STOP IT. i'm calling them sheep anytime any of them follow after hillary. Do you understand why that is? If bernie wasnt there. i would still call any black person RUNNING behind hillary a sheep.
You think its a beef or battle between stans. maybe with white people. But not with me(i'm black). I will never forget what hill and bill said/did during that 2008 run vs obama. If you're not black you could care less.
We have already seen things hill has championed that her husband has passed did middle america, middle class to broke class americans NO good.
and last but not least, we know politics is a wrap all due to what? way to much money running all up and thru DC. lobby lobby, lobby so that the rich can get even more rich while the rest of us work for less and less as the cost of living goes up and up, or they just trade our jobs in for abusing some other humans overseas.
Then to know hill and bill have made not a few grand, not a 100 or so grand. not 400k. but MILLIONS in speeches to The baller sector. That tells me all i need to know. At what point do you get off the Hillary boat if you're black and not Ultra Rich where you want to keep being ultra rich while others starve?
So all jokes aside, at what point do you get off the Hill /Clinton Bandwagon? See i aint mad at wall street for riding with the clintons. i didnt elect them, and most of them are not black, and most of them are who we need to be targeting. My issues is with regular people that are hurting, why the hell are you riding with anything called clinton at this point? if this were years and years ago before we saw the negative impact of their policies and if we didnt see her and her husbands chumming it up with wall street/bankers, etc that would be a completely different story. But since that is the case, there's no way in hell a regular joe should be riding for hillary like a lot of you are. it makes NO sense. Especially seeing that you have an alternative candidate.