Dead Pool 2 will not bomb bruhNever understood why Star Wars is so popular...I don't like any of the star wars movies
Same thing for Star Trek...
Christopher Nolan is a HORRIBLE director...all of his films are littered with things that if you put in your movie you couldn't pass film school...
The more I watch The Dark Knight...the more sad I am that Heath is dead because he CARRIED that entire movie...
Pain and Gain is a cult classic and if anyone else other than Bay directed it virtually everyone would view it as such...
Denzel really DOES play the same guy over and over and over...
BVS was not great but it should get way more credit for trying to be something different...they could have just dropped a cookie cutter movie but they took some chances...failed spectacularly with those changes but took them nevertheless
Primer is probably the single greatest movie of all time when you factor in budget, actors, concept, and story telling...
Scorcese is great at picking talent to work on his films but not a very good director...
Deadpool 1 was successful because it was different...Deadpool 2 will have to stand on its own as a good movie and won't... it will bomb...
Between Snyder and Whedon TJL is DOA...
Skyfall and Spectre are the only James Bond movies I really like and I have seen every single Bond movie at least twice
Never understood why Star Wars is so popular...I don't like any of the star wars movies
Same thing for Star Trek...
Christopher Nolan is a HORRIBLE director...all of his films are littered with things that if you put in your movie you couldn't pass film school...
The more I watch The Dark Knight...the more sad I am that Heath is dead because he CARRIED that entire movie...
Pain and Gain is a cult classic and if anyone else other than Bay directed it virtually everyone would view it as such...
Denzel really DOES play the same guy over and over and over...
BVS was not great but it should get way more credit for trying to be something different...they could have just dropped a cookie cutter movie but they took some chances...failed spectacularly with those changes but took them nevertheless
Primer is probably the single greatest movie of all time when you factor in budget, actors, concept, and story telling...
Scorcese is great at picking talent to work on his films but not a very good director...
Deadpool 1 was successful because it was different...Deadpool 2 will have to stand on its own as a good movie and won't... it will bomb...
Between Snyder and Whedon TJL is DOA...
Skyfall and Spectre are the only James Bond movies I really like and I have seen every single Bond movie at least twice
Dead Pool 2 will not bomb bruh.
Won't make as much as part 1 maybe, but in no universe will it bomb.
Plots are laughably bad....
Jokes are bad...
The acting is bad...
The villains are okay to bad...
If a movie has such a thing as "a person" ( like a bond girl ) it is probably bad...
If the theme song in a movie is such a big it has become for the bond's probably bad...
Often times I ask big bond fans to tell me what is so great about the movies and they often never get past "but it's james bond though"...
Nah dude, a bomb is a movie that severely underperforms. Part 1 over achieved but now everyone is hyped for a sequel so actually it's possible it will out do Part1 but the budget will be much higher. No way it bombs tho, bruh. Inconceivable!Bomb is not how much money it makes....Bomb is how much a studio expects it to make vs what it makes...
You just said it won't make as much as 1 that is a bomb...because nobody makes a second movie and expects it to make less than the first one...
From Russia with love and casino royale are my two favs and I can tell you many things I love about them.
The characterization of Bond in both is perfect to me. Red grant in from Russia with love is one of the best villains and a very very formidable foe. His relationship with Kerim Bay is awesome and it sucks when bay dies on the train. The action scenes are on point, especially the fight with grant on the train. And it's Connery's best performance as Bond.
Casino Royale has deeper character stuff going on, seeing Bond go through this arc of a hot shot who thinks he has all the answers to being a broken guy who decides to hide his heart because it won't help in this line of work. In fact anything with he and vesper is good shyt. The locales are gorgeous, the script is tight and adapts the book perfectly for a modern context.
Yeah I could go on and on.
Robocop 2014 was dope. Dredd was wack.
FactsDennis Villeneuve is shytting on every other director the past few years so hard it's not even funny
i think fans gush over begins because of what it meant symbolically for the franchise and superhero movies in general. the hardcore fans were CLAMORING for something more grounded and serious and batman begins looked like a dream come true.
but the movie is still terrible imo.
This is a theme of multiple bond I don't understand why you specifically pointed it out in Casino Royale...