Star Wars heads, Did Mace Windu legit defeat Sidious...Or was Palpatine faking?

Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Good point, I'm sure Mace did sense Anakin's confusion, at the same time he should of known Anakin's skills were perfect for the situation cause he didn't sense the guys rolling with him weren't up to par.

that's why he took 3 because he knew separately they couldnt hack it ... but together they might have a chance..

Shyt ... even palpatine was sarcastic and arrogant because when mace rolled up he was what, ben succeedded... so soon ...

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Qui-Gon got no love? :smh:
fukk Luke homie :troll:. My expanded universe brehs who you think is the GOAT swordmaster?


obi won : was the top jedi swordmaster and in the end was the actual best jedi master on the light side.

the rest had flaws, in actual combat that made them susceptible to death in confrontation.
whereas, obi won, just dissipated into the force, against vader.
after he already bested vader and held that loss and everything over vader's head.
obi won, never was defeated by vader
as a matter of fact, obi won was probably the most intune with the force.
as he had already assailed to being one with the force by leaving the physical.
during combat, instead of taking the L, by lightsaber.
or other manifestations of the force, that were used by the darksith.
whereas, others were bested in actual combat and died.
or in yoda's case...
yoda was bested in combat by pal.
yoda lived much longer than obi won.
yet, it took him longer in age.
to get to the level of being able to dissipate an unite with the force.
than, it took obi won to be able to unite witht force.
plus, obi won was still present and not in hiding as deep as yoda had been.
to the point, that he had mastered much of what vader could do on the light side.
no other jedi, on the light side showed the ability to do.
even yoda, never really used telepathy on luke.
whereas we don't really know if obi won used telepathy on luke to get him to ride with him.

i think obi won did use telepathy on luke.
way before the emotional loss of his aunt and uncle on tat.
made him estranged from his original upbringing to pursue something else.

art barr


Aug 17, 2012
New York City

obi won : was the top jedi swordmaster and in the end was the actual best jedi master on the light side.

the rest had flaws, in actual combat that made them susceptible to death in confrontation.
whereas, obi won, just dissipated into the force, against vader.
after he already bested vader and held that loss and everything over vader's head.
obi won, never was defeated by vader
as a matter of fact, obi won was probably the most intune with the force.
as he had already assailed to being one with the force by leaving the physical.
during combat, instead of taking the L, by lightsaber.
or other manifestations of the force, that were used by the darksith.
whereas, others were bested in actual combat and died.
or in yoda's case...
yoda was bested in combat by pal.
yoda lived much longer than obi won.
yet, it took him longer in age.
to get to the level of being able to dissipate an unite with the force.
than, it took obi won to be able to unite witht force.
plus, obi won was still present and not in hiding as deep as yoda had been.
to the point, that he had mastered much of what vader could do on the light side.
no other jedi, on the light side showed the ability to do.
even yoda, never really used telepathy on luke.
whereas we don't really know if obi won used telepathy on luke to get him to ride with him.

i think obi won did use telepathy on luke.
way before the emotional loss of his aunt and uncle on tat.
made him estranged from his original upbringing to pursue something else.

art barr

Yoda was more in tune with the Force than Obi but to your point, Obi was originally suppose to Train Luke. Luke only ended up going to Yoda as a last resort cause of what happen on the Death Star. But Obi is one of the GOATS for sure.

Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
@Art Barr

Ben's and Yoda's ascending into the force cant be compared

Yoda discovered QuiGon Jin first then he instructed Ben on what to do..
Each person served a person so their ascending can not be compared and had diferent meanings.
Ben knew he was dying on the Death Star before they even went. thats why he told luke to look for yoda. Ben's job was to hold them off enough so they can escape and he purposely waited for luke to see it.. In turn it Fukked up Vader's head because all he saw was a robe and no body
Yoda ascended after he taught luke everything, so in his eyes he was done.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I agree... i was commenting on someone who was talking about the prophecy being BS... i was saying if Ben and yoda had faith in another skywalker if luke failed then the skywalker name must be impoortant and as such the prophecy whether said directly or indirectly was apart of the prequels...

Palpatine wanted the skywalker boy, he knew if anakin had any offspring they would be powerful .. all that leads to a prophecy in my eyes...

that is correct,...
as anakin was a sith lord creation to aid them in securing power and fulfilling their own prophecy.
which meshed the force and science to be able to create a god line of jedi's.
anakin was always a dark side of the force character.
plus, i believe the prophecy was just another rewrite.
or revisit to the lord of the rings, and even dune.
where sauron in lotr tricked everyone into the belief of the rings of power.
by making false prophecy, and used it to take over, originally.

i believe the same type of influenced writing and concept was used by the creators of starwars.
lifted from lotr, just like the way from which the force is derived.
is quite possibly a lift of the powers of the quiz-at's hadarach, in dune from hebert.

art barr

Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
that is correct,...
as anakin was a sith lord creation to aid them in securing power and fulfilling their own prophecy.
which meshed the force and science to be able to create a god line of jedi's.
anakin was always a dark side of the force character.
plus, i believe the prophecy was just another rewrite.
or revisit to the lord of the rings, and even dune.
where sauron in lotr tricked everyone into the belief of the rings of power.
by making false prophecy, and used it to take over, originally.

i believe the same type of influenced writing and concept was used by the creators of starwars.
lifted from lotr, just like the way from which the force is derived.
is quite possibly a lift of the powers of the quiz-at's hadarach, in dune from hebert.

art barr

Star Wars, LOTR, Chronicles of Narnia and it was a few others borrowed from the same "religious" backstories...

