Atsym Sknyfs
Actually Obi does go for the Kill, when he's angry of course:
and thats why he almost got killed ... he rushed maul and almost paid for it
Actually Obi does go for the Kill, when he's angry of course:
Speaking of Qui-Gon, I actually think Anakin's downfall had a lot to do with his death. Had Qui-gon lived, I think Anakin would of never went to the Darkside. Anakin needed a father figure to train him. Obi treated Anakin like he was a little brother and Anakin needed Discipline, not a friend.
main reasons prequel sucks as well as star wars s because Qui-gon should have been Obi-wan the entire time. He should've been the one to find anakin, not sitting on the ship holding his dikk, until qui gon shows back up.
the original it says yoda trained obi wan so why the fukk did he need to make up a whole need character.
Right but he didn't tell Luke to see Yoda until years later during "Empire Strikes Back" which took place 3 years after "A New Hope". I think his plan was to wait till Luke was old enough and Him and Luke were going to Face Vader and the Emperor. But once he saw Vader on the Death Star, he said F*ck it and became one with force and sent Luke to Yoda. It was Luke's fault he didn't finish his training.
@Art Barr ... i dont feel like quoting that ....
Obi Wan's style was a defensive style.. he wasnt a go for the kill guy.. it was always defense and if teh blow kills then it kills... Ben told Anakin dont jumped .. anakin jumped and got his legs cut off.
When ben was hanging in ep 1 ... he made a defensing move and hey he killed maul...
his fight with grievese was defensive ..
A good defense can always stop a good offense
and thats why he almost got killed ... he rushed maul and almost paid for it
quite possibly,...imo, and speculation
...the so-called prophecy, and the origins of the midi-chlorians being sith based became apparent to obi won.
as he tapped into the force, and was about to dissipate his physical form.
also, the skywalker clone was built off of dark sith lord midi-chlorian manipulation.
coupled with a deep emotional loss solidifying their allegiance to which side of the force.
they would align with an bring purpose.
so, i also think obi won knew from watching annie's demise to emotion, and manipulation.
on two separate occassions as far as annie's loss of his mother.
to annie's emotional manipulation of amidala's demise, and pal coupled together.
could aid obi won with luke to unite with the light side.
if, luke saw obi won succumb visually to vader.
which is why obi won was like i have become more powerful than you can dream vader.
as obi won used vader in a two pronged attack.
one by uniting with the force to dissipate to the force.
plus, giving luke a unifying purpose to the light side of the force.
by watching obi won succumb to vader visually, and then using sith lord midi-chlorian clone emotion.
to sway a sith based high level midi-chlorian clone.
to unite with the light side of the force to take out a sith lord.
as real talk, appears a real high level dark sith lord can only be killed by another sith lord creation.
pal killed his master, and vader killed his master.
whereas vader was only swayed to take out pal.
from the emotion of seeing luke in danger, and reacted to sacrifice himself and kill pal.
while leaving behind a legacy with luke.
this happenstance of emotion never existed.
in obi won's and annie's original jedi training or allegiance.
which, is also,..why annie was so easily manipulated by pal.
to throw away his experience on the light side, like it never even occurred.
whereas since luke was an offspring of the darkside of the force.
he had that parrallel of needing an emotional situation to align with a side of the force.
this same emotional situation in the loss of mara.
eventually, this happenstance of heavy emotion.
also, lead to luke succumbing to the darkside in the darkhorse comic, too.
art barr
"Six there were for generations of Jedi. The seventh, is not well-known. Powerful form it is. Deadliest of all. But dangerous it is, for its master as well as its opponent. Few have studied. One student alone, to mastery has risen."
I think Yoda was slightly behind Mace in terms of pure lightsaber combat.
Very fun to learn about the different forms in the Star Wars universe.
Mace bodied Darth Sidious and Sidious knew he was outmatched. However Sidious was also aware he had a trump card due to the knowing he'd be able to blindside Mace. Simple as that imo.
I'm very excited to see what new Jedi order Luke has in "Episode VII" and how he will "Pass on what you learned" as Yoda told him. Will he follow the old teachings of the Jedi? or update them?:
before the loss of mace you could say mace was the best in combat.
after, watching the conflict of mace versus pal.
for the first time in a long ass time.
mace was able to force pal to lose his grip on his youth through the force.
plus, if annie was never there.
mace would have easily bested pal, with ease.
regardless of pal's ability to channel the force into concussive electrical blasts as well.
to the point, mace was able to use that power on pal, in combat against him.
then, drain pal of the ability to change his form back.
to, almost near death from wasting himself.
or being completely smite down by lightsaber.
also, it is funny because every one who is one with the force.
to use that spin attack or even higher electrical manipulation of the force.
always actually seems inferior in real combat versus a master jedi.
with a just plain what i guess we could call a turtle attack like street fighter the video game.
yoda used spin attacks and was bested by pal.
yet, mace was able to just turtle with no flying spin attack and take out pal damn near with ease.
so, it seems the jedi's and sith who have that higher level of attacks.
to use force manipulation, to do spin attacks and force projections like dooku, yoda and pal.
does not make them the actual best fighter in real combat, with a lightsaber.
art barr
this is why i hate star wars. You would have never known mace windu was a goon with the lightsaber. George Lucas is fukking terribleAlso through lore keep in mind that Mace was a master of all forms of Lightsaber combat and created his own form. If he wanted to he could fight like Palp and Yoda as well, but his style he made blends textbook skill, killer instinct, unpredictability and unconventional approach into an effective application.