Up until recently Lucs has said the ONLY CANON stories are what he releases ...

So when George Lucas sold the name those books were canon again but then Disney came through and threw all of them deep into the bushes.
Up until recently Lucs has said the ONLY CANON stories are what he releases ...
This might sound like a dumb question but was palpatine even all that powerful? Mace beat em until anakin jumps in, and all he really had was force lighting (from what ive seen)
This might sound like a dumb question but was palpatine even all that powerful? Mace beat em until anakin jumps in, and all he really had was force lighting (from what ive seen)
Also Yoda or Mace should of been Anakin's master not Obi-won. Obi was way to young to take on a padawon. They only let him train Anakin cause he beat Maul (A Sith) so it was like they promoted him but Obi himself still had a lot learn. Again when you look behind the curtains, the Jedi had a lot to do with Anakin's turn.
I get the bolded, but the most powerful being died by getting tossed over a railingLike I said before the PT made the Emperor appear less powerful than he had been portrayed in the OT.
The Emperor was basically the devil. The all seeing eye. The dark cloak that pulled the strings from the shadows. The oppression, the devastation, the corruption... the empire was all his doing. He had the entire galaxy under his thumb.
So you tell me how powerful he was.
I get the bolded, but the most powerful being died by getting tossed over a railingmaybe its because the original trilogy has aged but its always been underwhelming to me
The Emperor didn't see it coming because he was blinded by the light.
Luke's faith in himself and his father was more powerful than anything the Emperor could throw at him.
I think Anakin being placed on the council wouldn't have stopped him from turning. I think sending Anakin to spy on Palpatine was a way of giving him some kind of trust. If they suspected Anakin of being weak at all, why send him off with a guy you expect to be that powerful and evil? It was his test and he failed.
They didnt send Anakin to spy on Palpatine because they thought he was powerful and evil...up until Anakin told Mace the jdi had now idea who the mystery sith lord was ... they sent anakin to spy on Palpatine because the jedi didnt trust politicians...
Yeah Anakin told them about him, so why send Anakin if you suspect he isn't strong enough to not be turned?
interesting.that's because Mace and Yoda thought they were sending Anakin on a throw away mission ... just something to keep him busy and he think he doing something while they hunt for the real danger ...
Mace and Yoda : we gonna send Ben to go to see about Grievous (the jedi killer). and you Anakin go look after the helpless politician Chancelor Palpatine ....