Days of Future Piff
Harry Plinkett was absolutely right on about the Star Wars Prequels. Those reviews 

I'm not a fan of shaky cam in movies. I want to clearly see people doing actual stunts and actual moves. When there's a fight scene and they're cutting every 0.5 seconds or the camera is shaking so you can't tell what's happening, that's usually a red flag to me that they can't really do the moves or didn't bother with a decent stunt-person.
CGI is overused and lowkey ruined action movies. It's great for some effects like the T-1000, or the Jurassic Park dinosaurs, but too many filmmakers use it as an easy way out instead of making scale models, stop motion, puppets, real sets, etc.

I'm not a fan of shaky cam in movies. I want to clearly see people doing actual stunts and actual moves. When there's a fight scene and they're cutting every 0.5 seconds or the camera is shaking so you can't tell what's happening, that's usually a red flag to me that they can't really do the moves or didn't bother with a decent stunt-person.
CGI is overused and lowkey ruined action movies. It's great for some effects like the T-1000, or the Jurassic Park dinosaurs, but too many filmmakers use it as an easy way out instead of making scale models, stop motion, puppets, real sets, etc.