Spirituality Thread - OBEs, lucid dreams, meditation, chakras etc


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
Honestly anyone attracting that much bad energy needs to do some serious cleansing of their space. I have been immobolized and felt something pushing me many times before. The last it happened, I told the entity/energy to get the hell off me and then I "got up" and walked it out. It "looked" at me like I was crazy but it left.

These things are NOT more powerful than you. If they were they wouldn't need to hide in corners and out of sight. You are material and spirutual. They are not. Stop giving your power away. If you tell they to leave then they will leave. That is why words like "Jesus" make them stop. I don't think its the actual word but the intention. But you need to be straight up with these things. Ain't no body got time to be haunted.

Pack 10 gallons of Holy Water brehs


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
I started writing the whole story out and it had taken me 40 mins and i wasnt even halfway through so i decided to just delete it all and write the main things. Id just like to say this has been going on this i was about 7 or 8. I never delved into any of these things, i never tried to astral project or anything like that it just happened to me without my control and like i said the only way it would stop is when i called on Jesus Christ.

. It started when i was about 7 0r 8. I just became aware of these beings being there whenever i was alone i could feel them there. Cant explain to you how you know something is there without seeing it but thats how it was for the first couple of years, all i got was a strong sense of fear whenever they were there. You know when your so scared you feel your about to throw up, thats how these things made me feel. I would see things moving although at the time of it happening my mind would say demons i would always after put it down to my mind playing tricks.

Halfway through writing this i have realised this second condensed version is still long so i thought id scroll back up and write a little disclaimer. If your prepared to read this prepare for some looooooooong shyt Theres too much to say without it being long even though im doing my best to skip the little things that happened over the years out.

. I then began seeing the beings from the corner of my eyes. I would be in a room on my own and see a being appear at the doorway or in the corner of the room and whenever i turned to look at it, it was gone. Again i would always get that sense of fear and that feeling of them being there first before i would then see them appear. That is also how the very first physical experience began. I was now 15 and I was stood in the doorway of my grandmas and at the corner of my eye i could see down the end of the hallway. My mum, grandma and sister were all in the room watching TV. I could again see this being appear and stand down the end of the hallway out the corner of my eye. Instead of turning to look at it straight away just to see it disappear like it had always done i decided to focus on it form the corner of my eye without turning my head to look directly at it. The minute i tried to do that My entire body began to violently shake as if i was having a seizure standing up and i was shivering. I was now trying to turn my head to look at it but i couldnt move it. I had no control of my body i was just shaking. After about 30 seconds of shaking violently on the stop and managed to turn my head towards it and it disappeared, the shaking stopped immediately aswell. The thing that gets me most about that time is that the whole time my mum, grandma and sister didnt move their eyes from the TV once. I was shaking violently while trying to move my head to look down the hall but i could still see all three of them seated infront on me and none of them noticed a thing. Till this day i have never said anything to them about that or anything else.

. During the ages of about 8 to 13 my cousin used to come and stay around my house every weeked. We'd just play games and chill all weeked every weeked for 5 years. I never once told him what id been seeing i till today he doesnt know but three years ago (im 21 now) he told me randomely on facebook about a time when he was over for the weekend. He woke up in the middle of the night to see a figure standing by the door staring at the pair of us sleeping in the room. He said it had red eyes and he didnt know what it was so it just said hello. It then turned around and walked away. The next day he asked my mum if anyone had visited during the night and my mum said no. For some reason he never mentioned it to anyone at all before and suddenly he felt he had to tell me all those years later. When he told me i didnt really react to it because i still hadn't put everything together. From 8 till then and up until 10 months ago i was still trying to dismiss everything off as just conicidences or my mind making stuff up. Although as soon as these things happened i thought demons immediately after i would then just say ok maybe it was just me. I thought i was crazy for thinking it was that.

. At 15 i moved in with my dad and thats when the first sleep paralysis episode began. It started with the usual fear i feel whenever these things are coming, i had just woken up at 4 am, ( form the age of 15 when i moved in with my dad until the age of 18 when we moved to another place i woke up everyday at 4am on the dot. My dad worked late nights so he would leave at 3 am and not come back home until 7pm on most weekdays and he wouldn't come back at all on fridays. I would be completely alone when i woke), and then the fear came. After that i was then paralysed and immediately began saying the name Jesus Christ over and over in my head because i could feel them coming and i now for the first time i was paralyzed. Everything stopped when i said the name. The feeling when and i could move. The next day it happened again but this time i saw a hand come up from under my bed and grab my foot. When i said Jesus's name i could move and the hand disappeared. Again i started telling myself its my mind but i felt the hand, the touch was real and i could still feel where it had gripped me even after it was over. I had seen this with my eyes aswell but i guess i was just trying to convince myself because i thought thinking that was crazy. It happened again two days later (without the hand) each time stopping immediately as i said the name of Jesus Christ.

. again at 15 my one day my grandma rang me up to tell me about something which happened to my little sister who was still living with her and my mum and was now sleeping in my old room. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming her head of in a complete terror. My grandma ran into the room but my little sister wouldnt let her touch she, she was fighting my grandma off, all the while not saying a word just screaming her head off. My grandma rang a family friend of ours who live just around the corner and she sent her daughter came running to the house. At that point my sister had calmed down but was still not saying a word to anyone and still looked terrified. My grandma thought my sister had gone crazy so they rang and ambulance and took her to a hospital. She was perfectly fine when they got to the hospital but to this day still has never explained what had happened to her or what was going on. My grandma just put it down to a nightmare but i had prior to that started to get a message as if from God that the demons would target members of my family if they couldn't get to me as i was now regularly fighting them off with the name of jesus. After having that feeling i began on and off praying for God to protect my family before i went to sleep. Ever since that day i have preyed every night that God protects my friends and my family. Thats is everyday for 7 years now i dont go to sleep without making that prayer. (That was at 15, 4 years before my cousin told me what he had seen a couple years earlier when he was staying over and we had both slept in that same room. Stupid of me even after that and what my cousin said years later it still took me another year to piece things together.)


yo moms

Mar 19, 2013
1. I'm not old.

2. There's no need for naming calling.

3. Talking like that is not going to make me open up.

4. I said I would share my stories later, I'm with family.

5. At least you can respect that.

stop being sensitive. its a joke