You can't be beyond trash with several classics under your belt but Tony I was always more of a fan of myself.Ridley Scott is beyond trash. Tony was better.
I like Cyclops better than Wolverine.
Krillin was always my favorite DBZ character.
(I liked Gohan when he was a kid too. But after he grew up?)
Piccolo is cooler than Vegeta.
Final Fantasy 6 was better than Final Fantasy 7.
The Original Star Wars Trilogy are the only ones that I'd consider truly good movies.
The prequels had a few good ideas in there, but the execution?
I like the first Terminator better than T2. (T2 is still a great movie though)
Guy Richie is under rated and a better director than Snyder.
Matter fact the majority of his movies (if not everyone) is better than Snyder's sans maybe 300...... and yes I liked Watchman but save that shyt