Spirituality Thread - OBEs, lucid dreams, meditation, chakras etc

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I know homie and I appreciated the knowledge you dropped especially how having sex sent you into A OBE :shaq:. But the last 10 pages have just been about a bunch of negative experiences and I know there has to be some posters that have done some cool stuff like moving at the speed of thought and traveling to some higher realms if it's possible. But :salute:to you @TheStripper

Yeah I wish there were more positive experiences too.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
How come nobody has ever been physically harmed doing this then? I've never read about anyone dying or anything after astral projection.

course you haven't because they died because they did that shyt wrong:heh:...or had to be harmed in the first place for it to happen.....how many stories you done heard about people liftin up over they body and seeing themselves laying on a operating table:why:...that's enuff reason for me to not wanna do it,seem like u a little too close to death and fukin around...sleep is the cousin of death as it is for real without adding astral projecting into the mix:russ:

and yall sayin them spirits is demons u see durin sleep paralysis:lupe:..I just figured ghost or sumthing,i remember people sayin by bein afraid you make it worse. So i had the bright idea of talkin shyt to the dark spirits floating on the wall even though they wasn't doing nothing to me and was minding they business cuz people said "don't show fear:win:"......so i got badazz on some "im supposed to be scared of some dead nikkas:youngsabo:?,get off my wall with ya puzzy azz:troll:?,ghost azz bytch:troll:" and im laughin at they azz mcokin the shyt out of em....next thing i know i hear a laugh and crazy growl and i was back on some :sadcam: shyt thinkin "i done fuked up now:sadbron:"...but they didn't swarm me or fuk me in the mouth like one poster on here said:laff:...it was moreso i guess just a boss move to check me for bein disrespectful:ufdup:...so yeah i got punked in the spirit world,but that don't count:umad:...if i thought they was demons i wouldna been fukin round in the first place,thanks for the bad advice coli fam:lolbron:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
i also heard that feeling you get where you feel like you are falling when you are sleeping is your spirit falling back in your body when i was looking up what the fukk that is out of curiosity,but everybody else just said it was a muscle jerk...but its still weird you would feel like you falling due to a muscle jerk:lupe: so dude kinda had me thinkin,but that's pretty common.


Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
Took me like 2-3 years to successfully do this... haven't done it voluntarily since I was about 19 but it's pretty trippy.

It's funny because I read a lot of books, hundreds of articles & tried a hell of a lot of different methods when the mechanic for achieving Astral Projection is fairly easy. The hundreds of methods all basically have the same basic end result...

Wandering Mind + Falling Asleep = Dream

Focused Mind + Falling Asleep = Astral Projection

Falling Asleep while keeping 1 centralized thought keeps the mind awake just enough that you'll remain conscious as your body falls asleep & you'll project...

I stumbled on this website & bought the book when I was 14... changed my life for a long time...



I've had an outer body experiance..I don't think it was astral projection tho..

I think me reading a book on Zen Buddhism in jail and meditating everyday in my cell helped..

Basically I got out of jail in SF...went to my boys house in SF to stay the nite..he wanted some alone time with his girl so I had to sleep in his big walk in closet..I was laying down.,I don't even remember falling alsleep..next thing I know,,I'm floating in the sky laying on my back at the top of some mountains..it was the best feeling in the world..my body was in total bliss..like I've never felt a feeling better than that in my life..so as I'm floating I ask a question to someone in my mind.,I ask if my friends and family would come to..something assured me that it would be ok..no voice..no one answering,,just I felt assured..then I woke up..I didnt remember falling asleep when I had that outer body experiance..

My first reply in the higher learning ever was a OBE thread..and everyone there thought I was trolling.,I wasnt..why make a thread about the topic and when someone tell their experiance you say they're lying..fukk em..lol


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
Just read through this entire thread. Some good stuff in here, real good stuff.

I've never experienced astral projection, and honestly I don't think I want to. I've experienced lucid dreaming (which is the coolest thing ever) and sleep paralysis (which were probably the most frightening things I've ever experienced).

Ever since I was younger I've always had these very vivid thoughts in my head of prior experiences. Like, memories that I don't recall living through but being very astute and as real as I could possibly explain. I also talk in my sleep a lot and it freaks out the women who I've slept next to because they all say that it sounds like I'm having a conversation. That wouldn't be so crazy because you'd think it was just me dreaming but because I'm able to lucid dream I kind of know the direction of dreams that I have and these conversations never fit.

So, fast forward to this year ... I met these woman who I've been friends with on twitter for awhile. She'd come into town for her job and we'd hang out. We used to talk in the past, but now we're just friends because she's in a committed relationship. One thing about her is she's always been kind of into that crazy, 'we're all sharing energy and blah blah blah' shyt. Well, once I suggested that we go see The Conjuring and she adamantly refused. I asked her why and basically explained to me how movies like that invite in bad spirits and entities. Not so much the movies, but the energy. She then told me about some experiences she had when she was younger that shaped her way of thinking. She stayed out in the desert in a trailer or some shyt and experienced some freaky shyt. Had me shook.

Well I ended up going to see that movie with a jumpoff and some friends, and afterwards my sleep paralysis started to come back. And I started becoming more in tune to my surroundings, kind of careful to not overthink things and invite in the bad spirits but still being slightly shook. Idk. I want to not believe in these things and all of that but when you experience certain things it pretty much makes that impossible.


