Grand Conde
So Wednesday for the reviews?
Teaching English.
What you doing in Singapore?
Teaching English.
What you doing in Singapore?
Dont forget your Vitamin C for the film lol
He's referring to Finn comparing himself too Han Solo(normal) rather than Skywalker (Force Sensitive)
there have been rumblings that Finn may not be Force Sensitive. We are....displeased with that notion
I don't know for sure if Finn is force sensitive or not but if a dude with no training whatsoever can stand up against a force sensitive trained fighter, there is obviously something special about him. He definitely does not fit into the "normal" category.
So Wednesday for the reviews?
Teaching English.
I don't know for sure if Finn is force sensitive or not but if a dude with no training whatsoever can stand up against a force sensitive trained fighter, there is obviously something special about him. He definitely does not fit into the "normal" category.
We know about some of his Stormtrooper background already.
He was in the top 1 percent in everything. Phasma thought he was going to be this perfect soldier...Hux had doubts because he wasn't as vicious as he wanted.
They all get hand-to-hand combat training. And by the time he stands up to Kylo, he had been using the lightsaber already.
Keep in mind, he loses. So he can't be *that* great.
breh you avi is dope where did you get that fromThis is the most excited I've ever been for a movie or anything that wasn't my wedding.
How would ANH Luke or pre AOTC Anakin have went? Yes I know Finn has been an elite stormtrooper but he is completely untrained in the force
Maz confirmed force sensitive, and she's apparently kept that a secret.
Han married Leia and was a "Family man"
Something broke the family dynamic (Presumably Kylo turning to the dark side)
Starkiller base literally kills stars
No confirmation as to whether it's Illum
The Hux from Servants of the Empire is this Hux's father
During the Empire's rule there was a "Church of the Force" which worshipped Jedi, and Lor San Tekka was a part of it