So the cops planted the gun and the three bullets, one of which was lodged in a vehicle behind the cop?
Well yeah...I could see that???!!!![]()
im saying if the kid fired the gun they could prove it (residue and prints)and they havent...
So the cops planted the gun and the three bullets, one of which was lodged in a vehicle behind the cop?
Well yeah...I could see that???!!!![]()
im saying if the kid fired the gun they could prove it (residue and prints)and they havent...
This is why I can't take you nikkas seriously and why I'm happy people like you aren't in a position to influence others. You'd just get people killed exponentially faster.
Oh, and society will never get to that point. The powers that be won't allow. As long as you remain divided and continue to fight amongst yourselves over pointless shyt without seeing the bigger picture, you'll forever be powerless. It's not a race thing, it's a class thing, but this is just the beginning so I can understand why it seems that way now. We're just the first in line.
The us government ain't doing shyt bro.Man stfu about this war bullshyt. Aint shyt gon change breh unless the US government does something. How long has it been since police been killing and using brutality against african americans? shyts gon keep on happening for awhile
only thing connecting the kid to the gun is the word of the cop..or am i wrong????...
And when they do, then what? The cops planted the finger prints???![]()
yeah...ill make myself believe they planted the prints the same way you make yourself believe whatever the pigs say...
Let me ask you something, in your opinion confused black people who are religious but believe Jesus and all the other figures are white, would they be saved?
Romans 10
1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
Isaiah 66
15 For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
16 For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many.
17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.
Luke 21
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
we need to start dumping on these cops man. shyt is getting way outta control...Has Obama even addressed this shyt?
People need to stop saying "what's Obama gonna do about this?"
This is all happening under his watch. He doesn't care.
Maybe that was the point of having him as president. To get black people's hopes up that this country would finally let it's foot off of our collective necks. It hasnt. It's only gotten worse.
"We have a black president America's not racist!"
As an unarmed black person gets killed by police every 28 hours.
Obama was the ultimate smokescreen...He hoodwinked y'all.
Be a retarded sheep brehs.You cannot believe in Cesare Borgia (white Jesus) and keep the commandments, its IMPOSSIBLE. Those people will be burned with nuclear fire. Those people are still going to celebrate Babylonian holidays like Christmas. Mother's Day, birthdays and Easter. That is the Image of the Beast, once its in your head, you will go off and not keep the is TRUE spiritual weapon and is a tool of Edomite supremacy. Ay Israelite that is not in this TRUTH has that image of the beast in doesn't matter how many times you say cac or black power. I have been to different churches growing up, they do not keep one commandment. They have the zeal for God but not according to the TRUTH.
Did you know that every Israelite, whether they know they are or not, if you have not repented from eating swine or any abominable food such as lobster, shrimp. catfish, etc. according to Leviticus 11 you will be burned with in the great fire when the Son of Man is revealed?
A lot of our people took death under the Greek captivity rather than to eat pork at the edge of the sword because they preferred to keep the commandment of the Most High and die rather than disobey the HIM. That is why they took the apocrypha 200 years after the King James bible was released because it clearly shows you that the white man is the devil. In fact, ALL the tactics that they used against us during the Greek-Roman captivities are used today on us, but our people reject the knowledge.
I examine myself daily on what I need to do reach a higher level in this walk because I want to make sure that I make it out of this coming destruction. A lot of y'all think its a joke and do not understand the manner of Power that y'all are bucking up against. That is why we...
Ok...gotcha.Yeah, I probably didn't word that right, as I wasn't referring just to this particular incident. It's a class war that began as[still is for now] a race war and the systematic/institutional racism isn't going away. It will eventually spread throughout the whole lower class, regardless of color, and it will be no longer be just a black/white issue, but a rich/poor powerful/powerless one. We're just at the forefront of it all due to the way the whole system is setup. It's not something that will even be attempted to be addressed until more than just blacks are affected. So the people thinking the government is gonna step in and so something about it or that voting is gonna help are way off base. It would have to have a significant impact on the pockets of those that matter before it will ever be addressed and black people don't matter enough, since they don't have a choice in the matter. They either work for the system by will[debt, college, 9-5, ect] or by force for free[prison]. As I said in my other post, it's a different topic, but it wont get the time of day on this forum, so I'll just let it go.