St. Louis Police Kills Teen During “Pedestrian Check”..

Do you believe the cops planted a gun on teen? Or did he indeed fire at the officer first?

  • I believe said evidence was planted

  • The teen could have shot at the cop first

  • I think we should wait for more info

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Nefflum nigga

Bred from insolence
Jun 17, 2012
no. i base the fact that he is a thug on the video alone. i base the fact he got shot on the fact he was stupid enough to have a physical altercation with a cop. probably because he is a thug.

you zombies refuse to acknowledge the fact that there was some kind of altercation before that thug got shot.

you dudes are straight idiot zombies.

banned :blessed:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
The point of me tagging you was for you to see how full of shyt the police were. People in this very thread were telling you about how eyewitnesses said he didn't have a gun, yet you went along with the police's :duck:. If he had a gun and were shooting at the officer, don't you think they would have tested for gunpowder and released that by now? We all know they waste no time in criminalizing a black male, even a dead one.

I agree and you have me on this one. But personally I don't believe that cops is just out here killing dudes left and right. Does it happen YES. I'm sure it does, But I'm not going to side with someone JUST because they are young and black, I have family members in law enforcement, And I stay near enough to the hood. that I have be aware of my surroundings and I know how a lot of these cats are. But Justice is Justice, If he didn't do what the police said he did, then hey I hope that officer gets the chair. Because he's a murderer and has no business protecting and serving the very people he hates.


Feb 25, 2014
You can't give people ammo that's been in use well before you were even born.

Just talking about the modern rap-inspired term and how whites like to use that against us. But yes, blacks have been called thugs by whites way before any of that.
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Thats da shyt im sayin bruh. Its crazy how obsessed and envious of us they are - we are on theyre minds so hard they log online with the INTENT on studying/drooling over/harassing Black people. shyts sick.

I do NOT understand it :snoop:


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
The point of me tagging you was for you to see how full of shyt the police were. People in this very thread were telling you about how eyewitnesses said he didn't have a gun, yet you went along with the police's :duck:. If he had a gun and were shooting at the officer, don't you think they would have tested for gunpowder and released that by now? We all know they waste no time in criminalizing a black male, even a dead one.

People are programmed to believe the Police cause they are the "Authority". I said in this very thread, they plant drugs and guns all the time, it's not new. We saw with the Mike Brown police report, they fabricate shyt all the time. People are blind sometimes. LOL @ believing the cop and automatically assuming the gun was his.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Just more of the preparation for the police state those cooky tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist love to talk about. They will test it out on the lowest of the low to get morons who think it won't happen to them to think it's cool and then spread it out everywhere else. The games are so obvious it's a wonder people make fun of those who bring them up.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
#HandsUpDontShoot right


That's why I really look at any of 'us' that are against gun ownership like they are crazy.

Bruce LeRoy

All Star
May 26, 2012
People are programmed to believe the Police cause they are the "Authority". I said in this very thread, they plant drugs and guns all the time, it's not new. We saw with the Mike Brown police report, they fabricate shyt all the time. People are blind sometimes. LOL @ believing the cop and automatically assuming the gun was his.

It's not just about being controlled... alot of these people are scared as shyt to look outside of the box they're living in because they've been living there for so long at the same time you have people who are happy being there knowing fowl shyt is going on outside of it and they'll defend it because their way of life is "secure". The thing is their own house is slowly breaking down partly because the kids they're bringing up are drug users and especially these tweakers out there are fukking shyt up... these white kids break into houses and cars like it's nothing when their parents cut them off....

Nefflum nigga

Bred from insolence
Jun 17, 2012
3 1/2 months before shooting, St. Louis police chased Vonderrit Myers and friends
By Jennifer S. Mann > 314-621-5804 and Jeremy Kohler > 314-340-8337
Oct 11, 2014 12:00 AM
ST. LOUIS • About 3 ½ months before Vonderrit D. Myers was shot and killed by an off-duty St. Louis police officer in the Shaw neighborhood, he was riding with four friends in a gold Buick Regal that police pursued with a helicopter across the city after officers tried to pull it over for loud music and the driver sped off.

The car traveled erratically through a downtown entertainment district. Then a helicopter was called in to monitor the Buick’s movements. Another officer laid out spike strips to stop the car. The incident ended in a crash — and with Myers and at least three of the four other men charged with crimes.

The father of one of the men in the car that night said Friday that his son and one other arrested after that June 27 incident were together Wednesday night when Myers was chased and shot to death by an off-duty St. Louis police officer.

The friend’s father, Ronnie Sparks, said it was not a shock that the men were stopped for loud music.

“If I walk to the corner to go to the store, I’m liable to get searched,” he said. “The whole system is unfair.”

The driver of the car, Jose Ramos, 22, and Sparks’ son, Cameron Ming, declined to comment. A third man in the Buick, Dominique D. Smith, 21, is being held at a St. Louis city jail. St. Louis corrections officials would not allow a reporter to interview him Friday.

St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said he had an agreement with Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce not to comment about pending criminal cases. He said the department does not allow officers to pursue fleeing vehicles where a suspect is wanted for a property crime; using a helicopter to follow from above would not necessarily be considered a pursuit.

Dotson said it wasn’t as unreasonable as some suggest for police officers to pull over a car blasting music and to try to arrest a dangerous driver fleeing police.

“I know the narrative is, ‘Why are you profiling and harassing these guys?’” he said. But there is also an epidemic of gun crimes in the city, and “the community expects us to keep them safe.”

“This is not an easy place to be,” he said.

According to a police report obtained by the Post-Dispatch, the incident started about midnight on June 27. Five young black men were cruising in the Buick north of downtown. Music blared.

The men were driving west on Carr Avenue near North Second Street when they passed two St. Louis Police detectives with the Anti-Crime Task Force riding in a police vehicle, wearing protective vests with the word POLICE emblazoned on front and back.

The police officers could still hear the music 100 feet down the road. They decided it was a violation of the city’s excessive noise ordinance. They made a U-turn, put on their lights and tried to pull the car over.

Ramos slowed near the Edward Jones Dome, as if he were going to stop, according to the report. The officers saw a passenger in the back seat turn his head and look at them. Then the Buick sped off down Washington Avenue.

Police said Ramos drove into oncoming traffic, swerving and causing pedestrians to jump out of the way. Police headed the Buick off on South Grand, near the exit ramp of eastbound Forest Park Parkway. Spike strips were deployed. The Buick continued going as one of its tires deflated, nearly struck an ambulance, drove over a median and continued across a lawn.

The police report says the man in the back, later identified as Smith, could be seen dropping what looked like a gun from a window, shortly before the car finally stopped for good around 1100 South Grand Boulevard. Officers later recovered a .380-caliber semi-automatic handgun.

The five in the Buick all scattered on foot, according to the police report. Police say Myers was seen pulling a handgun from his front and throwing it in a sewage drain. Police caught him nearby and recovered the gun, a loaded .380-caliber pistol. He told the officers he was running because he had three city bench warrants, police would learn.

Police said Ramos also had three bench warrants from the city.

The five were booked on an array of resisting and gun charges.

At least two of the three who were facing felonies — Myers and Ramos — were released on pretrial probation with electronic monitoring after spending several days in jail.

It was those two, plus Ming, who went to Shaw Market around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, where Myers ordered his last sandwich — a turkey hoagie with pepper jack cheese and red onions — about 10 minutes before witnesses heard gunfire.

Sparks said his son and Ramos were arrested after Myers was killed Wednesday night but were released hours later without charges.

Police said the young men had turned and run when they saw the private security car make a U-turn. Sparks said he did not blame his son and other youths for running the other direction when police approached.

Police said Myers fired three shots at the officer and was killed when the officer returned fire.

Sparks said his family had lived in the neighborhood for 30 years.

“You can’t find anyone who would say anything bad about them,” he said about his son and Myers. He emphasized they were normal kids from stable families.

Stephen Ryals, a civil rights lawyer in Chesterfield, said the courts have generally sided with police when it comes to the balance between an officer’s safety and a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights to privacy and against unlawful search and seizure.

To stop a pedestrian, an officer needs only an “articulable, reasonable suspicion” that a crime is being committed. There’s a higher standard of probable cause for vehicle stops.

Myers’ attorney, Peter Cohen, said he hears from clients who say they’ve been victims of racial profiling, getting singled out if they are in certain white-majority neighborhoods. Sometimes they are stopped for ordinance violations.

“They are going to feel it’s excessive, and the police are going to think it’s aggressive police work,” Cohen said. “Sometimes it can jump over the line.”

Richard Fredman, attorney for Ramos, declined to comment on the specifics of his client’s case.

Speaking generally, he remarked that the tension taking over the city right now “just didn’t start in St. Louis this last week.

“We are now in a situation that is about to explode, and it’s not like it couldn’t be seen coming,” he said. “I’ve been doing this for over 40 years and police community relations really haven’t gotten any better. Yes, crime is a huge problem but we’re not making a whole lot of progress. I think we have a really good police force, but like everything else, when everybody thinks they’re on the side of right, they think they can do whatever.”

:sas2: read the bolded very carefully...