May 1, 2012
Honestly anyone attracting that much bad energy needs to do some serious cleansing of their space. I have been immobolized and felt something pushing me many times before. The last it happened, I told the entity/energy to get the hell off me and then I "got up" and walked it out. It "looked" at me like I was crazy but it left.

That wont work in the physical plane :shaq:

just fukking around...someone had to say it :yeshrug:


Feb 9, 2013
I've had sleep paralysis where I could only move my eyes

I usually get it after a nightmare so I'd be freaking out & Id have to wait 30 or so seconds to move around

I'd just be able to open my eyes & look at my alarm clock until the shyt passes

I tried fukking with astral projection, I played a youtube video where it's like 3 hours long & it played some low/high frequency noise, with a nikka in the background saying "focus on my voice" "don't move a muscle" & snit like that

I noticed my body got super comfortable at some point & I was in my head like :gladbron: :whoo:

Then I started seeing lights in my eyes & my body started vibrating & I said fukk that & stopped it

International S.

"He never had the makings of a varsity athlete"
May 2, 2012
Portsmouth, VA
Listen fukk boi all i'm tryna tell you is if you cant control reality in this level you definately cant on any higher level.
you know what bruh... I think your right about that... I used to read alot of them books on the subject and thought it would be dope to fly around while I recharge my body..check out my fam on the islands n shyt, instead I projected up in a strange dark city full of addicts and lost children, huge tower like project buildings.. cars left all over the street on some walking dead type shyt, I woke up and nervously smoked a newport on my back porch... dream fukked with me, it was a little after 2 am and a bunch of lil nikkas was mobbin down the street, then a crack head walking by asked me "yo, you got another cigarette"


All Star
Jun 10, 2012
an entity which sounded like a woman between 25-40 (possibly a white woman's voice) asked me if I such and such (called me by my first and last name) I replied "yes who's asking?" (was told this is something you shouldn't do). The sound came from less than 3-5 feet away we were 7 deep... we looked everywhere... There was nobody there. We all did the kanye shrug.

This took place at 4 am on E 3rd St and Ave D in the lower east side of manhattan.

I think I read earlier in the thread that you're Dominican
If so, seek the oldest people in ya fam
And ask them how come everybody in dr has a nick name
Nobody is supposed to know ya real name
It goes back to ghosts and demons

And if u ever been to dr, especially the country side
Just like trini said, shyt is real over there

What you know about wearing ya underwear inside out?

Mr.Plan B

All Star
May 26, 2013
I keep shyt to myself.

But when i was younger everyday at night as i laid in bed next to my brothers on the other side of the room i would hear two men talking downstairs.

Thing is there no men in my house and i would hear them move around and talk sometime they would walk up the stairs and i could here the floor moving like it was a real person.

I like to forget the shyt i had to deal with growing up. But when i say every night i never wanted to go to bed because i was scard out of my mind.

I would still run and sleep in my mom bed till the age of 12.

The way i stop the Sleep P/see ,hearing thing that are not human was to stop thinking god is real.

The more less i would deal with god and thinking about hell and all the other thing that deal with religion.

I started to forget more and more. Now i hardly see or hear things.

But like one person said you can feel when the attacks are about to happen.

I started sleep on my chest because that was said to stop Sleep P but now i still get the attack no matter how i sleep.

Let me first say that i can get 3/4 SP attacks when ever i sleep. shyt normal to me i just let it pass. My last attack was different tho,it start normal me lay in bed one of my eyes is open the other is closed i look to my right and can see my laptop and phone next to my bed. I start my normal routine shake my toe or foot till i get movement as i do this i got that feeling, that feeling of fear........ At this point in still just chilling until i start to shake crazy wild then i feel something grab me and i can kinda see what it is . It looked like a women but not human and very torn down. At this point i got shook and just broke down and called for jesus this made it mad and it screamed so loud then i woke up ran out my room asked my mom did you hear me say anything she said no.

If i was younger i would run to my mom room but now that im grown man i just let the shyt happen try to tell myself it fake and not real and go back to sleep.

Also i was Astral Projecting before i knew what it was. The one i remember the most was when about 10 i went to a place i never seen look like a mid-evil time castle and me being not afraid just walking around chilling i saw about 12 figure in black robs with hoods on so i could not see there face.

As i walked by them i felt that evil feeling and started to run idk why but one of the figure took off it hood and it was a demon and it chased me down........NO HOMO NO HOMO NO HOMO when the thing caught me he tried to rape me.:scusthov: I woke up before it happened :sadcam::to:full of sweat and heart beating so fast and yeah a cut where it grab me. Never told anyone about this shyt because my mom was a jesus freak and would try to have the church pray for me or some stupid shyt and my brothers would call me a bytch or just fukk with me.:birdman:

Yeah type a lot but there more but like i said it in my past and i want to forget about it. :heh:

Mr.Plan B

All Star
May 26, 2013
Also you fukks need to go trying to do this shyt nothing good come out of it.

Spent half my teenage years trying to forget this shyt.:whoa:

last post in this thread

Mr.Plan B

All Star
May 26, 2013
You fukking ass whipes

We call them demons because that the only way we know how to classified them.

Look when i said seen demons i seen what looks to be nonhuman without and human body type.

We could call them monster if that make you feel better fukk boi.