@CinnaSlim I talked to a ghost last night. I think I opened a door I can't close or control. I know I sound crazy right now, but I promise you I talked to a ghost face to face last night. I wasn't on drugs or drunk. I was asking questions and was getting answers. It didn't reveal itself until I called it out.
I've been feeling like something is watching me the past few weeks. Sometimes I feel protected and invincible. Other times I get a vibe that something isn't right. It's more like someone telling me I'm safe or I'm not safe. I hope that makes sense.
Last night I was chilling in my room and I got that vibe. Instead of ignoring it I engaged it. I looked it in the face(at least where I thought it's face was) and said, " I fukking see you, I know you're there."
I kept staring at the space.
I felt electricity go through my body. My leg started twitching, it was weird. Then I saw what looked like a slice in reality. It's hard to describe. It's like light reflecting off of metal. The light had the silhouette of a face, then I looked at the wall behind it and I saw the sihloutette of a man wearing a cloak. A tall, wide, man wearing a cloak.
My body is tingling right now. Just like last night.
I asked him if he was my ancestor when I got over my fear. I think the answer was yes. My mistake was asking it's name. I felt the energy change it's intensity. I don't know if it was upset or happy.
I know this ghost is an ancestor of mine, he cooks like me, he was hungry last night, I gave him my fries, and he's here because I called him to be here. He's a lot like me. He likes my life and I've felt him with me when I do things I really enjoy and am oddly good at. Almost as if I've done it before. Lately when I think about how to do something It just pops in my head even if I've never done it before. It's like I have access to memories and skills that aren't mine.
I feel very safe and calm all the time. I never feel that way.
OR I've somehow made contact with myself from a previous life. Idunno.