Before the backlash starts .. I said religious ... Im not naming a denomination, group, class, race or whatever you wanna name it...

Most religions have the same chosen one, mystery birth back story...


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
I think ben knew he wasnt coming back

Right but he didn't tell Luke to see Yoda until years later during "Empire Strikes Back" which took place 3 years after "A New Hope". I think his plan was to wait till Luke was old enough and Him and Luke were going to Face Vader and the Emperor. But once he saw Vader on the Death Star, he said F*ck it and became one with force and sent Luke to Yoda. It was Luke's fault he didn't finish his training.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
@Art Barr

Ben's and Yoda's ascending into the force cant be compared

Yoda discovered QuiGon Jin first then he instructed Ben on what to do..
Each person served a person so their ascending can not be compared and had diferent meanings.
Ben knew he was dying on the Death Star before they even went. thats why he told luke to look for yoda. Ben's job was to hold them off enough so they can escape and he purposely waited for luke to see it.. In turn it Fukked up Vader's head because all he saw was a robe and no body
Yoda ascended after he taught luke everything, so in his eyes he was done.

i thought about that before i posted.
yet, yoda was in hiding.
whereas obi won was definately on the number one most wanted list, by vader's account.
as obi won had bested vader in his human form, and ushered him into cybernetics.
yet, obi won was not really in hiding and pretty much in plain site, on tat.
where all types of characters looking for bounties were at.

plus, clone war empire based storm troopers abound were.
also, i think obi won was the best.
as in battle when it counted he always achieved his goal.
whereas in combat, the other jedi's had flaws in combat.
plus, never saw their end game as clearly as obi won did.
obi won was technically never bested in combat.
plus, was one with the force that he knew how many conflicts he could encounter and come out the victor.
whereas yoda still was in complete hiding.
yoda and others even vader/annie got their asses kicked, in combat.
annie got beat so bad, he was consumed on taking out dooku for his hand.
that he swagged all on dooku.
yet, obi won was pretty much a squire to quigon, and bested maul.
to the point, obi won was elevated from that confrontation, to jedi.
which, imo created the ability for luke.
to also assail in lesser skill to jedi from a confrontation in defeat by a jedi.
plus, obi won never lost in combat no matter what the situation was.
now, granted in the time where yoda was fighitng pal.
i would say yoda was the best.
yet, real won as an old grilled vet.
was basically toying with a cybernetically fueled and emotion filled vader.
like it was some low level no stress sparring session.
while vader, is trying to ramp up and playing up to the competition.
plus, using any type of advantage to get the best of obi won.
from shyt talking, distractions and all types of variables that obi won is not phased by.
plus, able to assail to a different plane of existence in combat against that high level of opposition.
as vader was not on his level in combat as a jedi.
plus, vader was around pal for decades after pal ran off yoda by force.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Star Wars, LOTR, Chronicles of Narnia and it was a few others borrowed from the same "religious" backstories...

Before the backlash starts .. I said religious ... Im not naming a denomination, group, class, race or whatever you wanna name it...

Most religions have the same chosen one, mystery birth back story...

religion plays a part,..
yet, the story arc and content of those situations in adventure stories are all lifted from lotr as source material.
the ol' we are separated we need to link up story.
that takes place in damn near any adventure story of our youths is directly from lotr.
most of the additional story arcs and concepts in adventure stories are amalgamations of lotr.
they are also, the highest consistent drawing story arcs and concepts in adventure storytelling as well.
as they are used consistently over and over and bring in huge returns.
regardless of the type of principles or quality put into retelling them.

that is why i mentioned lotr and dune.
as outside of the religious undertones.
the concepts and endgame of the story arcs are taken from lotr.
then, just retold with different characters almost verbatim in most adventure stories.
those concept and story arcs are damn near the backbone of most adventure stories in modern literature.

art barr

Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
@Art Barr ... i dont feel like quoting that ....

Obi Wan's style was a defensive style.. he wasnt a go for the kill guy.. it was always defense and if teh blow kills then it kills... Ben told Anakin dont jumped .. anakin jumped and got his legs cut off.
When ben was hanging in ep 1 ... he made a defensing move and hey he killed maul...
his fight with grievese was defensive ..

A good defense can always stop a good offense

Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
religion plays a part,..
yet, the story arc and content of those situations in adventure stories are all lifted from lotr as source material.
the ol' we are separated we need to link up story.
that takes place in damn near any adventure story of our youths is directly from lotr.
most of the additional story arcs and concepts in adventure stories are amalgamations of lotr.
they are also, the highest consistent drawing story arcs and concepts in adventure storytelling as well.
as they are used consistently over and over and bring in huge returns.
regardless of the type of principles or quality put into retelling them.

that is why i mentioned lotr and dune.
as outside of the religious undertones.
the concepts and endgame of the story arcs are taken from lotr.
then, just retold with different characters almost verbatim in most adventure stories.
those concept and story arcs are damn near the backbone of most adventure stories in modern literature.

art barr

Tolkien and Lewis were friends and rolled together in some oxford literary writing club.. so the lotr and narnia similarities will start there.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
@Art Barr ... i dont feel like quoting that ....

Obi Wan's style was a defensive style.. he wasnt a go for the kill guy.. it was always defense and if teh blow kills then it kills... Ben told Anakin dont jumped .. anakin jumped and got his legs cut off.
When ben was hanging in ep 1 ... he made a defensing move and hey he killed maul...
his fight with grievese was defensive ..

A good defense can always stop a good offense

Actually Obi does go for the Kill, when he's angry of course:
