hard for me to watch that Finn character turn out the way he did...but I can acknowledge that Boyega did the damn thing as far as ACTING went. Good comedic timing. He had some lines that could have been extra cringey that he managed to make work.

Ridley....interesting. She's basically the most Star-Warsy actress that has ever Star-Warred in a Star Wars movie....:russ:I don't get the "A New Star Is Born" stuff, this is certainly no J-Law in Hunger Games, not by ANY stretch... but she did well enough to sink into the part that she was given. Only thing that maybe should have been cooled down was some of her wide-eyed enthusiasm, particularly on the falcon. Will be interesting to see where she goes from here.

Adam Driver...I liked the character and his performance was believable. That scene where he was interrogating Rey was surprisingly....kind of rapey. I think at one point he said "I can take what I want", obviously he was talking about information, but there was definitely some subtext there. I like the idea of him struggling to stay away from the light.

Harrison....not grumpy, good enough for me.

Fisher....didn't like her performance, apparently, she had quite a bit cut out and I think it's just that she doesn't have it anymore. She was supposedly, originally going to be this militant, all worn and torn from the war, I kinda didn't get that here. I kinda just got "this is Carrie Fisher's expected cameo, take it or leave it"....:ld:

Gleeson as Hux...I actually fukked with him, as well as his Nazi speech. Glad to see an Imperial Officer with the authority of Tarkin. He was straight FLEXING on Ren....:pachaha:

Isaac as Poe was good. He kinda captured some of that doe-eyed enthusiasm that Luke had in ANH. I expect him to have more to do next time, although, I do think that he's going to remain an "elevated Wedge".

The music was forgettable. Williams is flabby and sick.

TL,DR : Decent movie, not groundbreaking.
None of the other characters like Finn... Y'all nikkas gotta be fukking trolling at this point
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Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
I don't.

At the same time... no other regular joe has ever picked up a lightsaber like that, so there's still a chance that he does down that path later

either way, there's no point in over analyzing a movie that was made for kids and nostalgic flabby and the hypercritical. for all the bases they had to cover, its amazing how good this all turned out.[/QUOTE]

But the 2nd point is why some dont understand going crazy over it. Is the hype/reaction because its great or because of the hurdles it had and it still wound up good?

As you was made for kids and nostalgic reason to overanalyze...

Their job was to make a good movie and they did.:manny:


Apr 20, 2015
*girl with rey toy beats up storm troopers*
*boy with poe toy flies around and blow stuff up around house*
*black kid with finn toy delivers "vital plans" to resistance, gets knocked into coma, and goes to play madden.......:mjcry: *
So Finn didn't kill a bunch of storm troopers and shoot a bunch fighters:francis:

Also you quote vital plans implying that they really weren't vital even though without them the attack wouldn't have worked and everyone would have been killed :francis: