St. Louis Police Kills Teen During “Pedestrian Check”..

Do you believe the cops planted a gun on teen? Or did he indeed fire at the officer first?

  • I believe said evidence was planted

  • The teen could have shot at the cop first

  • I think we should wait for more info

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All Star
Sep 5, 2012
im confused,did he have a gun or not:patrice:

the info on this event isn't clear:mjcry:


that's him on the left buying his sandwich. pants sagging and everything. where is the burner? oh, maybe in his shoes with hoodie they said he was wearing? :mjcry:

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
This excuse has been used for god knows how long and it's not even remotely close to being true. Culture is not our number one enemy by a long shot. Back before those negative aspect of our culture even existed (the stereotypical shyt dumb negroes regurgitate because they heard a cac say it), white supremacy and racism was our number one enemy.

Whenever the discussion of racism is brought up, wicked people like yourself want to steer the conversation away from white supremacy and racism to "what is wrong with black people."

Our culture did not get Mike Brown murdered
Our culture did not get Trayvon murdered
Our culture is not why blacks are over incarcerated despite whites comiting 70% of all crime
Our culture is not why whites donated to Darren Wilson, Zimmerman , and the cop that was raping black women
Our culture is not why even when we separate ourselves, whites come to our cities and burn them to the ground.

To say "we is our own worst enemy" spits in the face of the multitude of black men and women who have been fighting against this wicked system for almost half a century.

Our number one problem has always been racism and white supremacy.

Our culture is the reason black men are having children by multiple women and not taking care of them
Our culture is the reason why a black student gets called "acting white" when they excel in school
Our culture is the reason why a black man will kill another black man over sweaty and worn tennis shoes
Our culture is the reason why some of would rather sit and collect gubment aide instead of doing an honest days work
Our culture is the reason why blacks would rather support white owned establishments than support their own
Our culture is the reason why blacks continually try to force themsleves upon other groups of people
Our culture is the reason why accept and celebrate the degradation put forth by these rappers and record label
Our culture. Is the reason why our communities are littered with old McDonalds bags that some c00n decided was good place dispose his/her trash
Our culture is the reason why we'll burn and loot the very communities we have to live in
Our culture is the reason a black women can have several baby daddies and not be ostracized for poor decisions
Our culture is the reason why support a political party that has done nothing for us


Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
Our culture is the reason black men are having children by multiple women and not taking care of them
Our culture is the reason why a black student gets called "acting white" when they excel in school
Our culture is the reason why a black man will kill another black man over sweaty and worn tennis shoes
Our culture is the reason why some of would rather sit and collect gubment aide instead of doing an honest days work
Our culture is the reason why blacks would rather support white owned establishments than support their own
Our culture is the reason why blacks continually try to force themsleves upon other groups of people
Our culture is the reason why accept and celebrate the degradation put forth by these rappers and record label
Our culture. Is the reason why our communities are littered with old McDonalds bags that some c00n decided was good place dispose his/her trash
Our culture is the reason why we'll burn and loot the very communities we have to live in
Our culture is the reason a black women can have several baby daddies and not be ostracized for poor decisions
Our culture is the reason why support a political party that has done nothing for us
While I may not fully agree with everything here, for the most part its on point.
I don't agree with the loot part. That happens with other races as well
And dudes don't ostracize chicks with kids...and multiple baby daddies at that? U sure?


Sep 11, 2013
Our culture is the reason black men are having children by multiple women and not taking care of them
Our culture is the reason why a black student gets called "acting white" when they excel in school
Our culture is the reason why a black man will kill another black man over sweaty and worn tennis shoes
Our culture is the reason why some of would rather sit and collect gubment aide instead of doing an honest days work

Our culture is the reason why blacks would rather support white owned establishments than support their own
Our culture is the reason why blacks continually try to force themsleves upon other groups of people
Our culture is the reason why accept and celebrate the degradation put forth by these rappers and record label
Our culture. Is the reason why our communities are littered with old McDonalds bags that some c00n decided was good place dispose his/her trash
Our culture is the reason why we'll burn and loot the very communities we have to live in
Our culture is the reason a black women can have several baby daddies and not be ostracized for poor decisions

Our culture is the reason why support a political party that has done nothing for us


2.):leostare:thats not black culture that's "poor culture"

3.):usure:poor people of other cultures in america dont do this?

4.) our culture gets stolen all the time we don't force our culture on anyone. others appropriate and imitate it

5.):russ:white people buy all the music they support it more then we do. I'm in college breh white kids are bumping pure ignorance all day every day just like everybody else

6.) see #2

7.)expound on this:sas1:
8.) Teen mom on MTV:ld:those white girls are celebrated. that's just general american culture. even though you don't see them in the media there's an enormous amount of white single mothers out there

so in other words most of everything you just listed isn't exclusive to us in fact you just treated black people as a monolith. there's a contingent of white people who do all these things yet they aren't known for it...I wonder why?:sas2:

they are the dominant ones in america and white supremacy is real. they have a system set up to keep themselves on top and keep us on the bottom so of course cultural issues are gonna be magnified in the black community. when white people have all the advantages they can afford a negative culture because they run things we don't. but instead you wanna blame the victim instead of identifying the true culprit. if you never identify the root of the problem then how can you fix it? you can't all your doing is putting a band aid over a festering wound. FIX THE ROOT AND THE REST WILL GROW AND HEAL. WE CAN FOCUS ALL OUR EFFORTS ON OUR CULTURE AFTER WE ATTACK WHITE SUPREMACY


May 21, 2012
Our culture is the reason why a black student gets called "acting white" when they excel in school

Most of this post is bullshyt but this point in particular
has already been addressed.
@BarNone dropped a thread on this which challenges
the racist narrative that black people don't want to "Do better"
and that we attempt to sabotage intelligent black folks by calling them "white".
It's a more complex issue than that and it doesn't stop at Black people.
Anyways I suggest you get your knowledge up and check the "Race Track".


May 17, 2012
Bay Area
Our culture is the reason black men are having children by multiple women and not taking care of them
Our culture is the reason why a black student gets called "acting white" when they excel in school
Our culture is the reason why a black man will kill another black man over sweaty and worn tennis shoes
Our culture is the reason why some of would rather sit and collect gubment aide instead of doing an honest days work
Our culture is the reason why blacks would rather support white owned establishments than support their own
Our culture is the reason why blacks continually try to force themsleves upon other groups of people
Our culture is the reason why accept and celebrate the degradation put forth by these rappers and record label
Our culture. Is the reason why our communities are littered with old McDonalds bags that some c00n decided was good place dispose his/her trash
Our culture is the reason why we'll burn and loot the very communities we have to live in
Our culture is the reason a black women can have several baby daddies and not be ostracized for poor decisions
Our culture is the reason why support a political party that has done nothing for us

Are you trolling or what?

So black culture = poor people? That may be the culture of poor blacks and poor whites and poor hispanics but it damn sure aint my culture you can have that.


Jul 5, 2013
Why dont you break it down to us how he is a 'thug', or ****** as you really mean. He paid for everything he left the store with after a minor confrontation..but what I really want to know is, why are you even here wasting your time and energy arguing with people that will never agree with your deranged twisted view of the world. Why not go to chimpout and st0rmfr0nt where you can engage with like minded bigots such as yourself??

"break it down" lol

are you that stupid. its right there in technicolor.

if i wanted to call him a ****** i'd call him a ******. but im not racist. or a coward like you. im a MAN who aint afraid of zombies like you.

he is a thug.


Mar 24, 2014
"break it down" lol

are you that stupid. its right there in technicolor.

if i wanted to call him a ****** i'd call him a ******. but im not racist. or a coward like you. im a MAN who aint afraid of zombies like you.

he is a thug.

You dont have to yell ****** for us to know what you mean believe youre superior to Black people in some way and thus think you can feign ignorance and we're 'stupid' enough to not see through you.
You couldnt break down the video because it does not display a thug, but someone who was known to the community and store keeper. Im sure you believe he rushed into the cop car and broke Wilsons eye socket huh..If the store keepers not saying Mikes a thug who the fukk are you to say he is? To a timid and scared white mind a Black youth is automatically a thug. Youre the one seeing zombies..youre afraid and paranoid of Black people and see Black men as zombies to be shot on sight.
Youre not a man, youre like that other cac that tried demonizing Mike Brown only to get exposed as another cac molesting kids..


Aug 12, 2012

What happened to that dude? He was so normal last year....this is some long ass dedicated ass trolling breh...I gave up with my "BooBoo" alias trolling cause its tiresome and boring but this guy he really is dedicated as fukk :banderas: :wow:


Green diamonds like a dill pickle
Sep 17, 2014
"break it down" lol

are you that stupid. its right there in technicolor.

if i wanted to call him a ****** i'd call him a ******. but im not racist. or a coward like you. im a MAN who aint afraid of zombies like you.

he is a thug.

was he convicted of any sort of crime? :beli:

I hope you aren't calling him a thug based off the many different stories the police gave about the shooting. I don't defend people who commit crimes but as far as I know this guy was never convicted of anything serious. And where's that sweatshirt police say he was wearing? Did Trayvon drop down from heaven and bless him with a hoodie between those 15 minutes between leaving the store and walking down the street? :usure: