Wait you liked it ??!!?!! Got to hear your thoughts on Finn
non spoiler review was
the comedy was A1
all the main characters were great, even han as i saw the rumblings that he phoned it in
the story pretty much was a new hope part two, but
very enjoyable and much more action than i thought, i could barely take a breath to compose myself but more piff was thrown in
on finn, he wasnt as bad as i thought he was gonna be but i would like for him to have some kind of redemption since he did take the most Ls out of anybody. he was simping way too hard but atleast rey seems to reciprocate the feelings. i'll let it slide for right now for my simp lord space garbage man but if he is taking L after L in episode 8
lets see that character growth rian
edit: if he wasnt basically marketed as a lead black jedi i dont think it would have been as big a deal, and i think thats been stated in here in the past. his character has room for great growth from where he started so we'll see how they handle it