Again, don't be so high on the idea of Jedi. Jedi are just force wielders that have had that energy trained and focused in a certain way. There are more powerful things and beings out there in the force. I think this trilogy is about Rey, like the OG was about Luke. Rey seems to have those tinkering genes like Anakin and Luke. Desert planet. Luke's kid?, Maybe even Kylo(some grandfather worship) being his kid too and not Solo's or at least his apprentice and they personify the force in Luke, light and dark. Almost like the father, son and daughter in Clone Wars, though not on that level. Like all these super force sensitives though, they seem to all hide from their lives or go bonkers to the Dark Side. This is why the Jedi to me have always been meh. Like the elite knights on GoT. Yeah, they can fight and go to war and shyt, but their lives are

. They are tragic heroes. The real heroes are the regular folk that step to the plate knowing they aren't Jedi. Lando helping Leia escape. Chewy always willing to throw his butt on the line, Han could have bounced with the loot, but knocked Vader out the trench. That's what the PT was missing. Every main character was too damn important or a Jedi or Sith. That should answer why this has some familiarity to the OT(Star Wars is the Skywalker story assuming this is really who Rey is) and the lack of REAL heroes. Especially non-Jedi. Finn may be just that. Regular dude with some free thought that doesn't like how things are going and seems to want to get it in anyway. Please oh please don't make him force sensitive. Just make him brave, real and kind.
BTW, have read there is a lot of the original Star Wars design in this movie and other Disney Star Wars projects. One of those things was Storm Troopers training with and using lightsabers. Perhaps this is where we actually see that, and that's the length of him wielding a saber. If he was a Storm Trooper, he's know exactly what the hell Kylo can do and this explains the crazy look on his face during the fight. This, opposed to the cop out of force sensitivity would make him a real Nicca.