Star Wars: The Force Awakens (OFFICIAL THREAD)


Jun 2, 2012
Sitting in the theater right now movie starts in 12 min...smh at all these people buying all this over priced movie theater food....why not eat breakfast before hand...


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
Poes original fate

“[Poe's] amazing!” said Abrams.

“Sounds good!” thought Isaac, whose first experience in a movie theater had been seeing The Empire Strikes Back.

“He opens the whole movie!” said Abrams.

“Sounds great!” thought Isaac.

“And then,” Abrams went on. “He dies.”

“Oh,” thought Isaac.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Poe Dameron Had a Different Fate in Early Drafts


Jul 6, 2014
@Darth Humanist once my reps is up....... I got you bruh :salute:

I remember seeing the timelines from some books I borrowed from Goodwill when people donated them (stole)....... shyt is deep and goes back far as fukk..... I didn't become a Star Wars fan til after AOTC and didn't watch Clone Wars.......... Should I watch Clone Wars???? Is it worth the watch?????
Absolutely breh. Especially the later seasons. And then watch Rebels (currently in it's second season).


Aug 17, 2012
New York City

GRADE = B+ (4/5 STARS)

Wow, that was intense. The sequel I waited for over 30 years and I enjoyed the movie because I went in with guarded expectations. Yes it’s basically a soft reboot/remix of the Original Trilogy. It basically takes the story beat for beat from “A New Hope” storyline. There were also homages and shots from “Empire” and “Jedi” in it as well. I thought it did what it needed to do. Reintroduced Star Wars to the next generation as the original Trilogy and Prequels did for their respective generations. As the movie went along I kept going, “OK, Where’s Luke”. But the movie focused on his search, (Search for Spock?, lol). The entire story was about finding him as explained in the crawl. Based on the last shot of the film, Daisy/Rey is most likely Luke’s daughter, I mean his look completely gave it away. Han and Leia knew who she was but they had to play along for her saftey. This is why Han playfully offered her a Job. A theory could basically be Luke hid her on Jakku so that Kylo and the First Order wouldn’t find her. Basically Luke did for her what Obi and Yoda did for him and Leia. So 30 years later, the Force is still trying to grow but the Darkside has risen and Luke building his new Jedi Order was ambushed. There is an imbalance in the Force based on Kylo aka Ben Solo turning Dark. Like Yoda before him Luke goes into Exile. “The Force Awakens” in his child, Anakin's Grandchild so that balance can be restored again. Her coming to give him the lightsaber was the Force’s way to let Luke know the fight must continue.

I thought Finn argueably had the best story arc of the entire new cast even though his ending was on some Neo “Matrix Reloaded” sh!t. I can’t really cosign him being damn near dead at the end of the movie. I think they could of came up with something better for the character. I get they wanted Rey to meet her "Father" alone so did they have to put the brotha out like that?, lol. Outside of that I thought he was a very good character. Stormtroopers have been clones and then they were regular recruits. But with Finn we see something completely different to go inside the mind of Stormtrooper. He was kidnapped as a child. The Jedi also take childern very young. Now if you looked at all the symbolisms the debate even after the movie is wither Finn is force sensitive. In My opinion there was clues he was. Stormtroopers don’t have a conscience. Kylo sensed Finn’s awakening to the Force when he didn’t want to kill at the village. Finn also was able to adapt very quickly to certain things as the movie went along. No way Finn gets that hit on Kylo and sticks with him with the saber in that battle if he wasn’t force sensitive. I just think he needs to be trained. With Luke academy being destoryed, he will need new students. As for him being in a coma, I believe that is also may be proof of his force sensitivity. A regular human would of died after that Kylo strike to the back. I feel the title deals with Rey and Finn awakening in different ways. As well as Kylo turn to the Darkside.

I thought John did good in the role. Him and Han seemed to have the best lines that got the most response from the crowds. Sure he had humor but it wasn’t too goofy and it actually made me feel he had the best chemistry with the rest of the cast. As for the bait and switch with Rey and the lightsaber, not surprised because she’s most likely a Skywalker. Unless Finn is related to a Skywalkers/Solo’s there is no way he would be the main character from the “Episodes”. This is “The Skywalker Saga”, that’s not going to change. There’s no way Rey isn’t Anakin’s Granddaughter. There’s a symbolism with her getting and using the Saber to stop Ben Solo aka Kylo. Also when she had the flashback “Vision” after touching the Saber. You heard Luke, Obi and Yoda’s voices. That’s a clear sign that she’s a Skywalker. There’s an outside Chance she’s Obi’s relative but I doubt it. In all Star Wars films it’s a “GROUP” of heroes not one person. Rey, Finn and Poe are the new Big 3. There is a chance he’s going to eventually become her love interest. At first they were playful like friends but that bond turned into Love as the movie went along. I think their relationship develops further in the future films. But he started out scared but as the film went on he showed his courage going up against Vader’s grandson and even getting a huge hit on him.


