Black people don't need dianetics. It seemed like a business move. A way of thought from the mind of a real devil and it seem like a bad mix but im not in the NOI so I can only speak as an outsider.
Likewise, I hope to join once I can get to a mosque. I was just mentioning that malcolm x has been used to mess up the NOI's image more than the dianetics thing. The minister only mentioned it, its not like they are teaching it.
I will say, you may say we don't need it, but you have to agree that some of our race need some type of therapy. There is a lot of rape that goes on in families, if you don't have any who are victims to it well good for you, but you have to think past yourself. If you just say we don't need this and don't need that, then you aren't seeing everything that is happening which most black folks aren't seeing the big picture.
@Mowgli And for anyone else that asks about dianetics:
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