The lie that what you allegedly give up has real value in comparison to having pretty much award winning first party titles that actually matter. I'd rather have access to those exclusive titles than all that stuff you listed.
When we're knee deep into the new generation backwards compatibility won't matter so much. More affordable games? Retail games cost the same across platforms. The quality of life console features are better but that's not really a game changer. Smart delivery like BC becomes less relevant as time goes on because the previous generation goes away.
The main argument I see you making is an Xbox Series X is also an amazing Xbox One, 360, and original Xbox. It's not really an argument for what the Series X is doing that none of those can.
Seems you have difficulty understanding the difference between facts and opinions.
Facts can never be “lies”
What I laid out are facts.
it’s your opinion that waiting for Sony exclusives means more to you than everyday value/convenience/features.
but that does not make the facts go away.
You ok with sacrificing all that for the promise of games to come. Then good for you