Han, Han, Han. Well Harrison finally got want he wanted. He wanted Han to originally die in "Jedi" but George said no, lol. You kinda knew it was coming as he started to walk on the bridge. Also when he said “Ben”, that’s exactly what Luke said right before Obi was killed by Vader in “Hope”. Of course showing the light turn to Dark was symbolisim. I did enjoy the homages to the original trilogy as well as the EU with Han and Leia’s son turning Darkside just like Jaycon Solo did (Luke’s son in the EU was named Ben Skywalker). Han’s Death was tough but again you kinda saw it coming as soon as he got to the bridge (Homage to Empire Strikes Back with Vader and Luke as well). Han Solo took on the mentor role of this film. This was basically his movie. Luke was mentor in Episode VIII. Kylo killing Han is the opposite of Luke redeeming Vader. Thus the light turning dark. JJ really did a great job of tying everything into Lucas story. Well with Kasden help, I’m sure that’s why. Kylo/Adam Driver did very well playing Vader’s grandson (SKYwalker SoLO). Dare I say his performance was what Hayden’s in the Prequels should have been with Vader Character. He felt he’s the crown prince of the Force.

Snoke manipulated him ala Palpatine and Vader which cause him to turn on Luke and destroy his new Jedi Order. That’s when I’m guessing Rey had to be hid, she must have been very young. Kylo was a spoiled brat just like Anakin was. He felt entitled. Him turning Darkside clearly messed up Han and Leia’s relationship. Han even said to Leia, “He has that Vader in him”. Luke like Yoda before him went into exile when he failed his newphew Young Ben Solo and the new Jedi Order that was destroyed. As for Force power levels. Both Kylo and Rey were basically still learning. Kylo was obviously further ahead than Rey was. Poe was cool as the cocky pilot, it felt like he fit right into the universe. But he disappeared for awhile and popped back up, lol. Action solid, Adventure was great. It hit all the right notes overall. The First Order was again just The Empire Remix. It’s just a splintered group that has roots from the Empire. They even built “Starkiller” aka Death Star III. As for Rey “Super Saiyan Jedi” turn. I’m cool with it. Look we’ve never had a female Jedi Lead in Star Wars. People say “She does everything to good”. I’m like, “Well She’s the One’s Granddaughter, of course she has hidden talents”. She’s basically similar to Gohan in Dragon Ball in that she had hidden powers beyond her understanding. I don't want to get into the politics of "A Female Hero", the fact is over 99% of all Action movies is male driven. Star Wars is male driven. There is nothing wrong with having a Female Jedi in the live action films when it's been basically all males in the main roles. So I was fine with Rey character espeically when you think if context of her being a Skywalker hidden away for her saftey.


The issues I had was Captain Phasma were completely underused which makes me wonder will her part expand in future films. But they hyped her up but she didn’t really do much to me. Did she fire any shots? I mean I thought she was going to be ruthless. I liked Lupita character but I think it would have been better for her to just be herself instead of CGI but it was still a Star Wars character for sure. They wasted “The Raid” Guys on the Han Freight Ship scene but I’m happy they got shine being in the film. General Hux was basically another Tarkin from “A New Hope” just younger. Snoke aka The New Emperor was cool once you found it was a projection and he wasn’t that big, lol. Could he be Plagiesus? We will see. It seemed The Starkiller Base aka Death Star III blew up way to easily at the end. Knights of Ren we only got a flashback when I think they should of shown Luke Jedi Order Massacre. Several new planets were introduced but All the enviroments used in the movie were call backs to previous planets from the original trilogy. It was definitely a shock ending. I waiting 30 years to see Luke 30 seconds, lol. Artistically though it worked. It made Luke like he was litterally a God-like figure of the Force. An he is being the only Son of Anakin. So overall the Luke on the mountain top ending actually worked to me. I was mad not seeing Luke at all but that look on his face said so much without saying anything.

BB-8 was like R2’s little brother, liked him a lot. R2 part seemed to come in very conviently but it was great seeing him and 3PO again acting up. Leia part was short but it did the job, you can tell her son turning Dark took a toll on her. It was cool seeing her in the attack room making plans on the new Death Star. Throwback to "Hope, Empire and Jedi" with scene. I liked the new characters a lot. I just thought they all fit well in the Star Wars world. Overall I give it about a B+ grade, 4/5. Leaving the movie though I have to admit that I gained more respect for Lucas. He could of easily rehashed the original films forever but he chose to take some risk and make different Star Wars films with the prequels even if the execution wasn’t the best. JJ did a great job and I give him two very big thumbs up. He didn’t reinvent the wheel, he just recreated Lucas’s world for modern audiences. If he made a 100% new Star Wars film it would be different but this film JJ did a Love Letter to George Lucas just like he did a Spielberg Love letter with “Super 8”.

So I can't say “Episode VII” really brings anything that new to the table creatively. Most of the themes and storylines was remixed from the “Extended Universe” with names changed. If you’ve been a fan of the franchise than you knew the Nostalgia was all over the place in this film. Basically JJ pulled a “Jurassic World” which brought us back to the feeling of the originals while introducing new characters to the universe. I mean JJ even re-did actual scenes from the original trilogy. Reguardless of that The film works and the flaws don’t ruin overall. I'd say he still knocked it out of the park being the first Director since George 10 years after "Sith". Millions of people just entered the fanbase from this film. I was also pleased to see my friends who aren't as big of Star Wars fans saying they will buy all the films after seeing this. Overall as a lifelong Star Wars fan, it did what it needed to do. So Props to JJ and Kathleen for keeping the legacy going with this transistion. Also props to Disney for letting Lucasfilm do the film they wanted to do. Definitely don’t put it above the original trilogy. Right now I feel it’s better than Prequels though I need to see it again cause “Revenge of the Sith” is just as strong as it.


Loved the scored too, of course John came through:
